The Food and Agriculture Organization (the Organization), was established on 16 October 1945. Its headquarters are in Rome, Italy. The purpose of the Organization is to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living; secure improvements in the efficiency of the production and distribution of all food and agricultural products; better the condition of rural populations; and thus contribute toward an expanding world economy and ensure humanity's freedom from hunger.

The Organization's Programme of Work (Regular Programme) is approved by the Conference of Member Nations. The related budget appropriations voted are financed by annual contributions based on an assessment on Member Nations and Associate Members by the Conference. Unutilised appropriations at the close of the financial period are cancelled, except for the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) appropriation which remains available for obligations during the financial period following that for which the funds were voted.

Voluntary contributions for special purposes, which are consistent with the policies, aims and activities of the Organization, may be accepted by the Director-General and Trust and Special Funds established accordingly. In addition, the Organization receives funds under an inter-organizational arrangement with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to participate as an executing agency for UNDP technical cooperation projects or act as implementing agency for UNDP funded projects executed by other executing agencies. Voluntary contributions and funds received include payment towards recovering certain costs relating to technical, managerial and administrative services (support costs) which are a necessary part of extra-budgetary projects.

In agreement with the main multilateral financing agencies for agriculture, the Organization provides investment support services under jointly financed missions to individual countries, for which it receives reimbursement of an agreed share of costs. The Organization also renders technical, management and administrative services to the UN/FAO World Food Programme (WFP) on a cost reimbursement basis.


Financial Period

The financial period is a biennium consisting of two consecutive calendar years.

Basis of Preparation

The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards.


Income is recognised when the Organization becomes entitled to it with the exception of voluntary contributions and funds received under inter-organizational arrangement. This income is recognised proportionately with the degree of project activity completed as measured in terms of expenditure.


Expenditure is recognised as costs are incurred.

Equipment, Furniture and Vehicles

The cost of equipment, furniture and vehicles is fully expensed in the year of purchase.

Foreign currencies

The financial statements are expressed in US dollars. Income and expenditure in currencies other than US dollars are translated into US dollars at the UN operational rates of exchange which approximate the market rate in effect at the date of the underlying transactions. Assets and liabilities in currencies other than US dollars are translated at the UN operational rate of exchange in effect at 31 December 2001. Exchange differences are taken to the income and expenditure account.


Investments are stated at the lower of cost and market value determined on a total portfolio basis.

End of Service and Retirement Benefits

The end of service and retirement benefit are charged to expenditure on an accruals basis. The resultant unrecorded liability for After Service Medical Care and the Terminal Payments is being amortised over 30 years and 15 years, respectively.


  2000/01 1998/99
2000/01 Regular Programme assessments 647,100 640,800
less:  Amount in respect of Tax Equalisation Fund (4,000) (2,500)
         Discounts on Contributions received (545) (977)
  642,555 637,323


  2000/01 1998/99
(a) General and Related Funds
      Support Costs 26,500 28,172
(b) Trust Funds and UNDP
      Donor countries 280,408 256,739
      Donor institutions 289,134 164,112
      Multidonor projects 30,526 24,139
  600,068 444,990
  626,568 473,162


  2000/01 1998/99
(a) General and Related Funds
      Support Costs 2,595 4,869
(b) Trust Funds and UNDP
      Funds received under inter-organizational arrangement 34,220 56,901
  36,815 61,770


  2000/01 1998/99
FAO/World Bank Cooperative Programme 17,870 17,648
African Development Bank 1,464 2,722
Asian Development Bank 667 1,167
International Fund for Agricultural Development 1,927 2,371
Others 963 474
  22,891 24,382


  2000/01 1998/99
(a) General and Related Funds
      Investment income 5,320 49,423
      Bank interest 9,345 9,405
      Lapse of Accrued liabilities 2,668 4,795
      Other (1,806) 1,632
  15,527 65,255
(b) Trust Funds and UNDP
      Bank Interest 13,029 16,424
  28,556 81,679


  2000/01 1998/99
Government cash contributions 1,921 2,073
Information Products Revolving Fund 1,409 2,061
Gains/(Losses) on exchange (47,040) (17,353)
Sundries 4,746 1,134
  (38,964) (12,085)


