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Lista de participantes

Conferencia International sobre la Contribución de los Criterios e Indicadores
para la Ordenación Forestal Sostenible: El camino a seguir
Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
3 - 7 febrero 2003


Silvia Chiavassa
Técnico Estadístico Forestal
Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable
San Martìn 459, 3er. Piso (1004)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel: 5411-4348-8482; Fax: 5411-434-88486
[email protected]


Mathew Hardy
Policy Officer, Regional Forest Agreements Unit
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
GPO Box 858, Canberra Act 2601
Tel: 612-62723038; Fax: 612-62724875
[email protected]

John Talbot
Manager, Regional Forest Agreements Unit
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
GPO Box 858, Canberra Act 2601
Tel: 612-62723847; Fax: 612-62724875
[email protected]

Mellissa Wood
Manager, National Forest Inventory
Bureau of Rural Sciences, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
GPO Box 858, Canberra Act 2601
Tel: 612-62724680; Fax: 612-62723882
[email protected]


Ingwald Gschwandtl
Director-Forest Policy and Information Division
Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment, Water Management
Marxergasse 2, A-1030
Vienna, Austria
Tel: 431-711007305
Fax: 431-71100-7399
[email protected]


Pablo Rodríguez Añez
Director General
Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Planificación
Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz, Edificio Ex Comibol No. 1092, Planta Baja
La Paz, Bolivia
Tel: 591-22330970
Fax: 591-22330970
forestal•[email protected]


Joao Mauricio Cabral de Mello
Second Secretary
Division of Environment
Ministry of Foreign Relations
SQS 213 Bl D; Apt 503
ASA SUL Brasilia 70292 - 040
Tel: 55-61-411-6985
Fax: 55-61-322-5523
[email protected]

Gilda M. Ramos Guimaraes
Embajadora Extraordinaria y
Plenipotenciaria de la Republica de Brasil
18 Calle 2-22 Zona 14
Tel: (502) 337 0949 / 337 0950
Fax: (502) 337 - 3475
[email protected]


Ung Sam Ath
Député directeur Department de la forêt et chasse
Ministère de l'agriculture, de la forêt et de la pêche
No.40 Norodom Blvd.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: 855-12-972291
[email protected]


Samuel Eben Ebai
Chief of Service for Forestry, East Province
Ministère de l'Environnement et des forêts
BP 07 Bertoua, Cameroon
Tel: 237-2241635/ 2242425
Fax: 237-2241591


Kathryn Buchanan
Senior Policy Advisor
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
8th. Floor Sir William Logan Building
580 Booth Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OE4, Canada
Tel: 1-613-9479061
Fax: 1-613-9479038
[email protected]

Jacques Carette
Director General
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
8th. Floor Sir William Logan Building,
580 Booth Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OE4, Canada
Tel: 1-613-9479100
Fax: 1-613-9479038
[email protected]

Jagmohan Maini
636 Glenhurst Crescent
Ottawa, Ontario K1J-787, Canada"
Tel: 1 (613) 749 9373
[email protected]

Brenda McAfee
Science Advisor-A. Director
Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
12th. Floor Sir William Logan Building
580 Booth Street,
Ottawa, Ontario K1A OE4, Canada
Tel: 1-613-947-9060
Fax: 1-613-947-9035
[email protected]

Bruce Macnab
Research Coordinator
Sustainable Forest Management Network (University of Alberta)
G-208 Biological Sciences Building Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E9
Tel: 1-780-4929834
Fax: 1-780-4928160
[email protected];[email protected]

Denyse Rousseau
Deputy Director
Environmental Relations Division
Department of Foreign affairs and International Trade
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A0G2
Tel: 1-613-996-2919
Fax: 1-613-995-9525
[email protected]


Rubén Darío Guerrero Useda
Advisor, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente
Calle 37 No. 8-40, 2do. Piso
Bogotá, DC, Colombia
Tel: 571-3323400; Ext. 343
Fax: 571-3406206
[email protected]


Mariano Espinoza Camacho
Executive Secretariat, Forest Commission on Certification
Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación SINAC
A.P. 1426-1011 y Griega
San José, Costa Rica
Tel: 506 - 2838004 ; Fax: 506 - 2837343
[email protected]


