FAO/WHO/NU (Cat. 3)

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition (ESN-704)

(Article VI-2 of the Constitution)


Established as FAO Standing Advisory Committee in 1948. In 1949, it became the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition.

In 1952, the Executive Board of WHO was established and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee was formally endorsed. The Council of FAO endorsed this body in November 1952.


To assist collaboration between FAO and WHO and to advise the Directors-General of FAO and WHO on the problems of nutrition which might receive the attention of the two organizations and to assist in coordinating their respective programmes in this field and on any technical problems concerned with nutrition which they may submit to it.

First Session

December 1949 (although the Expert Committee had not been formally endorsed by either FAO or WHO until 1952).


10 - 12 experts.

Working Language


Rules of Procedure

General Rules of the Organization.

Pattern of Sessions

1949, 1951, 1952, 1954, 1957, 1961, 1966, 1970, 1974.

Achievement 2000-01

No session of the Expert Committee was held during the biennium. However, it should be noted that all Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultations on various aspects of macro-and micro-nutrients fall under the umbrella of this Expert Committee. During this biennium, the Joint FAO/WHO/UNU Expert Consultation on Energy in Human Nutrition was held in Rome from 17 to 24 October 2001.

FAO/WHO/FA (Cat. 3)

Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (ESN-705)

(Article VI-2 of the Constitution)


Established in 1955.


To consider chemical, toxicological and other aspects of additives, contaminants, natural toxins, and residues of veterinary drugs in food related to safety for human consumption and to report thereon.

First Session

December 1956.


15 - 25 experts covering all aspects relevant to the safety evaluation of the substances.

Working Language


Rules of Procedure

General Rules of the Organization.

Pattern of Sessions

Annual. (Four sessions were held in the 2000-01 biennium).

Achievement 2000-01

The Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives provides scientific guidance to FAO and WHO Members, and to the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants and the Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Food.

The Fifty-fourth meeting of JECFA evaluated 12 veterinary drugs, five for the first time. Drugs evaluated included anthelminthic agents, antimicrobial agents, insecticides used as veterinary drugs, and animal production aids. They established five acceptable daily intakes (ADIs). For one substance, an ADI "not specified" was allocated. They recommended 43 maximum residue limits (MRLs), 17 new temporary MRLs, and did not extend 29 temporary MRLs. At this meeting the Committee considered recommendations arising from and informal meeting on harmonisation with the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues.

The Fifty-fifth and Fifty-seventh meetings of JECFA assessed over 400 food additives, including approximately 320 flavoring agents and five contaminants - cadmium, tin, chloropropanediol, chloropropanol, and dioxin-related compounds for the first time. The principles for the safety evaluation of flavoring agents were further updated; the general specifications for enzyme preparations were revised, new heavy metal limits were proposed for emulsifiers, and the approach for intake assessment of food additives was reconsidered and modified.

The Fifty-sixth meeting was the first meeting of the Committee dealing exclusively with mycotoxins. General considerations covered analytical methods, sampling, food consumption data, data availability and associated intake issues, prevention and control. Specific mycotoxins evaluated were: aflatoxin M1, fumonisins, ochratoxin, trichothecenes, deoxynivalenol, and T-2 and HT-2 toxins.

ALINORM (Cat. 1)

FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission (CX-701)

(Article VI-1 of the Constitution)


The Codex Alimentarius Commission was established by the Eleventh Session of the FAO Conference in 1961. Following the recommendations of the FAO Conference, those of the Twenty-ninth Session of the WHO Executive Board and a Joint FAO/WHO Executive Board and a Joint FAO/WHO Conference on Food Standards held in 1962, the Commission has been responsible for the implementation of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme.


The Commission is responsible for making proposals to, and shall be consulted by, the Directors-General of FAO and WHO on all matters pertaining to the implementation of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, the purpose of which is:

    1. To protect the health of the consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade;
    2. to promote coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations;
    3. to determine priorities, to initiate and guide the preparation of draft standards through, and with, the aid of appropriate organizations;
    4. to finalize standards elaborated under (c) above and, after acceptance by Governments, publish them in a Codex Alimentarius either as regional or worldwide standards together with international standards already finalized by other Bodies under (b) above, wherever practicable;
    5. to amend published standards after appropriate survey in the light of development.

