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Adlington, G., Grover, R., Heywood, M., Keith, S., Munro-Faure, P. & Perrotta, L. 2000. "Developing real estate markets in transition economies" (A paper commissioned by the RICS Foundation from LAPECO; available on RICS Foundation & UNECE web sites).

Bevc, I. 2001. "Europe in transition: Slovenia; real estate tax and valuation system development", IRRV/IPTI International Conference in Cambridge.

Brown, P.K. & Hepworth, M. 2000. A study of European land tax systems (Comment. See sections on Albania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovak Republic). IRRV.

Brzeski, J. 2001. "Europe in transition; property taxation challenges in Central and Eastern Europe", IRRV/IPTI International Conference in Cambridge.

Deakin, M. 1996. "The development of a cadastral system: Kiev City since the rent as tax debate". Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration. Vol. 2, no. 3.

Franzsen, R. & van Schalkwyk, H. 1996. "A rural land tax for South Africa". Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration. Vol. 2, no. 2.

Lam, A.; Franzsen, R. & Brzeski, J. 2001. "Interface of housing policy and property taxation. Comparative issues in the US and Poland". IRRV/IPTI International Conference in Cambridge.

Malme, J. & Youngman, J. 2001. The development of property taxation in economies in transition. World Bank Institute.

McCluskey, W. 1999. ed. Property tax: An international comparative review (Comment. See sections on Czech Republic by Alena Rochlickova; Estonia by Tambert Tiits and Aivar Tomson; Hungary by Gabor Peteri and Mihaly Lados; Poland by Jan Brzeski). Ashgate Publishing Company.

Portnov, B., Deddis, W., McCluskey, W. & Kucharska-Stasiak, K. 1997/98. "Addressing the Distinct Problems of Urban Land Appraisal in a Transitional Economy". Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration. Vol. 3, no. 1.

Roskoshnaya T. 2001. "Property taxation in Russia: rights, duties and problems". IRRV/IPTI International Conference in Cambridge.

OECD. Revenue Statistics 1965-1999.

The Economist. Europe in Figures 1999.

The Economist. The world in figures 1999.

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