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50. The Meeting participants agreed that the main purpose of exchanging information on respective work programmes on subsidies in fisheries and of identifying opportunities for future collaboration was fully achieved. The meeting participants also stressed the value of a meeting of this kind, not only for the immediate opportunities for collaboration that it provides, but also for the long-run possibilities offered to avoid duplication of routine information gathering and distribution activities.

51. The meeting participants agreed to form an e-mail-based network for exchange of information. The network would serve to alert members to new initiatives and new information related to subsidies. The network was thought to have the potential to become a mechanism which would also permit organizations that so desired to draw more benefit from work done by Non-governmental Organizations.

52. Meeting participants also considered that it would be appropriate to try to enlarge the group of Intergovernmental Organizations to include all those known to work on subsidies in fisheries or related issues. Depending on their current work on the issue invitations could be issued inter alia to: EFTA, ITC, UNCLOS and UNCTAD.

53. Participants saw potential for improved co-operation in studies, meetings and technical assistance (capacity building) activities. These included for example the FAO-led technical assistance programme on fisheries and WTO negotiations. In the course of these discussions the idea of preparing a “best practices document” on fishery subsidies reform was raised. Several organizations present expressed an interest in participating in an effort to collect case studies on successful subsidy reform. Also, organizations offered to review and comment on FI documents on subsidies now in the process of preparation.

54. Participants agreed that for future meetings it would be appropriate that the word “subsidies” be considered in a broader interpretation and closer to market/trade polices that could have effects similar to subsidies.

55. Participants agreed that it would be useful to meet again in a year’s time. At that time one more item should be included on the agenda: a review of results obtained by the participating organizations through their various activities related to subsidies in fisheries.

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