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This report is the result of a process of consultation and research in nine countries across three continents. The nine case studies were carried out by three consultants: Mr. Estifanos Tekle, Africa, Ms. Maria Antonia Tuazon, Asia and Mr. Victor Puac, Latin America, respectively, to whom the authors wish to express their appreciation. Their reports provided the basis for the main report. We must express our gratitude to Dr. Suraiya Ismail for her excellent assistance, her insights and valuable comments throughout the field work and writing processes.

There are many people and organizations that have contributed to this work and we could not name them all here, but we would also like to thank the representatives from government, non-governmental organizations and communities for their time and cooperation. Like us, many readers will appreciate the sharing of their diverse experiences.

Our gratitude also goes to Dr. Kraisid Tontisirin, Director, Food and Nutrition Division of FAO and to Dr. Prakash Shetty, Chief, Nutrition Planning, Assessment and Evaluation Service of this Division, for their continuous support. We would also like to acknowledge the valuable assistance provided by Ms. Isabella McDonnell and Ms. Fiona Best in the preparation of this report.