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Appendix A. Agenda

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Administrative arrangements for the meeting

3. Adoption of the Agenda

4. Presentation and discussion of current work programmes on subsidies in fisheries by participating organizations

5. Challenges and possible way forward/issues for the future

6 Adoption of the report

Appendix B. List of Participants

Milton Haughton
Technical Director
CARICOM Regional Fisheries
[email protected]

Anja Jaenz
Economics and Trade Branch
United Nations Environment
Anja Jaenz [[email protected]]

Burger Oelofsen
Director of Resource Management
Ministry of Fisheries, Namibia
[email protected]

Somsak Pipoppinyo
Assistant Director, Food Agriculture and Forestry
Bureau of Functional Cooperation
The ASEAN Secretariat
[email protected]

Carl-Christian Schmidt
Head of Fisheries Division
Directorate for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries
Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development
[email protected]

Jan-Eirik Sorensen
Director of Trade and Environment
World Trade Organization
[email protected]

Stetson Tinkham
Lead Shepherd of the Fisheries
Working Group
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
[email protected]

Aina S. Uulenga
Chief Economist
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine
Resources, Namibia
[email protected]


Ichiro Nomura
Assistant Director-General
Fisheries Department

Ulf Wijkström
Chief, Development Planning Service
Fishery Policy and Planning Division

Lahsen Ababouch
Fish Utilization and Marketing Service
Fishery Industries Division

Angel Gumy
Senior Fishery Planning Officer
Development Planning Service
Fishery Policy and Planning Division

Jochen Nierentz
Senior Fishery Industry Officer
(International trade)
Fish Utilization and Marketing Service
Fishery Industries Division

Audun Lem
Fishery Industry Officer (Trade Information)
Fish Utilization and Marketing Service
Fishery Industries Division

Appendix C. The First APEC Ocean-Related Ministerial Meeting Seoul, Korea 22-26 April 2002

Seoul Oceans Declaration

We, the APEC Ocean-related Ministers, representing 21 economies bordering the world’s largest ocean;

I. Recognizing the importance of oceans for food security, sustainable economic development, and social and environmental values within the APEC region;

II. Recognizing the importance of the APEC region in achieving the conservation and management of living marine resources since APEC economies constitute over 75% of the world’s capture fisheries and over 90% of world aquaculture production, and that they consume 70% of the world’s global fish products;

III. Acknowledging the current efforts of APEC economies to address the challenges of ocean-related issues, and to make use of shared experiences, lessons learned and a range of management tools;

IV. Determined to add further momentum to the implementation of the Bogor Declaration, the Osaka Action Agenda, the 1997 Action Plan for the Sustainability of the Marine Environment, the 1998 Hawaii Declaration at the APEC Oceans Conference, the 2001 Montreal Declaration, and the 2001 Leaders’ Statement on Counter-Terrorism;

V. Welcoming the adoption of the Doha Development Agenda, noting the launch of new negotiations and committed to supporting its successful conclusion;

VI. Aware of the need for leadership and improved regional coordination and cooperation for the responsible care of the oceans;

VII. Understanding the value of an ecosystem-based approach to coastal and marine management and the importance of implementing such an approach in an integrated and cross-sectoral manner;

VIII. Recognizing the economic, social and environmental benefits to APEC economies of improved forecasts derived from oceans and atmospheric observations;

IX. Recognizing the value and guidance provided by existing measures, frameworks and programs, and of ongoing international efforts that may assist regional and domestic efforts to address sustainable oceans management;

X. Mindful of the need to ensure that efforts of member economies are in accordance with relevant international instruments;

XI. Noting the importance of engaging relevant sectoral and stakeholder interests in decision making processes, including NGOs and the private sector; and

XII. Recalling the APEC Leaders’ commitment in Shanghai in 2001 to contribute to the success of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and asserting the value that APEC can contribute from a regional perspective to the oceans theme at the Summit in August 2002;

Resolve to...

Domestic Action

1. Develop and promote, in an integrated manner, better coastal and oceans management using an ecosystem-based approach, including for sub-regional seas, river basins and watersheds adjacent to coastal areas;

2. Improve and strengthen market-based instruments, regulations and enforcement mechanisms for the sustainable management of marine resources;

3. Develop and promote, in accordance with applicable international law, the use of a range of tools for sustainable management, including marine protected areas within member economies’ jurisdictions, environmental impact assessment and oceans and integrated coastal zone management policy and frameworks;

4. Facilitate the adoption and implementation of international instruments relating to maritime safety, marine pollution, compensation and liability for environmental damage from ships, and the use of harmful anti-fouling paints;

5. Contribute to further international efforts for the control and management of ship’s ballast water and sediments;

Domestic and Regional Action

6. Improve the conservation and sustainable management of important and critical coastal and marine habitats and related ecosystems;

7. Facilitate, through exchange of information, effective regional implementation of global fisheries instruments in achieving responsible fisheries and sustainable aquaculture;

8. Eliminate IUU fishing activities from the APEC region;

9. Support the development of scientific research in fisheries and sustainable aquaculture that will strengthen our knowledge and improve decision-making, and to advance the scientific basis for incorporating ecosystem considerations toward, inter alia, developing a shared understanding of the concepts and practice underpinning the ecosystem-based approach to management;

10. Accelerate efforts to address the threats posed by introduced marine pests, destructive fishing practices, and sea-based and land-based sources of marine pollution;

11. Increase efforts to sustainably manage tourism activities that affect or potentially affect marine and coastal environments;

12. Take further steps to involve all relevant stakeholders, including the private sector, NGOs and academia as partners in pursuit of sustainable development;

Regional Action

13. Strengthen cooperation for building capacity, sharing information and expertise, including for marine science and technology, responsible fisheries and sustainable aquaculture, and coastal and marine management in an integrated manner;

14. Strengthen cooperation to promote responsible trade in fishery products through, inter alia, APEC’s TILF initiatives;

15. Encourage capacity building for food safety through such measures as the development of equivalent standards for capture fisheries and aquaculture products and on the use of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points);

16. Promote improved regional science collaboration and coordination to develop and facilitate ocean observing, assessment and forecasting systems, rapid response mechanisms for extreme weather and climate events;

17. Cooperate with economies and relevant regional institutions to develop marine scientific research capacity with respect to a range of issues including bio-prospecting and non-living marine resources;

18. Encourage the development of proposed and existing policies and regional research, education and training initiatives and welcome the establishment of AMETEC by Korea;

APEC Response

19. Continue to improve the cooperation and coordination between APEC fora with marine-related activities, such as the Marine Resource Conservation, Fisheries, Transport, Tourism, Industrial Science and Technology, and Energy working groups;

20. Instruct the Marine Resources Conservation Working Group, Fisheries Working Group and other relevant APEC fora to develop and implement the policy goals enshrined in this Declaration and to report on progress to APEC Senior Officials;

21. Accelerate ocean outreach programs accommodating relevant stakeholders in APEC fora;

22. Welcome the kind offer by Indonesia to host a second AOMM.

APEC Contribution to World Summit on Sustainable Development and its Follow up

23. Take into account this Declaration in their preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development; and

24. Build on the importance of the contribution APEC is making to food security, sustainable development and poverty alleviation, which reflects APEC’s regional approach to the broad global agenda of the WSSD.

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