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Ayieko A. K. From single parents to child-headed households: the case of children orphaned in Kisumu and Siaya District, HIV and Development Programme Study Paper No. 7, 1998.

Barnett T. The effects of HIV/AIDS on agricultural production systems and rural livelihoods in Eastern Africa: a summary analysis, FAO, 1994.

Barnett T. The effects of HIV/AIDS on farming systems and rural livelihoods in Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia, FAO, 1994.

Barnett T. and Blaikie P. AIDS in Africa, London, Belhaven, 1992.

Barnett T., Blas E. and Whiteside A. (eds.) AIDS briefs for sectoral planners and managers: Subsistence agriculture, commercial agriculture, WHO, 1996.

Bollinger L. and Stover J. The economic impact of AIDS, The Futures Group International, in collaboration with the Research Triangle Institute and the Centre for Development and Population Activities, 1999.

Bollinger L. and Stover J. The economic impact of HIV/AIDS in Swaziland, The Futures Group International in collaboration with the Research Triangle Institute and the Centre for Development and Population Activities, 1999.

Bollinger L. and Stover J. The economic impact of AIDS in Zambia, The Futures Group International, 1999.

Bollinger L., Stover J. and Kibirige V. The economic impact of AIDS in Uganda, The Futures Group International, 1999.

Bota S, Malindi G. and Nyekanyeka M. Factoring AIDS into the agricultural sector in Malawi, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, presentation at the Durban Toolkit Workshop, 1998.

Cohen D. The HIV epidemic and sustainable human development, paper prepared for the Fourth International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific, October 1997.

Cohen D. Poverty and HIV/AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa, UNDP HIV and Development Programme, Issues Paper No. 27, 1998.

Cohen D. Human capital and the HIV epidemic, UNDP HIV and Development Programme, May 2000.

Cohen D. Evaluating HIV and AIDS: why capacity development is central to assessing performance, UNDP, August 2000.

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FAO. What has AIDS to do with agriculture?, Rome, 1994.

FAO. Fighting AIDS in rural areas: why and how should extension workers help, Rome, 1996.

FAO. The effects of HIV/AIDS on farming systems in Eastern Africa, Rome, 1996.

FAO. Impact du VIH/SIDA sur les systèmes d'exploitations agricoles en Afrique de l'Ouest, Rome, 1997.

FAO. HIV/AIDS: a threat to food security and rural development, Rome, 2000.

Fransen L and Whiteside A. Considering HIV/AIDS in development assistance: a toolkit, EEC, 1997.

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Gillespie S. The potential impact of AIDS on food production systems in Central Africa, FAO, 1988.

GTZ. Factoring HIV/AIDS into the agricultural sector in Kenya, 1999.

Hegle J. Factoring HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation activities into the programming of SG 2000 in Malawi, Global 2000, The Carter Center, November 1999.

Hemrich G. HIV/AIDS as a cross-sectoral issue for technical cooperation. GTZ HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in Developing Countries Paper No. 1, 1997.

Hemrich G. The relevance of HIV/AIDS to GTZ-supported projects in Kenya, Workshop Report, GTZ-Kenya, Nairobi, March 1998.

Hemrich G. The impact of AIDS on food security: draft workshop report, KIT, Bukoba Tanzania, June 1999.

International Herald Tribune, AIDS cripples economies of sub-Saharan Africa, 13 December 1999.

Kadonya C. The impact of HIV/AIDS on smallholder agriculture in Tanzania: rethinking of other intervention strategies, paper presented at the Regional Conference for Eastern and Southern Africa on responding to HIV/AIDS technology development needs of African smallholder agriculture, Harare, June 1998.

Kamwanga J et al. Disease, HIV/AIDS and capacity of the agriculture public sector in Zambia: working draft on impressions from the data on mortality and associated capacity implications, UNAIDS/UNDP paper, April 2000.

Kwaramba P. The socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on communal agricultural production systems in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Farmers' Union and Friederich Ebert Stiftung, 1997.

Leshabari M. T., Kaaya S. F., Nguma J. and Kapiga S. Household and community responses to HIV/AIDS in Kyela District, Muhimbili University, Dar es Salaam, 1996.

Mutangadura G., Jackson H. et al., AIDS and African smallholder agriculture, Safaids, 1999.

Mutangadura G., Mukurazita D. and Jackson H. A review of household and community coping responses to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the rural areas of sub-Saharan Africa, UNAIDS Best Practice Paper, June 1999.

Narathius A. and Odongkara F. An appraisal of the line ministry-AIDS control programmes, UNDP HIV/AIDS Prevention and Poverty Reduction Programme Uganda, December 1997.

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PANOS. The hidden cost of AIDS, Panos Institut, London, 1992.

Report of the Regional Conference for Eastern and Southern Africa on responding to HIV/AIDS technology development needs of African smallholder agriculture, Harare, June 1998.

Rugalema G. Consequences of loss of labour due to HIV/AIDS in smallholder households in a Buhaya village, Bukoba District, Tanzania, paper presented at the Regional Conference for Eastern and Southern Africa on responding to HIV/AIDS technology development needs of African smallholder agriculture, Harare, June 1998.

Rugalema G. Adult mortality as entitlement failure: AIDS and the crisis of rural livelihoods in a Tanzanian village, 1999.

Sayagues M. AIDS hits Uganda's villagers. Africa Recovery, Vol. 12, No. 4, April 1999.

Stover J. and Johnston A. The art of policy formulation: experience from Africa in developing national HIV/AIDS policies, The Futures Group, August 1999.

Thompson A. and Metz M. Implications of economic policy for food security: a training manual, FAO Training Materials for Agricultural Planning No. 40, 1997.

Topouzis D. The implications of HIV/AIDS on the work of FAO's investment centre, FAO, Rome, 1995.

Topouzis D. The socio-impact of HIV/AIDS on rural families in Uganda, UNDP Discussion Paper No. 2, 1995;

Topouzis D. The implications of HIV/AIDS for rural development policy and programming, UNDP Study Paper No. 6, New York, 1998.

Topouzis D. The implications of HIV/AIDS for household food security in Africa, paper presented at the regional workshop "Women's Reproductive Health and Household Food Security in Rural Africa", ECA, Addis Ababa, October 1999.

Topouzis D. Measuring the impact of HIV/AIDS on the agricultural sector in Africa, UNAIDS paper prepared for the Africa Development Forum, December 2000; in CD-ROM Economics and AIDS in Africa: Getting Policies Right.

Topouzis D. The impact of HIV on agriculture and rural development: implications for training institutions, Human Resources in Agricultural and Rural Development, FAO journal, 2000.

Topouzis D. and du Guerny J. Sustainable Agricultural/Rural Development and Vulnerability to the AIDS Epidemic, FAO/UNAIDS Joint Publication, UNAIDS Best Practice Collection, December 1999.

Topouzis D. and Hemrich G. The socio-economic impact of HIV/AIDS on rural families in Uganda: an emphasis on youth, UNDP Discussion Paper No. 2, 1996.

Topouzis D. and Hemrich G. Multi-sectoral responses to HIV/AIDS: constraints and opportunities for technical cooperation. Journal of International Development, January 2000, pp. 85-99.

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UNAIDS. HIV/AIDS epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa, Fact Sheet 1, 1996.

UNAIDS Best Practice Collection. Expanding the global response to HIV/AIDS through focused action, 1998.

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