  2000/01 1998/99
(a) General and Related Funds:
      Staff salaries 398,291 439,360
      Other human resources 71,987 83,524
      Official travel 52,153 49,762
      General operating expenses 42,623 27,446
      Purchase of equipment 56,024 49,420
      Training 6,733 5,654
      Contracts 37,562 18,164
      Sundries 4,421 23,007
  669,794 696,337
  2000/01 1998/99
(b) Trust Funds and UNDP
      Staff salaries 110,833 112,286
      Other human resources 62,200 72,714
      Official travel 44,809 42,915
      General operating expenses 47,712 26,234
      Purchase of equipment 266,772 173,844
      Training 25,596 25,662
      Contracts 71,956 37,812
      Sundries 4,410 10,424
  634,288 501,891
  1,304,082 1,198,228

The expenditure of the General and Related Funds above which amounts to $669.8 million includes $580.9 million in respect of the 2000/01 appropriation; $64.6 million in respect of 1998/99 TCP appropriation; $22.9 million in respect of Jointly financed activities; and $1.4 million in respect of the Information Products Revolving Fund.


Conference Resolution 3/99 authorised the Director-General to spend up to $9 million for the purposes of meeting redeployment and separation costs over and above the net budgetary appropriations approved for 2000/01. The same resolution authorised the advance of Working Capital Fund up to the amount of $9 million to complete restructuring pending eventual receipt of assessed contributions in arrears from the major contributor.


  2000/01 1998/99
At 1 January 2000 169,163 154,000
Assessment on Member Nations 11,899 14,489
Government Cash Contributions 387 790
  12,286 15,279
Provision no longer required (435) (116)
At 31 December 2001 181,014 169,163


  2000/01 1998/99
Compensation Plan 17,238 17,334
Separation Payments Scheme 55,621 64,838
After-Service Medical Care 77,602 61,987
UN/FAO World Food Programme 19,075 19,305
  169,536 163,464

The investments of the General and Related Funds are held by Northern Trust Company and managed by the Fiduciary Trust Company. The investments above have a market value of $179.8 million and include $19.1million held on behalf of the UN/FAO World Food Programme.


  2000/01 1998/99
(a) General and Related Funds
      Assessment on Member Nations 163,118 151,219
      Government cash contributions 5,844 5,456
      Working Capital Fund 1,529 1,614
      Special Reserve Account 10,523 10,874
  181,014 169,163
(b) Trust and UNDP Funds
      Voluntary Contributions 78,093 35,144
      Funds received under inter-organisational arrangement 4,560 -
  82,653 35,144
  263,667 204,307

Voluntary Contributions under (b) Trust and UNDP Funds include $2.2 million receivable from the World Bank for expenditures incurred and reported as Unliquidated Obligations (see Note 16). This amount is covered by two Letters of Credit issued by the World Bank. There is accordingly no receipt or disbursement of these funds through the Organization’s bank. Instead, the Organization takes to account the effective income and expenditure arising from payment of the supplier, upon receipt of documentary confirmation that payment has been duly made.


  2000/01 1998/99
Accounts Receivable advances and prepayments 26,792 23,387
Other UN and non UN organizations 21,027 22,250
Accrued interest 492 2,113
Others 1,412 7,639
  49,723 55,389


  2000/01 1998/99
(a) General and Related Funds:
      Assessment on Member Nations 131 377
(b) Trust and UNDP Funds:
      (i) Voluntary contributions 250,194 167,940
      (ii) Funds received under inter-organizational arrangement - 2,540
  250,194 170,480
  250,325 170,857

Interest transferred to Trust Funds and UNDP donor accounts included above amounted to $13.0 million.


Unliquidated obligations include liabilities for the cost of personnel services incurred and contracts and purchase orders entered into at 31 December 2001. The increase in the amount outstanding at the end of the financial period of some $47 million is mainly attributable to accrued expenditures of the Office of Special Relief Operations (mainly in respect of relief operations in Iraq).


