Sore mouth or throat or when eating is painful
General recommendations
- Eat soft, mashed, smooth or moist foods such as avocados, squash, pumpkins, papaya, bananas, yoghurt, creamed vegetables, soups, pasta dishes and minced food.
- Add liquids to foods or soften dry food by dipping in liquids.
- Drink cold drinks, soups, vegetable and fruit juices.
- Use a straw for drinking fluids.
- If your gums are painful and you cannot brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with bicarbonate of soda mixed with water.
- Chewing small pieces of green mango, kiwi or green papaya may help to relieve pain and discomfort.
- Drink spice teas, fermented sour cabbage or yoghurt.
Foods and drinks to avoid
- Very spicy and salty foods such as chillies and curries.
- Acidic or very sour foods such as oranges, lemons, pineapple, vinegar and tomatoes.
- Food and drinks that are too hot or too cold. Keep at room temperature.
- Foods that need a lot of chewing such as raw vegetables, or are sticky and hard to swallow such as peanut butter.
- If candida (oral thrush) is diagnosed, cut down on sweet foods such as sugar, honey and sweet fruit and drinks because sugar may make the condition worse.