First Session

June/July 1963.


Open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and WHO which are interested in international food standards. Membership comprises those nations which have notified the Director-General of FAO or of WHO of their wish to be considered as Members of the Commission. The present Membership is:




Antigua and



















Burkina Faso





Cape Verde

Central African






Congo, Democratic

   Republic of


   Republic of

Cook Islands

Costa Rica

Côte d'Ivoire




Czech Republic

Democratic People's

   Republic of Korea



Dominican Republic



El Salvador

Equatorial Guinea
























Iran, Islamic

   Republic of










Korea, Republic of


Lao People's

   Democratic Republic
















   Federated States of


   Republic of







New Zealand








Papua New Guinea








Russian Federation


Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia


Saudi Arabia,

   Kingdom of



Sierra Leone




Solomon Islands

South Africa


Sri Lanka







Tanzania, United

   Republic of


The Former Yugoslav

   Republic of




Trinidad and Tobago




United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

United States

   of America




Viet Nam





Working Languages

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Spanish.

Rules of Procedure

Amendments were adopted by the Commission at the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 21st and 23nd sessions and confirmed by the FAO and WHO in accordance with their respective procedures. The Rules of Procedure of the Commission are issued in its Procedural Manual.

Pattern of Sessions

Rule IV-1 requires that in principle one regular session be held each year. In practice the Commission meets every 24 months. The last session was held in July 2001.

Subsidiary Bodies

See pages 70 to 91.

Achievement 2000-01

The Commission adopted the Strategic Framework 2003-2007, including the Strategic Vision Statement and agreed that the Medium-Term Plan for 2003-2007 should be revised and circulated for further comments, input from Codex Committees with a view to its finalisation by the 25th Session of the Commission. The Commission adopted 41 new or revised Codex standards, guidelines or related texts and approved new and revised levels and conditions for use of food additives, new and revised specifications for the identity and purity of food additives, and new and revised individual maximum residue limits for pesticides and veterinary drugs. It withdrew obsolete maximum residue limits and one standard. It adopted a position in regard to the consideration of precaution in the framework of Codex and adopted Criteria for the Consideration of Other Factors referred to in the Statements of Principle on the Role of Science in the Codex Decision-Making Process and the Extent to which Other Factors are taken into Account.

(Cat. 1)

Executive Committee of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CX-702)


Established under Rule III of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


To act on behalf of the Commission as its executive organ and to make proposals to the Commission regarding the general orientation and work programme of the Commission; to study special problems and help implement the programme as approved by the Commission.

First Session

July 1963.


The Chairperson, three Vice-Chairpersons of the Commission and seven additional Members, elected by the Commission from among its Members, one each from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Near East, North America and the Southwest Pacific Regions.

Working Languages

Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Spanish as required by the Membership.

Pattern of Sessions

Two per 18 to 24 months. Last regular session was held in June 2001, and an Extraordinary Session was held in October 2001 to consider the unfinished matters on the Agenda of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Achievement 2000-01

Made proposals to the Codex Alimentarius Commission regarding the draft Strategic Framework and the draft Medium-Term Plan 2003-2007. Made recommendations concerning new work items proposed by Codex Committees and the coordination of Codex work and assisted in the execution of the Commission's programme of work.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Milk and Milk Products (CX-703)


Formerly the FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products. The Committee was established before the Codex Alimentarius Commission came into being, but was subsequently integrated into the structure of the Commission. In 1993, the Committee was converted into a Codex Committee under

Rule IX-1(b)(i) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: New Zealand.


To elaborate worldwide standards, codes and related texts for milk and milk products.

First Session

September 1958 as the FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products. First meeting in Rome, 28 November to 2 December 1994 as CCMMP.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 18 months. Last session was held in March 2000.

Achievement 2000-01

Recommended three revised standards and one new standard for milk products. It considered other standards and other matters related to milk products involved in international trade.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants (CX-711)


Rule IX-1(b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Netherlands.