  2000/01 1998/99
Field disbursements 7,147 6,136
Other UN agencies 19,075 19,305
Pension and medical schemes 2,292 2,645
Staff fiduciary accounts 13,941 12,786
Others 5,695 13,480
  48,150 54,352

Staff fiduciary accounts

Staff fiduciary accounts represent funds related to the operation of the contributory medical and insurance arrangements for staff. The funds are used for related purposes such as settling claims received after the expiry of the medical and insurance contracts.


  2000/01 1998/99
Compensation Payments 17,238 17,334
Separation Payments 55,621 64,838
Terminal Payments (4,932) -
After Service Medical Care 97,705 79,194
  165,632 161,366

Conference Resolution 10/99 and 10/2001 approved, inter alia, that (i) any income generated from the investments held in respect of the Separation Payments Scheme and Staff Compensation Plan be applied to ensure the adequacy of those funds to extinguish the respective liabilities, (ii) should there be an excess in the investment income then this should in principle be earmarked for the After Service Medical Care liability (see note 23) firstly and subsequently for the Terminal Payments liability. The amount of the investment income earmarked for Staff Related Schemes amounted to $5.3 million.

Separation Payments

Separation Payments are due to General Service category staff at Headquarters who are entitled to receive a separation payment equivalent to 1/13.5 of yearly salary for each year of service completed after 1 January 1975. Separation Payments are subject to actuarial review to ascertain the liabilities and recommend rates of contribution. The valuation method used is the projected unit cost method. The details of the last actuarial valuation as at 31 December 2001 are as follows:

2001 1999
Principal actuarial assumptions to determine cost of benefits:
(i) Annual interest rate 6.0% 6.5%
(ii) Future rate of salary inflation 3.0% 3.5%
Actuarial present value of benefit obligation 55.6 64.8

Compensation Payments

Compensation Payments are due to staff members and their dependants in case of death, injury or illness attributable to the performance of official duties and, in certain circumstances, to supplement the disability and survivors' pensions paid by the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. Compensation Payments are subject to actuarial review to ascertain the liabilities and recommend rates of contribution. The valuation method used is the one-year cost method. The details of the last review as at 31 December 2001 are as follows:

  2001 1999
Principal actuarial assumptions to determine cost of expected claims:
(i) Annual interest rate 6.0% 6.5%
(ii) Annual cost-of-living increases in benefits 2.5% 3.0%
Actuarial present value of expected claims 17.2 17.3

After Service Medical Care

The After Service Medical Care Plan provides for worldwide coverage for necessary medical expenses of eligible former staff members and their dependants. After Service Medical Care is subject to actuarial review to ascertain the related liabilities and recommend rates of contribution. The valuation method used is the projected unit credit method. The details of the last review as at 31 December 2001 are as follows:

  2001 1999
(i) Interest rate 6.0% 6.5%
(ii) Salary Inflation rate 3.0% 3.5%
(iii) Medical Inflation rate 4.5% 5.0%
Actuarial present value of expected claims 201.7 188.8

Based on the above actuarial review the unrecorded liabilities for after service medical care at 31 December 2001 amounted to some $104.0 million (1999 - $109.6 million).

Terminal Payments

Terminal Payments relate to payment of accrued annual leave, repatriation grant, termination indemnity, the cost of repatriation travel and the removal of household goods for all eligible staff. Terminal Payments are subject to actuarial review to ascertain the related liabilities and recommend rates of contribution. The valuation method used is the aggregate cost method. The details of the last valuation as at 31 December 2001 are as follows:

  2001 1999
(i) Annual interest rate 6.0% 6.5%
(ii) Future rate of salary inflation 3.0% 3.5%
Actuarial present value of benefit obligation 22.4 23.6

Based on the above actuarial review, the unrecorded liabilities for terminal payments at 31 December 2001 amounted to some $22.4 million (1999 - $23.6 million).


The Organisation is a member of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) established by the General Assembly of the United Nations to provide retirement, death disability and related benefits to staff of member organizations. The scheme is of the defined benefit type and the Organization's obligation is limited to specified contributions to the Fund.


