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98. The Workshop Facilitator, Dr Aquorau, thanked FAO for organizing the Workshop which was timely given the imminent entry into force of the 2000 Convention for the Conservation and Management of Highly Migratory Fish Stocks in the Western and Central Pacific Oceans. He thanked the participants for their active involvement in the Workshop and particularly for sharing their experiences and knowledge as to how the Code could best be implemented in the special situation of island countries. He also thanked the resource persons for sharing their knowledge and vast experiences which had helped participants broaden their understanding of the Code. He reiterated his remarks at the opening of the Workshop that the Code was essentially about good resource governance. He added that since Pacific Island countries were more dependent on fisheries resources than most other States, it was especially important for them to apply the Code in the management of fisheries resources. The Workshop Facilitator noted that it was incumbent on countries to ensure that their fisheries resources were not overexploited through careless and reckless management practices. He further noted that all stakeholders had a critical role to play in the management and utilization of fisheries and aquaculture and called on regional and international organizations to cooperate closely with each other to promote the implementation of the Code in the Pacific Islands.

99. On behalf of the FAO Sub-Regional Representative for the Pacific, Mr Izumi, the Workshop Coordinator, thanked all participants, resource persons and FAO staff for their cooperation and active participation in the Workshop. He expressed FAO's continued commitment to the implementation of the Code of Conduct in the region in close cooperation with Members and regional and international organizations. He also thanked FAO Headquarters for initiating the Workshop and for securing funding. In addition, FAO's general technical assistance programme was referred to and the need for Members to improve their communications with FAO so that the Organization's activities could be nationally and regionally enhanced.

100. The Technical Secretary, Dr Doulman, thanked the participants, resource persons and FAO colleagues for their dedication and hard work during the Workshop. He expressed his gratitude to the Workshop Facilitator who had guided deliberations in a skilled and exemplary manner. The Technical Secretary stressed the importance of the effective implementation of the Code of Conduct in the Pacific Islands where the responsible management and utilization of all fisheries and aquaculture were of the utmost social and economic importance. He noted that the Workshop had proposed a series of healthy conclusions, recommendations and follow-up actions that reflected national and regional needs with respect to the further implementation of the Code. The Technical Secretary reiterated that FAO gave high priority to the implementation of the Code, to achieving long-term sustainable outcomes in fisheries and aquaculture and to ensuring that the fisheries sector made a maximum contribution to food security and economic development in the region. He added that within its technical and financial capabilities and the constraints that these imposed, FAO would continue to assist Pacific Island countries deepen the implementation of the Code, particularly by building on past initiatives and achievements. The Technical Secretary concluded by recognizing the important financial support for the Workshop provided by FAO's FishCode Programme (which administers the Japanese small island developing State Trust Fund) and FAO's Regular Programme. The efforts of FAO's Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific Islands and the FishCode programme in facilitating administrative arrangements for the Workshop were also gratefully acknowledged.

101. On behalf of the participants, Mr Pasisi, thanked FAO for the Workshop, noting that it was both timely and highly beneficial. It was pointed out that the effective implementation of the Code of Conduct was a priority for Pacific Island countries. Participants expressed the view that the information and greater understanding they had obtained about the Code in the Workshop would assist them further implement the Code when they returned to their respective administrations.

102. The proposed follow-up actions to the Workshop, as reflected in paragraphs 94 to 97 of this Report, were adopted on 31 October 2003.

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