    1. To establish or endorse permitted maximum or guideline levels for individual food additives, for contaminants (including environmental contaminants) and for naturally-occurring toxicants in foodstuffs and animal feeds;
    2. to prepare priority lists of food additives and contaminants for toxicological evaluation by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives;
    3. to recommend specifications of identity and purity for food additives for adoption by the Commission;
    4. to consider methods of analysis for their determination in food; and
    5. to consider and elaborate standards or codes for related subjects such as the labelling of food additives when sold as such and food irradiation.

First Session

May 1964.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 12 - 18 months from 1964-1987 and every 12 months from 1988 up to now. Last session was held in March 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Continued the elaboration of the Codex General Standards for Food Additives and for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods, proposed draft maximum levels for aflatoxins M1 in milk, and for heavy metals in several foods and developed various codes of practice and guidelines regarding the contamination of foodstuffs by environmental and other chemical contaminants.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (CX-712)


Rule IX-1 (a) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: United States of America.


    1. To draft basic provisions on food hygiene applicable to all foods. (The term "hygiene" includes, where necessary, microbiological specifications for food and associated methodology);
    2. (i) to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse provisions on hygiene prepared by Codex Commodity Committees and contained in Codex Commodity Standards, and (ii) to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse provisions on hygiene prepared by Codex commodity Committees and contained in Codex Codes of Practice unless, in specific cases, the Commission has decided otherwise, or (iii) to draft provisions on hygiene applicable to specific food items or food groups, whether coming within the terms of reference of a Codex Commodity Committee or not;
    3. to consider specific hygiene problems assigned to it by the Commission.

First Session

May 1964.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Every 12 to 18 months. Last session held in October 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

The Committee finalized and advanced for adoption, the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Bottled/Packed Drinking Waters (Other than Natural Mineral Waters) and the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for the Transport of Foodstuffs in Bulk and Semi-Packed Foodstuffs. The Committee identified the priorities to be considered by the ad hoc Expert Consultation on Microbiological Hazards in Foods.

The Committee continued its work on the Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, the Proposed Draft Code of Hygienic Practice for Milk and Milk Products; and the Proposed Draft Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Management. It also agreed to revise the Guidelines for the Application of the HACCP System to address the issues related to the application of HACCP in Small and/or Less Developed Businesses. It agreed to proceed with its work on Listeria, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Vibrio spp. on the basis of the results of the Expert Consultations on Assessment of Microbiological Hazards in Food, and to develop Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Foods.

The Committee agreed to initiate the revision of the Code of Hygienic Practice for Egg Products and to review the priorities for the revision of the Codex of Hygienic Practices to identify which codes are superseded by the General Principles of Food Hygiene and which codes can be combined while revising them.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CX-714)


Rule IX-1 (b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Canada.


To draft provisions on labelling applicable to all foods; to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse specific provisions on labelling proposed by the Codex Commodity Committees drafting commodity standards, in the codes of practices and in the guidelines; to study specific labelling problems assigned by the Commission, and to study problems in food advertisement, especially those dealing with claims and misleading descriptions.

First Session

September 1965.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Every 12 to 24 months until 1996. Every 12 months from 1996 onwards. Last session was held in May 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Finalized the revision of the Guidelines for the Production, Processing and Marketing of Organically-Produced Foods to include livestock and livestock products; and the amendment to the General Standard for the Labelling Pre-packaged Foods on allergens from foods obtained through biotechnology. Continued its consideration of labelling aspects of foods obtained through biotechnology, its work on health claims and the revision of the Guidelines on Nutrition Labelling, and endorsed labelling provisions in Codex standards.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on General Principles (CX-716)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: France.