Soro Yamani
Inspecteur, Ministère des eaux et forêts
20 BP 65 D Abidjan 20, Côte d'Ivoire
Tel: 225-20213516/ 225-22475141
Fax: 225-20213516
[email protected]


Juan Alberto Herrero
Ministerio de Agricultura
Jefe Departamento de Ordenación Forestal
Avenida Independencia y Conill
Plaza de la Revolución
La Habana 10600, Cuba
Tel: 8845548; Fax: 8817875
[email protected]


José Antonio Prado
Senior Advisor, Instituto Forestal
Huerfanos 554, Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-6930720; Fax: 562-6381286
[email protected]

Carlos Weber Bonte
Director Ejecutivo
Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF)
Avenida Bulnes 285, of. 501
Santiago, Chile
Tel: 562-3900220 ; Fax: 562-6715881
[email protected]


Alexandros Christodoulou
Chief Conservator of Forest
Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
Department of Forests
1414 Nicosia, Cyprus
Tel: 357-22805503; Fax: 357-22780428
[email protected]


Rubens Mambai
Secretary General
Ministère des eaux, forêt, chasses, pêches et environnement
B.P 830 Bangui, République Centrafricaine
Téléfax: 236-618053
[email protected]

Yves Yalibanda
Ministère des eaux et forêt
B.P. 830 Bangui, République Centrafricaine
Fax: 236-505054
[email protected]


Francisco Cuevas
Director de Reforestación y Manejo
Secretaria de Estado de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales
Autopista Duarte Km. 6 1/2 Jardines del Norte Edif. de la Secretaría de Agricultura
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Tel: 809-2277332; Fax: 809-2277426
reforestacion@codeTel: net.do


Oswaldo Baez Tobar
Asesor Técnico
Ministerio del Ambiente
Ministerio del Ambiente Ave. Floy Alfaro y Amazonas EDF.MAG
Quito, Ecuador
Tel: 593-2-2557464/ 256 3462
Fax: 593-2-2563429
[email protected]

Marco Vinicio Romero
Asesor Técnico
Proyecto Política Forestal (GTZ-MAE)
Ave. Amazonas y Eloy Altaro, Edificio MAG, piso 8, Quito
Casilla: 17-21 1925, Quito, Ecuador
Telfax: 593 2508927
[email protected]

Hans Thiel Klinger
Casilla 17-22-2007
Quito, Ecuador
TeleFax: 5932-2377306
Cellular: 5939- 9983 1841
[email protected]


Mahmoud Medany
First Researcher and Consultant of Climate Change Unit
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
30 Misr Helwan EL-Zyrae Rd, Maadi P.O.Box 11728, Cairo, Egypt
Tel: 02-5256470
Fax: 02-5256461
[email protected]


Hector Antonio Díaz Rivera
Técnico Forestal
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
San Salvador, El Salvador
Tel: 503 294 0566 Ext. 64/49
Fax: 503 294 0595
[email protected]

Markku Aho
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
P.O Box. 176, FIN
00161 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: 358-9-16056422
Fax: 358-9-16056100
[email protected]

Jari Parviainen

Director, Finnish Forest Research Institute
Joensuu Research Centre
Yliopistokatu 7, Box 68
FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland
Tel: +358 13 251 4010;
Fax: 358 13 251 4111
[email protected]

Markku Simula
Managing Director, INDUFOR
Toolonkatu 11 A, 00100 Helsinki
Tel: 358-96840110
Fax: 358-91352552
[email protected]

Jouni Suoheimo
Senior Advisor
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Tel: 358-9-1605-2923
Fax: 358-9- 160- 2400
[email protected]


Sigrid Strich
Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection,
Food and Agriculture
Referat 534, International Forest Policy Section
Postfach, 140270, D-53107
Bonn, Germany
Tel: 49-2285294130; Fax: 49-2285294318
[email protected]


Christina Amoako-Nuama
Independent Consultant, CHRISAM
Post Office Box LG 773
Legon, Ghana
Tel: 233-21513366
Fax: 233-21664067
[email protected]

Joseph Osiakwan
Planning Officer
Ministry of Lands and Forestry
PBX MB212 Accra, Ghana
Tel: 0233(21) 687346/ 020 8182556
Fax: 233(21) 666801
[email protected]


