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4.7 Diphenylamine (030)(R)

R-residue and analytical aspects


The CCPR at its 35th Session (Paragraph 57, ALINORM 03/24a, 2003) decided to advance the MRL for cattle milk to Step 5 and requested JMPR to clarify whether whole milk or milk fat was fortified in the recovery experiments. The Committee noted that the definition of the residue should indicate that the compound is fat-soluble.

Recovery tests were successful for both whole milk and milk fat. Analytical recoveries by the enforcement method for diphenylamine from samples fortified at 0.01 and 1.0 mg/kg were satisfactory for whole milk, skimmed milk and cream (milk fat). The results are summarized in Table 14, p. 169 of the JMPR Residue Evaluations, 2001. The 2001 JMPR recommended that diphenylamine should be described as fat-soluble.

The recommended maximum residue level for milk is 0.0004*F.

The "F" indicates that the recommended maximum residue level is calculated as 4% of the estimated concentration in milk fat (0.01 mg/kg). Milk fat is the fraction of the milk that is analysed. The asterisk indicates that the estimated concentration in milk fat is at or about the LOQ for milk fat (0.01 mg/kg). Analytical recoveries were satisfactory for diphenylamine in cream (milk fat) at 0.01 mg/kg.

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