To deal with such procedural and general matters as are referred to the Committee by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

First Session

May 1964.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

1965, 1967, 1968, 1974, 1976, 1979, 1981, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. The Committee meets when there are problems referred to it by the Commission. Last session met in April 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

The Committee agreed on a number of amendments to the Procedural Manual namely: amendment to the Rules of Procedure on clarification of Rule VI.4 (Voting ); amendment to the Guidelines for the inclusion of specific provisions in Codex standards and related texts concerning Methods of Analysis, and amendment to the Statements of Principle on the Role of Science in the Codex Decision-Making Process and the Extent to which Other Factors are taken into Account: Criteria for the Consideration of Other Factors. It endorsed the amendment of the terms of reference of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene. It proceeded with its consideration of Proposed Draft Principles for Risk Analysis, initiated the revision of the Code of Ethics for International Trade in Food, and considered the membership in the Codex Alimentarius Commission of Regional Economic Integration Organisations.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling (CX-715)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Germany (1965-1971), Hungary since 1972.


    1. To define the criteria appropriate to Codex Methods of Analysis and Sampling;
    2. to serve as a coordinating Body for Codex with other international groups working on methods of analysis and sampling and quality assurance systems for laboratories;
    3. to specify, on the basis of final recommendations submitted by the other Bodies referred to in (b) above, reference Methods of Analysis and Sampling appropriate to Codex Standards which are generally applicable to a number of foods;
    4. to consider, amend if necessary, and endorse, as appropriate, methods of analysis and sampling proposed by Codex (Commodity) Committees. The methods of analysis and sampling for pesticide residues or veterinary drugs in food, and the assessment of microbiological quality and safety in food and the assessment of specifications for food additives do not fall within the terms of reference of this Committee.
    5. to elaborate sampling plans and procedures, as may be required;
    6. to consider specific sampling and analysis problems submitted to it by the Commission or any of its Committees;
    7. to define procedures, protocols, guidelines or related texts for the assessment of food laboratory proficiency, as well as quality assurance systems for laboratories.

First Session

September 1965.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Every 18 to 24 months. Last session was held in February 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Proposed amendments to the Procedural Manual concerning the criteria approach for selecting methods. Proposed the adoption by reference of the IUPAC Guidelines for the Use of Recovery Information in Analytical Measurements, and continued its work on Proposed Draft Guidelines for Sampling and single-laboratory method validation. Endorsed a number of general methods of analysis and specific methods for Codex standards. Initiated work on recommendations to governments on criteria for selecting methods and on Proposed Draft Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (CX-718)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Netherlands.


To recommend maximum limits for pesticide residues and environmental and industrial contaminants in specific food products and in certain animal feeding stuffs; to prepare a list of priorities of those pesticide residues found in food commodities on the international market for evaluation by the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues, and to recommend appropriate methods of sampling and analysis for the determination of pesticides residues in food and feed to ensure the safety of food containing residues.

First Session

January 1966.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Every 12 months. Last session was held in April 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Recommended new and revised maximum residue limits for pesticides in certain raw agricultural commodities. Recommended obsolete maximum residue limits for revocation. Initiated work on the Revision of the Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Pesticide Residue Analysis and the revision of methods of analysis for pesticide residues.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Cocoa Products and Chocolate (CX-708)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Switzerland.


To elaborate worldwide standards for cocoa products and chocolate.

First Session

November 1963.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every two years. Committee adjourned sine die in 1983. Reactived in 1996. Last session was held in October 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Continued its work on the Proposed Draft Standard for Chocolate and Chocolate Products and finalized the three Proposed Draft Revised Standards for Cocoa Products in order to simplify them as much as possible.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Sugars (CX-710)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: United Kingdom.


To elaborate worldwide standards of all types of sugars and sugar products.

First Session

March 1964.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Annual to 1968, then 1974. Committee adjourned sine die in 1978, but continues to work by correspondence.

Achievement 2000-01

Finalized a new General Standard for Sugars to replace the old individual standards for sugars and the revision of the Standard for Honey.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Processed Fruit and Vegetables (CX-713)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: United States of America.


To elaborate worldwide standards for all types of processed fruits and vegetables, including dried products, except for dried prunes, and fruit and vegetable juices.

First Session

May 1964.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately 12 months until 1978 and every two years afterwards. Committee adjourned sine die in 1987. Reactivated in 1998. Last session was held in September 2000.