Marco Aurelio Juárez
Instituto Nacional de Bosques
7a. Ave. 6-80, Zona 13
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Tel: 502 440-3264/ 4735208
Fax: 502 440 3264
[email protected]

Glenda Lee
Coordinadora Principal, CICI-2003
Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB)
7a. Ave. 6-80, Zona 13
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Tel: 502-379-9830/- 379-9831
Fax: 502-379 9830
[email protected]

Ogden Rodas
Guatemala City, Guatemala
Tel: 502 - 363-5560 ; Fax: 502 - 363-5550
[email protected]


Miguel Angel Ramírez
Coordinador Componente RRNN
Proyecto de Administracion de Areas
Rurales (PAAR)
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Tel: 504-239-9849-49
[email protected]

Carlos Sandoval Escobar
Forest Management
Department Chief, AFE- COHDEFOR
Colonia Santa Fè, Zona El Carrizal No. 2
Apto. 1378
Camayaguela MDC, Honduras
[email protected]

Julie Tom
Enlace Técnico
Administración Forestal del Estado
Colonia Santa Fè, Zona El Carrizal No. 2, Apto. 1378
Camayaguela MDC, Honduras
Tel: 504 - 2356245
[email protected]

Juan Blas Zapata
Proceso Lepaterique de Centro América
Coordinador Agenda Forestal de Honduras
P. O. Box 2760
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Tel/fax: 504-239-05-30, (504)239-9342
[email protected]


Vinod Kumar Bahuguna
Inspector General of Forests
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Room No. 102BWING, 1st. Floor
Paryavaran Bhawan,
CGO Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi 110003, India
TeleFax: 9111-4360379, 3782417
[email protected]

Dr Ram Prasad

Madhya Pradesh forest Department
Principal Chief Conservator of Forest
PCCF, MP Satpura Vhawan
Bhopal, India
Tel: 91-755-2550809 -775998
Fax: 91-755-2551561
[email protected]


Hossein Maleki
Councillor, Desertification & Deforestation Issues
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran
West Bld. No. 8, Un Alley, Kooshk Mesri Str, Ferdousi Ave.
Teheran, Iran
Tel: 9821-3212671
Fax: 9821-6704176
[email protected]


Tri Joko Mulyono
Deputy Director, Implementation of Standard and Environment Evaluation
Ministry of Forestry
Manggala Wanabakti Building Block IV, 7th. Floor Wing B,
JL Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270 Indonesia
Telfax: 6221-5733433
[email protected]


Toshimasa Masuyama
Section Chief
Forestry Agency
1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyodaku,
Tokyo, Japan
100-8952 Japan
Tel: 81-3-35918449
Fax: 81-3-35939565
toshimasa•[email protected]


Thang Hooi Chiew
Deputy Director-General of Forestry
Forestry Department Headquarters, Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50660
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603-26988244
Fax: 603-26925657
[email protected]

Frederick Kugan
Senior Assistant Director
Sabah Forestry Department
Locked BAG 68
90009 Sandakan
Sabah, Malaysia
Tel: 60-89660626
Fax: 60-89672085
[email protected]
Jusoh Saleh
Principal Assistant Secretary
Ministry of Primary Industries
8thFloor, Menara Dayabumi, Jalan Sultan Hishamuddin, 50654

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603-22356128
Fax: 603-22731636
[email protected]
Harnarinder Singh
Senior Manager
Malaysian Timber Certification Council
19 F, Level 19, Menara PGRM, No. 8
Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras, 56100
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603-92005008
Fax: 603-92006008
[email protected]


César Augusto Castañeda
Asesor Externo
Unión de Ejidos Forestales de la Sierra Norte de Puebla
Georgia 5-2, Fraccionamiento Vista Alegre, Puebla Pue, cp 72590
Tel: 52222-2338819
Fax: 52222-2297151
[email protected]

Laura Lara Granados
Subdirectora de Cooperación Internacional
Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos
Progreso No. 5 Col. del Carmen Coyoacán, Delegación Coyoacán CP 04100
Tel: 52 - 5484-3567
Fax: 52 - 5484-356
[email protected]


Fatima Kanji
Forest Engineer
National Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife
Dirección Nacional de Florestas y Fauna Bravia
Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: 00-258-1-4600-36
Fax: 00258-1-460060
[email protected]

