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The information on the agro-ecological zones of Cuba was provided by F. J. Arcia, C. Balmaseda, R. Marín, Regla M. Chang, R. Villegas and D. Ponce de León of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones de la Caña de Azúcar (INICA), Cuba. The other sections are based on the work of Rafael Villegas of INICA.

The study benefited from the contributions of K. Isherwood, J. Poulisse and T. van den Bergen (FAO).

The cover photographs were provided by: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.a. (pepper) and FAO/20412/G. Bizzarri (banana).The source of the background cover photograph was provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (sugar cane).

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