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1. "Woodlands" is defined in CSR 38-2-2.134 to mean commercial woodlands where the postmining land use would result in the development of a commercial product for which flat or gently rolling land is essential to facilitate the operation of mechanical harvesting equipment.

2. (Australia - NSW) Woodland vegetation where trees cover 20-50% of the area under application (Crown separation ratio is 0.25-1). The trees are native but the shrubs or grasses may be native or exotic. Open Woodland where individual trees cover 0.2 - 20% of the area under application (Crown separation ratio is 1-20). The trees are native but the shrubs or grasses may be native or exotic.

3. (Australia) - A vegetation type dominated by woody vegetation having a mature or potential mature stand height exceeding 5 metres, with an overstory canopy cover less than 20%.

4. (Australia) Wooded Land - Land with vegetation with a projected foliage cover of less than 10% (this is equivalent to a crown cover of 0.25 to 20%) and included Tall, Medium and Low Trees (>30, 10-30 and <10 m respectively) and Tall Shrubs (>2 m). The Tall Shrubs category excludes eucalypts as these are included under 'forest' as Mallees."
[email protected] NFI (1999) definition of Other Wooded land

5. (Austria) (and non-forest land) - Areas which are not under forest management and which have a crown cover of less than 30%; areas stocked by shrubs (except coppice stands and areas which have been identified as protective forests); rows of trees (except wind belts); short rotation plantations, for instance for fuelwood production (with a rotation period of less than 30 years); Christmas tree cultures, forest nurseries, plantations for seeds of forest trees or fruits. (Austrian Forestry Act (Federal Legal Gazette no. 440/1975, as amended Federal Legal Gazette 231/1977, 142/1978 and 576/1987) From: Weiss Peter [email protected] )

6. (Czech Republic) Land covered by trees and/or shrubs which is not destined to fulfil forest functions e.g., the belts on river banks. (European Communities 1997b - p. 1225).

7. (Estonia) - Other wooded lands - includes shrubs, bushes and non-agricultural land covered with trees. For FRA 2000 - Source: UN/ECE 2000 p. 77.

8. (Finland) Scrubland - Potential capacity to produce a mean annual increment of at least 0.1 m3/ha but less than 1.0 m3/ha given an optimum tree species mix. (European Communities 1997a - p. 186)

9. (France) A subcategory of forest land - where the main function is not production. They consist of unmanaged forests: in accessible forest or forest land located on too steep slopes, protective forests (where cuttings are forbidden) and recreation forests, green spaces, no-admittance areas (military grounds for example). (European Communities 1997a - p. 255)

10. (Ireland) Coillte estate - Scrub and/or Amenity forests. (European Communities 1997a - p. 401).

11. (Miombo) Any woodland which is dominated by species of three related genera in the family Leguminosae: Brachystegia, Julbernardia and Isoberlinia. Miombo is regarded as woodland, in spite of its closed canopy (with crowns touching), because of its light foliage which allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support a continuous ground cover of grasses and other herbs.

12. (Norway) Other wooded land then corresponds to: "Non-productive forest land" and "wooded mire". Non-productive forest land should have an average potential production of between 0.1 and 1.0 m3 per ha and year, regardless of the current stocking and it should have mineral soil. Wooded mire has the same production potential as non-productive forest land, with a peat soil. From: [email protected]  (European Communities 1997b - p. 832).

13. (Oak) Those Devon woods which are dominated by English oak, sessile oak or the hybrids between the two. Devon Biodiversity Action.

14. (Remote Sensing) Area with tree crown cover of 5-20% of the surface. Trees should be able to grow to a height of more than 7 m (Koehl and Paivinen 1996).

15. (Romania) - OWL - forests owned by different state owners outside the "forest fund" - which are not characterized by statistical parameters. For FRA 2000 - Source: UN/ECE 2000 p 85

16. (Russian Federation) - OWL = includes areas of shrubs and bushes. For FRA 2000 - Source: UN/ECE 2000 p 85.

17. (South Africa) Woodland - Tree canopy cover between 40-70%. A closed-to-open canopy community, typically consisting of a single tree canopy layer and a herb (grass) layer. Thompson 1996?

18. (South Africa) Woodlands - 40-99% canopy cover, usually a tree layer, shrub layer and grass layer, typically 6m or more tall; regular fires.

19. (Sweden) - OWL - a quarter of the land with a tree crown ranging from 1-20 percent and areas larger than 0.25 ha. For FRA 2000 - Source: UN/ECE 2000 p 87.

20. (UK) - OWL - wood pastures For FRA 2000 - Source: UN/ECE 2000 p 90

21. (UN-FRA 2010 Proposed) - Land with tree canopy cover of more than 5 percent and area of more than 0.5 hectares. Trees, defined by Ecoregion, should be able to reach a minimum height of 2m at maturity in situ. Generally, woodland trees will not exceed 5m in height at maturity. Source: Brad Smith, USDA Forest Service, May 2002.

22. (USA-BIA) Woodland - Forestland with less than 5% crown cover by commercial timber species.

23. (USA-USGS) -Woodland, which is defined as "forest land," includes deciduous, evergreen, and mixed forest land, and orchards. The woodland data layer identifies deforestation or reforestation resulting from urbanization or conservation. The woodland is compiled using criteria based on tint and spectral reflectance. The minimum mapping unit for woodland is 10 acres. The classification scheme adopted for woodland is a modification of the Anderson Level II classification system. All woodland areas are collected as polygons, compiled into one separate coverage, and assigned category 44.

