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Further reading

Association Française des Chambres de Commerce. 1991. Guide des marchés. Association Française des Chambres de Commerce, Paris.

Beer, A. & Higgins, C. 2000. Environmental planning for site development. London, E & F. N. Spon.

ESCAP. 1979. Guidelines for rural centre planning, Vol. 1. New York, United Nations.

FAO. 1989. Horticultural marketing: a resource and training manual for extension officers. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 76, Rome.

FAO. 1991. Wholesale markets: planning and design manual, by J. Tracey-White. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 90, Rome.

FAO. 1993. A guide to marketing costs and how to calculate them, by A. Shepherd. Marketing and Rural Finance Service, FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1993. Guidelines for the design of agricultural investment projects. FAO Investment Centre Technical Paper 7, Rome.

FAO. 1995. Retail markets: planning guide, by J. Tracey-White. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 121, Rome.

FAO. 1997. Market information services: theory and practice, by A. Shepherd. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 125, Rome.

FAO. 1999. A guide to maize marketing for extension workers, by A. Shepherd. FAO Marketing Extension Guide No. 1, Rome.

FAO. 1999. Law and markets: improving the legal environment for agricultural marketing, by C. Cullinan. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 139, Rome.

FAO. 1999. Wholesale market management: a manual, by R. J. Densley & E. Sanchez-Monjo. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 140, Rome.

FAO. 1999. Market infrastructure planning: a guide for decision makers, by J. Tracey-White. FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin No. 141, Rome.

FAO. 2000. Understanding and using market information, by A. Shepherd. FAO Marketing Extension Guide No. 2, Rome.

Lebo, J. & Schelling, D. 2001. Design and appraisal of rural transport infrastructure - ensuring basic access for rural communities. World Bank Technical Paper No. 496, World Bank, Washington, DC.

McCracken, J., Pretty, J. & Conway, G. 1988. An introduction to rapid rural appraisal for rural development. London, International Institute for Environment and Development.

Stern, P. 1985. Field engineering: an introduction to development works and construction in rural areas. London, Intermediate Technology Publications.

Tufte, E. 1990. Envisioning information, Cheshire, Connecticut, USA, Graphics Press.

Wates, N. 2000. The community planning handbook. London, Earthscan Publications.

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