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Les informations utilisées pour la rédaction de ce rapport proviennent principalement des documents existants dans le secteur. Il n'a pas été jugé nécessaire de répéter les références dans le texte chaque fois qu'il fallait les citer.

Ouvrages de référence

Bith-Hong Ling, PingSun Leung and Yung C. Shang. 2001. Comparing Asian shrimp farming: the domestic resource cost (DRC) approach In Economics and Management of Shrimp and Carp Farming in Asia. A collection of research papers based on the ADB/NACA Farm Performance Survey, Network of Aquaculture Centers in Asia-Pacific (NACA), Bangkok, Thailand.

Chenery, H.B. 1961. Comparative advantage and development policy. American Economic Review, 51: 18-51.

Gonzales, L.A., Kasryno, F, Perez, N.D. and Rosegrant, M.W.. 1993. Economic incentives and comparative advantage in Indonesian food crop production. International Food Policy Research Institue, research Report No.93, Washington, D.C., 108 pp.

Jitasanguan, T. 1988. An empirical study of policy incentives and comparative advantage in the fisheries industry of Thailand. PhD. Dissertation, Department of Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, 151 pp.

NACA. 2001. Economics and management of shrimp and carp farming in Asia. A collection of research papers based on the ADB/NACA farm performance survey. 13-31 pp.

Pearson, S.R. and Meyer, R.K.. 1974. Comparative advantage among African coffee producers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56: 310-313.

Annexes aux principaux documents sur la loi, réglementation et instructions sur la pêche:

  1. Agriculture Law of the People, Republic of China (July 2, 1993)

  2. Fishery Law of the People, Republic of China ( July 1, 1986, revised on Oct.31, 2000)

  3. Implement rules on fishery law of the People, republic of China (Oct. 14, 1987)

  4. Environment Protection Law of the People, Republic of China (Dec. 16, 1989)

  5. Water Pollution Prevention Law of the People, Republic of China (May, 11, 1994, revised on May 15, 1996)

  6. Instruction on release restrictions, to expedite the development of aquatic product industry (Mar. 11, 1985)

  7. Implement regulation on protection of aquatic wild animal (1993)

  8. Directive notice on approval and implement the instruction of the Ministry of Agriculture to further expedite fishery sector (Jan. 27, 1997)

  9. Guiding instrument on adjusting structure of fishery sector(Dec. 29,1999)

Références statistiques utilisées

China Fisheries Yearbook 2000, China Agriculture Press, 2001
China Agriculture Yearbook 2000, China Agriculture Press, 2001
China Agriculture Yearbook 1999, China Agriculture Press, 2000
China Agriculture Yearbook 1998, China Agriculture Press, 1999
China Agriculture Yearbook 1995, China Agriculture Press, 1996
China Agriculture Yearbook 1992, China Agriculture Press, 1993
China Agriculture Yearbook 1990, China Agriculture Press, 1991
China Agriculture Yearbook 1980, China Agriculture Press, 1981
Fish farming, China Agriculture Press, 2000
Agriculture cyclopaedia (fishery volume), China Agriculture Press, 1994
Business and Administration of fishery enterprises, China Agriculture Press, 2001
Journal of Dalian Fishery College, Volume 3, 2000
Collection book on fishery law and regulation, China Agriculture Press, 1999

Les informations viennent également des observations effectuées par des experts lors des missions sur le terrain et des principaux acteurs du secteur, à savoir les décideurs, les responsables au niveau du gouvernement, les aquaculteurs (gestionnaires et propriétaires), les détaillants et les consommateurs, ainsi que des connaissances personnelles de l'équipe de rédaction.

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