Achievement 2000-01

Finalized the draft Standard for Kimchi and the revision of two standards. Considered the revision of the existing standards for processed fruits and vegetables with a view to elaborating more general standards on these products.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Fats and Oils (CX-709)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: United Kingdom.


To elaborate worldwide standards for fats and oils of animal, vegetable and marine origin including margarine and olive oil.

First Session

February 1964.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 12 months. After being last adjourned in February 1987, met again in 1993 and 1996, 1999 and 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

The Committee amended the Code of Practice for the Transport of Fats and Oils in Bulk to add a list of banned previous cargoes and the Standard for Named Vegetable Oils to include provisions for High Oleic Acid Sunflower Oil and High Oleic Acid Safflower Oil. It continued its work on the Draft Standard for Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils and on the Proposed Draft Standard for Fat Spreads. It continued the elaboration of Lists of Acceptable Previous Cargoes, to be included in the Code of Practice for the Transport of Fats and Oils in Bulk.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Meat Hygiene (CX-723)


Rule IX-1(b)(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: New Zealand (sessions held in London or in Rome).


To elaborate world-wide standards and/or codes of practice as may seem appropriate for meat hygiene, excluding poultry meat.

First Session

April 1972.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 18 months until 1974. Reactivated in 1979 and adjourned sine die in 1982. Reactivated again in July 1989. Last session was held in April 1993. Adjourned sine die the same year. The Codex Alimentarius Commission agreed in 2001 that it should be reactivated to revise the current codes of practice.

Achievement 2000-01

This Committee did not meet during the biennium.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products (CX-722)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Norway.


To elaborate worldwide standards for fresh, frozen (including quick-frozen) or otherwise processed fish, crustaceans and molluscs.

First Session

August/September 1966.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 24 months. Last session was held in June 2000.

Achievement 2000-01

The Committee elaborated and advanced to final adoption the Draft Standard for Fish Crackers and continued the revision of the Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products, which incorporates 14 codes of practice in the Fish and Fishery Products sector. It continued its work on the Draft Standard for Salted Herring and Salted Sprats and the Draft Standard for Dried Salted Anchovies. It also initiated elaboration of a model certificate for fish and fishery products, and of standards for bivalve molluscs, smoked fish, and scallops.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee for Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses (CX-720)


Rule IX-1 (a) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Germany.

Formerly the Codex Committee on Foods for Special Dietary Uses (1966-1987)


    1. to study specific nutritional problems assigned to it by the Commission and advise the Commission on General Nutrition Issues;
    2. to draft general provisions, as appropriate, concerning the nutritional aspects of all foods;
    3. to develop standards, guidelines or related texts for foods for special dietary uses, in cooperation with other committees where necessary;
    4. to consider, amend as necessary and endorse provisions on nutritional aspects proposed for inclusion in Codex standards, guidelines and related texts.

First Session

May 1966.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, German.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 24 months until 2000. From 2000 every 12 months. Last session was held in November 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Continued its work on Standard for Cereal-Based Foods and the Standard for Infant Formula, and work on vitamins and minerals in foods for medical purposes and on Guidelines for Vitamins and Minerals; continued work on the review of provisions for vitamins and minerals in Codex standards; finalized a Revised Table containing provisions on Protein and Vitamins and Minerals of Proposed Conditions for Claims for Nutrient Contents (as part of the proposed draft guidelines on Nutrition and Health Claims for Food-Labelling); continued work on the revision of the Advisory Lists of mineral salts and vitamin compounds for the use in Food for Infants and Children.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Soups and Broths (CX-726)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Switzerland.


To elaborate worldwide standards for soups, broths, bouillons and consommés.

First Session

November 1975.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French.

Pattern of Sessions

Two sessions in 1975 and 1977. Committee adjourned sine die in 1978. Work was carried out by correspondence. Abolished in 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Finalized the revision of the Proposed Draft Codex Standard for Bouillons and Consommés.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Natural Mineral Waters (CX-719)


Rule IX-1 (b) (i) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Switzerland. The Committee was established by the Commission as a Regional (European) Codex Committee.


To elaborate worldwide standards for natural mineral waters.