24. (USA-USFS-R8) An open stand of trees with crowns not usually touching (generally forming a 25 to 60 percent cover). USDA Forest Service 1997.

25. (USA-Virginia) - Woodland - Forest land incapable of producing 20 cubic feet per acre per year of industrial wood under natural conditions, because of adverse site conditions.,

26. (Vanuatu) Trees with separated crowns, generally <10 m tall. A clearly visible layer of herbs and/or grasses. Source: Bellamy, J.A. Vanuatu Resource Information System. VANRIS Handbook. Via Adam Gerrand.

27. A forest with low tree densities, often defined as less than 20% to 30% crown cover when trees are mature.

28. A landscape where the dominant vegetation is composed of tree species that are generally not capable of producing commercial tree growth.

29. A natural community of widely spaced and often stunted trees that occurs on knolls and hill tops where soils are excessively well-drained and bedrock outcrops are abundant.

30. A piece of land on which trees are cultivated

31. A plant community dominated by short-boled trees (usually species of eucalypts) that are separated from each other and with grasses and other herbs forming a more or less continuous ground cover between them.

32. A small forest.

33. An area or biotic community dominated by widely-spaced trees of short stature growing on warm, dry sites. In the Southwest, common woodland species are oak, pinyon, and juniper; these woodlands usually occur below 8,000 feet elevation.

34. An area planted to trees for fuel, or timber.

35. Any wooded areas having a canopy closure of 50% and greater.

36. Area with tree crown cover of 5-20% of the surface. Trees should be able to grow to a height of more than 7 m. Included are 1) the area with young trees or coppice able to form open forest in the future, 2) area of potentially open forest which is temporarily unstocked due to regeneration or damage. Forest roads, firebreaks etc., as well as nurseries and storages less than 0.5 ha are included in open forest area (Köhl and Päivinen 1996).

37. Areas dominated by trees with a total canopy cover of 26-60 %, most tree crowns not touching each other. An herbaceous or shrub understory, or both, are usually present. An open stand of trees, sometimes called "open forest."

38. Areas of trees whose tops collectively shade less that 30 percent of the ground

39. Areas with an annual yield capacity between 0.1 and 1 m3 wood including bark per hectare under favourable stand conditions. As for productive forest land, consideration should be given to yield capacity and not a temporary absence of trees. [From: Stein Tomter [email protected] Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 14:50:20 +0200]

40. Forest land producing trees not typically used as saw timber products and not included in calculation of the commercial forest land ASQ. Medford Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan.

41. Land covered with wood i.e. trees; a wooded region or piece of ground. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary

42. Land devoted to the growing of trees

43. Land either with a tree crown cover (or equivalent stocking level) of 5-10 percent of trees able to reach a height of 5 m at maturity in situ; or a crown cover (or equivalent stocking level) of more than 10 percent of trees not able to reach a height of 5 m a maturity in situ (e.g. dwarf or stunted trees) and shrub or bush cover. Excludes: Areas having the tree, shrub or bush cover specified above but of less than 0.5 ha and width of 20 m, which are classed under "other land"; Land predominately used for agricultural practices (UN-ECE 1997).

44. Land that is mostly covered with dense growths of trees and shrubs. A generalized term

45. Land under open stands of trees. Paraphrased from

46. Open stand of trees up to approximately 18 metres in height in which tree crowns cover at least 30 per cent of the land area but are, for the most part, not overlapping.

47. Open stands of trees with crowns not usually touching (generally forming 25-60% cover). Canopy tree cover may be less than 25% in cases where it exceeds shrub, dwarf-shrub, herb, and nonvascular cover, respectively. and

48. Other wooded areas are the wooded formations of any kind less than 0,5 ha in size, as well as open woodlands having a crown density less than 20%, areas of brushwood, shrubland, stunted trees etc..

49. Predominately tree covered land. Paraphrased from .

50. Small forest, a forest composed of young trees, or a forest from which fuelwood is cut. Colliers Encyclopedia.

51. The tract of wooded land which is maintained primarily to furnish fuel, posts, lumber and other wood products for use on the farm. (Fergusen 1916).

52. Upland and bottomland forests or idle areas over grown with trees having canopy greater than 10 percent and at least 100 feet wide. Fence rows and woody draws are not classified as woodland but are included as features in the cropland, pature/hayland or old field habitat types.

53. Wooded area - A land area which is at least six (6) percent covered with trees that are two (2) metres or more in height.

54. Wooded area - Corresponds to the FAO definition of forest and woodland. It refers to land under natural or planted stands of trees, whether productive or not, and includes land from which forests have been cleared but that will be reforested in the foreseeable future.

55. Wooded area consists of forest area and other wooded areas.

56. Woodlands - 50-100% tree canopy cover, and a graminaceous layer.

57. Woods, Copses, Shelterbelts - predominately tree covered land in smaller units.
Paraphrased from

58. Woody land - "The Woody land class includes any species with an aerial stem that persists for more than one season. The class is divided into three subclasses: 1.41-Deciduous, 1`.42-Evergreen, and 1.43-Mixed." (Dobson, et al. 1995). Each of these classes in turn are divided into Forest and Scrub/Shrub components based on a 20 foot height criterion.

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