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About the land resources of Republic of Uzbekistan, 2001, 2002. SCLRRUz (State Committee for Land resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan), Tashkent.

Production indicators in 1996-2001 of the enterprises concerned with the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2001. MAWRRUz (Ministry of Agriculture and water resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan), Tashkent.

Statistical Abstracts on the Environment of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 1996. Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI), Tashkent.

Turkistan - our common home - Ecological and environmental problems in the region of Central Asia, 1995. Konrad Adenaur-Stiftung, Turan.

The Aral in crisis, 1995. UNDP, Tashkent.

The Aral Sea basin problems, 1998 (Research, projects, recommendations) Tashkent.

Practical recommendation for agriculture: land, water, and fertilizers, 1996. Edited in cooperation with MAWRRUz, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and "Uzplodovoshvinprom" association of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent 1996.

Organic fertilizers in intensive agriculture, 1984, edited by V. G. Mineeva, Moscow. (Kolos).

Ergashev Abdi-Kadir, 1999. Ecological and socio-economic aspects of the use of mineral fertilizers in Aral Sea Basin countries, 67th IFA Annual Conference, Manila.

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