First Session

February 1966.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

1966, 1967, 1968, 1972, 1996. Last session was held in November 2000. Adjourned sine die in 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

The Committee finalized its work on the Proposed Draft General Standard for Packaged/Bottled Waters other than Natural Mineral Waters.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CX-707)


Rule IX-1(b) (ii) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


The Committee (a) defines the problems and needs of the Regions concerning food standards and food control; (b) promotes within the Committee contacts for the mutual exchange of information on proposed regulatory initiatives and problems arising from food control and stimulates the strengthening of food control infrastructures; (c) recommends to the Commission the development of worldwide standards for products of interest to the Region, including products considered by the Committee to have an international market potential in the future; (d) develops regional standards for food products moving exclusively or almost exclusively in intra-regional trade; (e) draws the attention of the Commission to any aspects of the Commission's work of particular significance to the Region; (f) promotes coordination of all regional food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations within the Region; (g) exercises a general coordinating role for the Region and such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Commission; (h) promotes the acceptance of Codex standards and maximum limits for residues by Member Nations.

First Session

June 1974.


Open to all Members of the Commission within the geographical location of Africa.

Working Languages

Arabic, English, French.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every two years. Last session was held in November 2000.

Achievement 2000-01

Revised the Guidelines for the Design of Control Measures for Street-Vended Foods in Africa. Identified the major difficulties faced by African countries in relation to food trade and agreed to continue discussing these issues at the next session, and proposed that Member Nations, including developing ones, could contribute to the process of risk analysis by undertaking exposure assessments based on national dietary patterns. Initiated work on Proposed Draft African Regional Guidelines for Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia (CX-727)


Rule IX-1 (b) (ii) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


The Committee (a) defines the problems and needs of Regions concerning food standards and food control; (b) promotes within the Committee contacts for the mutual exchange of information on proposed regulatory initiatives and problems arising from food control and stimulates the strengthening of food control infrastructures; (c) recommends to the Commission the development of worldwide standards for products of interest to the Region, including products considered by the Committee to have an international market potential in the future; (d) develops regional standards for food products marketed exclusively or almost exclusively through intra-regional trade; (e) draws the attention of the Commission to any aspects of the Commission's work of particular significance to the Region; (f) promotes coordination of all regional food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations within the Region; (g) exercises a general coordinating role for the Region and such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Commission, and (h) promotes the acceptance of Codex standards and maximum limits for residues by Member Nations.

First Session

January 1977.


Open to all Members of the Commission within the geographical location of Asia.

Working Languages

English, French.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every two years. Last session was held in November 1999.

Achievement 2000-01

Continued the exchange of information on regional food control infrastructures, food import and export, technical cooperation, implementation of HACCP and risk analysis and mutual recognition agreements. Developed a Draft Standard for Aqueous Coconut Products, to be finalized by the Codex Committee on Processed Fruits and Vegetables, and initiated work on a standard for instant noodles.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean (CX-725)


Rule IX-1 (b) (2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


The Committee (a) defines the problems and needs of the Region concerning food standards and food control; (b) promotes within the Committee contacts for the mutual exchange of information on proposed regulatory initiatives and problems arising from food control and stimulates the strengthening of food control infrastructures; (c) recommends to the Commission the development of worldwide standards for products of interest to the Region, including products considered by the Committee to have an international market potential in the future; (d) develops regional standards for food products marketed exclusively or almost exclusively through intra-regional trade; (e) draws the attention of the Commission to any aspects of the Commission's work of particular significance to the Region; (f) promotes coordination of all regional food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations within the Region; (g) exercises a general coordinating role for the Region and such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Commission, and (h) promotes the acceptance of Codex Standards and maximum limits for residues by Member Nations.

First Session

March 1976.


