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It is recommended that the proposed methodology be implemented in four phases.

Phase 1

Phase 1 would include the following activities:

• Review of the proposed definition for NWFP/NTFP so that a clear decision on the definition used in Suriname can be made. SBB suggested changing the term NWFP to NTFP in order to include woody products from forest. Another consideration was to include forest services such as water to forest products. If both proposals are taken into account, the definition would change to the following:

Non Timber Forest Products consist of goods of biological origin and services that are the result of biological processes, chemical processes and/or mechanical processes that take place in the forest and are derived from forests and allied land uses.

• Review of the suggestions regarding the institutional infrastructure.
• Make decisions and get a commitment from all stakeholders on the following basic issues:

Phase 1 would involve a period of intensive discussions and decision-making processes. It is proposed that this phase will end with the elaboration of terms of references or the proposed working group on NWFP.

Phase 2

Phase 2 would include the:

• Installation of a working group responsible for the coordination of the organization and development of the NWFP sub-sector;
• Elaboration of a list of relevant NWFP in Suriname;
• Development of procedures for improved data collection related to NWFP;
• Development of a Forest Management Plan, which includes NWFP.

Phase 3

During phase 3, the following activities would be carried out:

• Development of NWFP database for SBB, with proposed links to other relevant databases. A database design should be made in consultation with key stakeholders such as the Department of Nature Conservation (CITES Management Authority), AdeK University of Suriname (CITES Scientific Authority), Customs Service, indigenous maroon and native communities, exporters, forest guards, wildlife guards other stakeholders as Conservation International Suriname, WWF, Ministry of Justice: the department of industrial and intellectual property rights, NGOs and NVB.

Sessions of consultations with the committed stakeholders for the development and use of the the proposed NWFP database should be held within an estimated timeframe. Programming of the automated database should only be carried out when the proposed method is in place. Conversion of data from the Department of Nature Conservation to the new database should be considered in future.

• Analysis of the hardware requirements has to be made to assess the financial implications for analysis, programming and hardware.
• Standardization and implementation of procedures;
• Development of forms;
• Improvement of the availability of statistical data on NWFP;
• Analysis of statistical data.

Phase 4

Phase 4 would be carried out simultaneously with phase 3. It includes the:

• Development of an automated database for SBB;
• Analysis of data;
• Improvement of availability of statistical data on NWFP.

Each phase includes training of personnel and ends with an intensive evaluation.

To implement the proposed methodology for the improvement of statistical data collection on NWFP in Suriname some ground rules should be set:

1. All stakeholders related to NWFP should commit to this project;

2. SBB is the center of the forest management process and should act accordingly in close consultation with all stakeholders involved in this process. A broad basis for this project has to be created.

Sustainable use of NWFP in Suriname is only possible if there is a sincere commitment on the part of all stakeholders. The government plays a key role and has the responsibility to set the groundwork for successful sustainable use.

The government could stimulate and support the sustainable production, consumption and trade of NWFP in Suriname by:

• Developing an integrated, sustainable Forest Management Plan, to be developed under the responsibility of SBB.

Although the focus of this study was on the NWFP that already enter international trade, it is stressed that Suriname also include the NWFP that have the potential to enter the international trade circuit in the future.

The problem of poaching and smuggling should be addressed by SBB. Local indigenous people and maroon communities have to be made aware of the negative effects of poaching and smuggling on their livelihood and education and support for the prevention of poaching and smuggling in their surroundings should be provided. These issues should be included in the proposed Forest Management Plan.

While financial means have been identified as one the major constraints to this project, it is the only constraint that could be easily eliminated by seeking international funding. Although the implementation of the proposed methodology may seem expensive, the spin-off effects will prove the project worth the initial expenditures.

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