  2000/01 1998/99
At 1 January 2000 23,756 49
Receipts from Member Nations 86 7
Net Transfer from/to General Fund - 23,700
Special Advance for Redeployment and Separation Costs (8,360) -
At 31 December 2001 15,482 23,756

The purpose of the Working Capital Fund is to advance moneys on a reimbursable basis to the General Fund in order to finance budgetary expenditures pending receipt of contributions to the budget; finance emergency expenditures not provided for in the current budget; and make loans for such purposes as the Council may authorise in specific cases. The authorised level of the Working Capital Fund is $25 million in accordance with Conference resolution 15/91 of which the amount paid up is $23.8 million. In accordance with Conference resolution 3/99, $8,360 was advanced from the Working Capital Fund to cover redeployment and separation costs to complete restructuring, pending eventual receipt of assessed contributions in arrears from the major contributor.


  2000/01 1998/99
At 1 January 2000 23,152 (179)
Receipts from Member Nations 351 75
Exchange differences on translation of foreign currencies (47,040) (17,353)
Currency variance on staff standard costs 23,994 10,509
Net transfer from/to General Fund - 30,100
At 31 December 2001 457 23,152

The purpose of the Special Reserve Account is to protect the Organization's Programme of Work against the effects of unbudgeted extra costs arising from adverse currency fluctuations and unbudgeted inflationary trends. The authorised level of the Special Reserve Account is set by Conference Resolution 13/81 at 5% of the effective working budget for the respective subsequent biennium. Net gains or losses on exchange in addition to the currency variance on staff standard costs are charged to the Special Reserve Account. The currency variance on staff standard costs represents the difference between staff costs expressed in US Dollars at the budget rate for the biennium (Lire 1875 to $1) and the UN operational rates at the time of payment.


  2000/01 1998/99
At 1 January 2000 64,594 50,182
Add: 2000/01 Regular Programme assessment relating to TCP appropriation 89,118 87,310
Less: Transferred to income in respect of expenditures incurred against:
(i) TCP appropriation 1998/99 (64,594) (50,182)
(ii) TCP appropriation 2000/01 (11,397) (22,716)
At 31 December 2001 77,721 64,594


  2000/01 1998/99
General Fund (75,419) (63,601)
Information Products Revolving Fund - -
  (75,419) (63,601)


FAO received an assessment for garbage collection tax from the Rome Municipality for 1995 of the Lire equivalent of $1.1 million representing an increase of 425% from the previous year. By Note Verbale of June 1995, FAO informed the Italian Permanent Representation of the impossibility of accepting such a request due to both legal and financial considerations. As of the end of 2001 the total garbage tax assessed on FAO amounted to $6.9 million which resulted in a contingent liability of $5.1 million since $1.8 million had already been accounted for. FAO has a legal obligation under provisions of relevant treaties to pay that portion of garbage collection tax that corresponds to the cost of the service rendered. Therefore, pending conclusion of an agreement with all parties involved, any amount charged by the Rome Municipality for garbage services rendered constitutes a potential liability for the Organization. Despite repeated efforts and discussions with Italian Authorities, the matter remains substantially unresolved.


In July 2001, the Organization entered into a forward exchange contract for the purchase of its Euro requirements for the 2002/03 biennium. The total liability under this contract is $300 million payable in instalments of $12.5 million per month from January 2002 to December 2003. Based on the UN operational rate of exchange prevailing at 31 December 2001 (Euro 0.89 to $1), the dollar equivalent of the Euro to be purchased amounted to $303 million. The unrealised exchange difference at that date amounted to $3 million.


Equipment, Furniture and Vehicles

The historical cost of fully expended FAO equipment, furniture and vehicles at the end of the biennium was as follows:

  2000/01 1998/99
General and Related Funds 51,952 48,999
Trust and UNDP Funds 84,441 101,915
  136,393 150,914

Voluntary Contributions in-kind

The Headquarters premises in Rome are provided rent-free by the Host Country in accordance to the Headquarters agreement. It is estimated that the commercial rental value of the Headquarters and Field property is approximately $11.2 and $1.7 million per year (1998/99 - $14.7 and $1.3 million) respectively.

Non-convertible Currencies

At 31 December 2001, cash balances held in non-convertible currencies amounted to $3.3 million (1998/99 - $3.0 million).


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