Open to all Members of the Commission within the geographical location of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Working Languages

English, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every two years. Last session was held in February 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Considered import/export matters of interest to the Region, acceptance and use of standards, consumer protection programmes, risk analysis, activities related to Codex work and consumer participation. Finalized the revision of the Regional Code of Hygienic Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street-Vended Foods.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Coordinating Committee for Europe (CX-706)


Rule IX-1 (b) (2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


The Committee (a) defines the problems and needs of the Region concerning food standards and food control; (b) promotes within the Committee contacts for the mutual exchange of information on proposed regulatory initiatives and problems arising from food control and stimulates the strengthening of food control infrastructures; (c) recommends to the Commission the development of worldwide standards for products of interest to the Region, including products considered by the Committee to have an international market potential in the future; (d) develops regional standards for food products marketed exclusively or almost exclusively through intra-regional trade; (e) draws the attention of the Commission to any aspects of the Commission's work of particular significance to the Region; (f) promotes coordination of all regional food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations within the Region; (g) exercises a general coordinating role for the Region and such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Commission, and (h) promotes the acceptance of Codex Standards and maximum limits for residues by Member Nations.

First Session

July 1965.


Open to all Members of the Commission within the geographical location of Europe, including Israel, Turkey and the Russian Federation.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish (as required).

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every two years. Last session was held in May 1998.

Achievement 2000-01

Considered matters relating to information exchange on food legislation and food control, as well as import/export matters and regional economic integration. Agreed to update information regularly on national food legislation and food control, regional cooperation and training. Considered how consumer participation could be improved at the national and regional levels. Proposed the revocation of the Regional Standard for Vinegar.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Coordinating Committee for North America and the Southwest Pacific (CX-732)


Rule IX-1 (b) (2) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.


The Committee (a) defines the problems and needs of the Region concerning food standards and food control; (b) promotes within the Committee contacts for the mutual exchange of information on proposed regulatory initiatives and problems arising from food control and stimulates the strengthening of food control infrastructures; (c) recommends to the Commission the development of worldwide standards for products of interest to the Region, including products considered by the Committee to have an international market potential in the future; (d) develops regional standards for food products marketed exclusively or almost exclusively through intra-regional trade; (e) draws the attention of the Commission to any aspects of the Commission's work of particular significance to the Region; (f) promotes coordination of all regional food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations within the Region; (g) exercises a general coordinating role for the Region and such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Commission, and (h) promotes the acceptance of Codex Standards and maximum limits for residues by Member Nations.

First Session

May 1990.


Open to all Members of the Commission within the geographical location of North America and the Southwest Pacific.

Working Languages

English, French.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every two years. Last session was held in October 1998.

Achievement 2000-01

Considered matters related to risk analysis and food safety, activities concerning biotechnology, activities of Codex Contact Points in the Region, including promotion of membership and consumer participation. Considered the development of regional cooperation, economic integration and harmonization of food legislation.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Cereals, Pulses and Legumes (CX-729)


Rule IX-1(b)(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: United States of America.


To elaborate worldwide standards and/or codes of practice, as may be appropriate, for cereals, pulses, legumes and their products.

First Session

March 1980.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Session

Approximately every 18 - 24 months. Committee adjourned sine die at its last session in November 1994.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Vegetable Proteins (CX-728)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Canada.


To elaborate definitions and worldwide standards for vegetable protein products derived from soybeans, cottonseed, groundnuts, cereals and from other vegetable sources used for human consumption, and to elaborate guidelines on utilization of vegetable protein products in the food supply system, on nutritional requirements and safety, on labelling and on other aspects as may seem appropriate.

First Session

November 1980.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 24 months. The Committee has adjourned sine die after its last session held in February 1989 and has been working by correspondence.

Achievement 2000-01

Finalized the revision of the Standards for Wheat Protein Products.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CX-730)


Rule IX-1 (b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: United States of America.


To determine priorities for the consideration of residues of veterinary drugs in foods; to recommend maximum levels of such substances; to develop Codes of Practice as may be required; to determine criteria for analytical methods used for the control of veterinary drug residues in foods.

First Session

October 1996.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 12 months. Last session was held in December 2001.

Achievement 2000-01

Recommended new and revised Maximum Residue Limits for veterinary drugs in foods. Considered the application of risk analysis to the establishment of MRLs, residues at injection site and matters related to methods of analysis.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (CX-731)


Rule IX-1 (b) (1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Mexico.


