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The International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID) is an international independant multi-donor trust fund programme created in 1990 and first located at the World Bank. Since 1998, it has been hosted by FAO as a Special Programme.

IPTRID aims to assist developing countries, and countries in transition, in building capacity for sustainable agricultural water management to reduce poverty and enhance food security, while conserving the enviroment. IPTRID mobilizes the expertise of a worldwide network of leading institutions in the field of irrigation, drainage and water resources management.

Together with its partners, the IPTRID Secretariat provides advisory services and technical assistance to countries and development agencies, for the formulation and implementation of strategies, programmes and projects. IPTRID was created as a initiative of ICID. During the last ten years it has been supported by more than twenty international organizations and government agencies. The present programme is cofinanced by FAO, The World Bank, The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, France and Spain.

For further information about the IPTRID Programme please contact the IPTRID Secretariat at the following address:

IPTRID Secretariat
Land and Water Development Division
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy

Tel.: (+39) 06 57052068-57056847
Fax: (+39) 06 57056275
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: -

One of IPTRID's priority activities is to create awareness among the interested public and the professional community on irrigation and drainage issues, particularly on the positive benefits of irrigated agriculture. The Issue Papers series aims to promote debate on important matters related to the development and sustainable operation of water use in agriculture.

The irrigation challenge, is the fourth in a series of issue papers to be published by IPTRID. The earlier issue papers, Poverty reduction and irrigated agriculture, Realizing the value of irrigation system maintenance and Drainage and sustainability, were published in January - June 1999 and October 2001 respectively.

Publications of these papers will be announced in the IPTRID network magazine Grid, which is published biannually. Requests for Grid magazine and for copies of the issue papers should be sent to the IPTRID Secretariat at the address above.

Building capacity for sustainable agricultural water management

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