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24. Mr Kelleher described a range of VMS options that could be considered in the subregion. His presentation “Towards a Sub-Regional VMS strategy” illustrated these options as four models - namely:

a) the client-server “FFA model”, which has as its nucleus the Surveillance Operations Coordination Unit (also commonly known by its French acronym UCOS);

b) the peer-to peer “EU/CFP model” applied as a secure wide area network controlled by a common protocol agreed between the Member States;

c) a fishery specific model; an

d) a bilateral model in which two (or more) member countries cooperate.

25. A number of variations on these models were discussed. Mr Kelleher stressed that the “FFA model” is supported by international agreements, while the “EU model” is enforced by EU legislation. In response to questions, he suggested that priority concerns should be: the EU fleet, which is already equipped with VMS; the development of an agreement between the Senegalese administration and private sector vessel operators who have already installed VMS; and the fleet of over 80 reefers and bunker vessels supporting the ‘offshore fishery economy’.

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