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Appreciation is extended, first and foremost, to the people of the rural communities in Namibia, Uganda and Zambia who actively participated in the IP surveys and without whom none of this would have been possible. We also thank the local governments, research institutions and universities who allowed their staff to assist in the collection of data that contributed towards the development of this summary report.

The IP would like to acknowledge the special efforts of the partner institutions and the national coordinators, for their patience, advice and logistical support. These are: Africa Institutional Management Services (AIMS) and Imms Namaseb in Namibia; National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) and David Mawejje in Uganda; and Farming System Association of Zambia (FASAZ) and Coillard Hamusimbi in Zambia. The IP also thanks the national research team leaders: Dayo Ogunmokun and Adelheid Awases in Namibia, Christopher Laker and Agnes Ssekiboobo in Uganda, and Chrispin Kapunda, Petan Hamazakaza and Coillard Hamusimbi in Zambia, for supervising the surveys, data analysis and the compilation of national reports, as well as the statisticians Atsuko Nonoyama and Daniel Daka for assisting in managing and analysing the data. We also thank the FAO Representatives and Programme Officers in Kampala, Windhoek and Lusaka for providing in-country guidance, and we express our appreciation for the technical input provided by IP’s Programme Implementation Task Force (PITF) at FAO headquarters.[1]

The authors of this report, Natasha Mesko, Esther Wiegers and Vibeke Hermanrud, are hereby acknowledged for their efforts, as are the following staff members who reviewed and commented on the report: Sissel Ekaas, Marcela Villarreal, Clare Bishop, John Hourihan and John Curry.

Finally, special appreciation is due to the Government of Norway for generously providing the funds to implement the IP (GCP/INT/694/NOR).

[1] A list of PITF members is available at:

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