    1. To elaborate worldwide standards and codes of practice as may be appropriate for fresh fruits and vegetables;
    2. To consult with the UN/ECE Working Party on Standardization of Perishable Produce in the elaboration of worldwide standards and codes of practice with particular regard to ensuring that there is no duplication of Standards or Codes of Practice and that they follow the same broad format;
    3. To consult, as necessary, with other international organizations which are active in the area of standardization of fresh fruits and vegetables.

First Session

June 1988.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 18 months. Last session was held in October 2000.

Achievement 2000-01

Finalized four draft Codex Standards and an amendment to the Standard for Limes. Continued the elaboration of Codex Standards for oranges and provisions for Quality Inspection and Certification of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Continued to discuss sections on sizing and maturity requirements in Codex Standards for citrus fruit. Initiated work in the standardization of apples, tomatoes and table grapes.

(Cat. 1)

Codex Committee on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification
Systems (CX-733)


Rule IX-1(b) of the Rules of Procedure of the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Host Government: Australia


    1. To develop principles and guidelines for food import and export inspection and certification systems with a view to harmonizing methods and procedures which protect the health of consumers, ensure fair trading practices and facilitate international trade in foodstuffs.
    2. To develop principles and guidelines for the application of measures by the competent authorities of exporting and importing countries to provide assurance where necessary that foodstuffs comply with requirements, especially statutory health requirements.
    3. To develop guidelines for the utilization, as and when appropriate, of quality assurance systems to ensure that foodstuffs conform with requirements and to promote the recognition of these systems 5 in facilitating trade in food products under bilateral/multilateral arrangements by Member Nations.
    4. To develop guidelines and criteria with respect to format, declarations and language of such official certificates as countries may require with a view towards international harmonization.
    5. To make recommendations for information exchange in relation to food import/export control.
    6. To consult as necessary with other international groups working on matters related to food inspection and certification systems.
    7. To consider other matters assigned to it by the Commission in relation to food inspection and certification systems.

First Session

September 1992.


Open to all Members of the Commission.

Working Languages

English, French, Spanish.

Pattern of Sessions

Approximately every 12 months. Last session was held in December 2000.

Achievement 2000-01

Finalized draft Guidelines for Generic Official Certificate Formats and the Production and Issuance of Certificates. Continued its work on proposed Draft Guidelines/Recommendations for Food Import Control, Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Judgement of Equivalence of Sanitary Measures associated with Food Inspection and Certification Systems and Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Judgement of Equivalence of Technical Regulations associated with Food Inspection and Certification Systems.

(Cat. 1)

FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for the Near East (CX-734)


Established by the Twenty-third Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (1999).


    1. defines the problems and needs of the region concerning food standards and food control;
    2. promotes within the Committee contacts for the mutual exchange of information on proposed regulatory initiatives and problems arising from food control and stimulates the strengthening of food control infrastructures;
    3. recommends to the Commission the development of worldwide standards for products of interest to the region, including products considered by the Committee to have an international market potential in the future;
    4. develops regional standards for food products moving exclusively or almost exclusively in intra-regional trade;
    5. draws the attention of the Commission to any aspects of the Commission’s work of particular significance to the region;
    6. promotes coordination of all regional food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations within the region;
    7. exercises a general coordinating role for the region and such other functions as may be entrusted to it by the Commission;
    8. promotes the acceptance of Codex standards and maximum limits for residues by member countries.

First Session

1st Session, Cairo, 29 January - 1 February 2001.


Membership of the Committee is open to all Member Nations and Associate Members of FAO and/or WHO that are members of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, within the geographic locations of the Near East as defined by FAO or the Eastern Mediterranean by WHO.

Working Languages

Arabic, English, French.

Pattern of Sessions

Every two years. First Session was in January 2000

Achievement 2000-01

Considered matters related to risk analysis, microbiological contamination, the need for technical assistance in the region. Discussed the work of Codex contact points, consumer participation and matters related to the World Trade Organization SPS and TBT Agreements. Initiated work on the development of a regional Code of Practice for street-vended foods and a standard for chick peas and fava beans.


5 Quality assurance means all those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for qquality, (ISO-8402 Quality Vocabulary)


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