FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages , No.5 - November 2002 - Page 6

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a) 2001/02 or 2002 estimates (in thousand tonnes)

COUNTRY Marketing
2000/01 or 2001 2001/02 or 2002
Actual imports Total
Import position
Food aid Total
and aid
and aid
Food aid
or shipped
ASIA   31 847.7 3 948.3 35 796.0 36 757.0 34 393.0 3 347.1 31 045.9
Afghanistan July/June 965.8 246.3 1 212.1 2 178.0 1 506.9 323.8 1 183.1
Armenia July/June 366.0 99.0 465.0 345.0 345.0 37.0 308.0
Azerbaijan July/June 774.0 22.0 796.0 738.0 738.0 17.0 721.0
Bangladesh July/June 1 227.3 511.1 1 738.4 2 016.0 2 015.7 531.6 1 484.1
Bhutan July/June 59.0 0.0 59.0 54.0 54.0 6.2 47.8
Cambodia Jan./Dec. 74.1 31.7 105.8 63.0 59.5 40.5 19.0
China 2/ July/June 8 729.4 70.6 8 800.0 10 000.0 10 000.0 64.2 9 935.8
Georgia July/June 544.0 120.0 664.0 518.0 543.0 93.0 450.0
India April/March 116.4 184.5 300.9 282.0 198.9 187.4 11.5
Indonesia April/March 7 368.5 450.7 7 819.2 6 694.0 6 694.0 225.0 6 469.0
Korea, D.P.R. Nov./Oct. 705.8 1 428.7 2 134.5 1 884.0 1 884.4 888.0 996.4
Kyrgyz Republic July/June 74.0 61.0 135.0 206.0 201.0 9.0 192.0
Laos Jan./Dec. 25.0 12.0 37.0 37.0 30.0 20.5 9.5
Maldives Jan./Dec. 29.0 8.0 37.0 37.0 1.4 0.0 1.4
Mongolia Oct./Sept. 139.9 63.4 203.3 238.0 238.0 56.3 181.7
Nepal July/June 69.7 9.3 79.0 75.0 75.0 8.1 66.9
Pakistan May/April 137.8 2.2 140.0 483.0 483.0 94.4 388.6
Philippines July/June 4 505.4 104.3 4 609.7 4 710.0 4 710.0 249.5 4 460.5
Sri Lanka Jan./Dec. 934.3 119.7 1 054.0 1 084.0 793.0 92.0 701.0
Syria July/June 1 814.4 31.1 1 845.5 1 456.0 1 455.9 13.3 1 442.6
Tajikistan July/June 386.0 156.0 542.0 642.0 642.0 203.0 439.0
Turkmenistan July/June 20.0 6.0 26.0 52.0 54.0 7.0 47.0
Uzbekistan July/June 571.0 38.0 609.0 580.0 573.0 68.0 505.0
Yemen Jan./Dec. 2 210.9 172.7 2 383.6 2 385.0 1 097.3 112.3 985.0
CENTRAL AMERICA   3 930.1 260.4 4 190.5 4 196.0 4 195.6 289.0 3 906.6
Cuba July/June 1 689.6 1.9 1 691.5 1 674.0 1 673.9 6.0 1 667.9
Guatemala July/June 989.1 64.5 1 053.6 1 153.0 1 153.4 123.4 1 030.0
Haiti July/June 513.5 104.9 618.4 595.0 595.0 81.7 513.3
Honduras July/June 549.7 54.3 604.0 537.0 536.6 27.3 509.3
Nicaragua July/June 188.2 34.8 223.0 237.0 236.7 50.6 186.1
SOUTH AMERICA   827.9 143.9 971.8 1 010.0 1 010.3 142.8 867.5
Bolivia July/June 200.7 65.4 266.1 269.0 269.3 73.4 195.9
Ecuador July/June 627.2 78.5 705.7 741.0 741.0 69.4 671.6
OCEANIA   388.5 0.0 388.5 383.0 58.0 0.0 58.0
Kiribati Jan./Dec. 8.0 0.0 8.0 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Papua New Guinea Jan./Dec. 325.5 0.0 325.5 320.0 57.9 0.0 57.9
Samoa Jan./Dec. 17.0 0.0 17.0 17.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
Solomon Isl. Jan./Dec. 26.0 0.0 26.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tuvalu Jan./Dec. 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Vanuatu Jan./Dec. 11.0 0.0 11.0 11.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
EUROPE   657.4 92.6 750.0 870.0 870.0 148.2 721.8
Albania July/June 340.1 2.9 343.0 323.0 323.0 42.7 280.3
Bosnia&Herzegovina July/June 215.0 75.0 290.0 290.0 290.0 104.6 185.4
Macedonia, FYR July/June 102.3 14.7 117.0 257.0 257.0 0.9 256.1
TOTAL   68 329.4 7 446.9 75 776.3 74 745.2 69 992.1 5 645.3 64 346.8

1/ Includes food deficit countries with per caput income below the level used by the World Bank to determine eligibility for IDA assistance (i.e. U.S.$ 1 445 in 2000), which is in accordance with the guidelines and criteria agreed to by the CFA should be given priority in the allocation of food aid.
2/ Includes import requirements of Taiwan Province.

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