Muino Taquidir
Forest Engineer
National Directorate of Forestry and Wildlife
PO. Box 1406-Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: 00-258-1-4600-36
Fax: 00258-1-460060
[email protected]


Tin Aye
Deputy Director, Ministry of Forest
Director General Office, Forest Dept
Bayininaung Road West Gyogone
Insein, 11011, Yangon, Myanmar
Tel: 951-681928
Fax: 951-664336
[email protected]


Gopal Kumar Shrestha
Forest Product Utilization Officer
Department of Forests, Babar Mahal
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 977-1220303; Fax: 977-1227374
[email protected]


Andrew Dunningham
Sustainable Forest Management
Resource Monitoring Unit
Forest Research, Private Bag 3020
Rotorua, New Zealand
Tel: 64-7-3435899
Fax: 64-7-343-5332
[email protected]


Martin Alberto Cuadra Cruz
Jefe Depto. Monitoreo y Seguimiento Territorial
INAFOR, Managua, Nicaragua
Tel: 2334699; Fax: 2334699
[email protected]


Tariq Nazir Chaudhry
Section Officer
Ministry of Environment Local Government and Rural
16/2 E. Sector G, 10/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: 92-512212242 ; Fax: 92-51-2242242
[email protected]


Raul Gutiérrez Rivera
Jefe del Servicio Forestal
Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente
Apartado Postal E, Zona 0843
Balboa, Ancon, Panamá
Tel: 5073150902; Fax: 5073150573
[email protected]


Maria Alejandra Rivadeneira
Coordinadora Proyecto FAO TCP/PAR/0065
Mesa Forestal Nacional
Oliva N° 552 c/14 de Mayo Edificio Ñasaindy Piso 3.
Asunción, Paraguay
Tel: 498213; Fax: 498213
[email protected]


Verónica Sobrevilla Gonzáles
Profesional Especialista
Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales, INRENA
Calle Diecisiete No.355 Urb.
El Palomar San Isidro, Lima 27, Peru
Telfax: 511-4752555
[email protected]


Romeo Acosta
Director, Forest Management Bureau
Visayas Avenue, Diliman,
Quezón City 1100, Philippines
Tel: 632-9289313; Fax: 632-9200374
[email protected]


Mafu Dan Nkosi
Assistant Director
Environment Department of Water
Affairs & Forestry
Private Bag X 93
Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Tel: 271-23368646; Fax: 271-23866041
[email protected]

Paddy Abbot
DWAF Forestry Support Project
Department of Water Affairs & Forestry
Private Bag X 93 Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Tel: 2712-3368646; Fax: 27-123286041
[email protected]


Ana Belén Noriega Bravo
Asesor del Servicio de Ordenación de la Selvicultura
Dirección General de Conservación de la Naturaleza
Gran vía de San Francisco No. 4
28005 Madrid, Spain
Tel: 34915964884; Fax: 34915975565
[email protected]


Kaluntantri Ariyadasa
Forest Department
Conservator of Forest, Sri Lanka
Tel: 941 866624; Fax: 941 866633
[email protected]


Rene Ali Somopawlro
Policy & Development Manager
Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control
Ds, ML Kingweg Perc. No. 283, Suriname
Tel: 597-483131; Fax: 597-483051
[email protected]


Astrid Bergquist
Senior Adviser
Ministry of Industry, Employment and Communications
S 103 33 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel: 4684051132; Fax: 4684052280
[email protected]


Jira Jintanugool
Director of Forest Management and Economic Research Division
Royal Forest Department
Phahon yothin road, Chatuchak,
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Telfax: 6625798884
[email protected]


Seepersad Romnarine
Deputy Director of Forestry (NRRP)
Forestry Division, Ministry of Public Utilities and the Environment
Long Circular Road St. James
Trinidad and Tobago
Tel: 8686225658; Fax: 8686285503
[email protected];[email protected]


Michael Dudley
Head of International Forestry
231 Corstorphine Rd
Edinburgh, EH12 7 AT, United Kingdom
Tel: 441313340442; Fax: 44131314 6115
[email protected]


Daniel San Roman
Montreal Process
Montevideo, Uruguay
18 julio 1455 piso 6
CP 11200, Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel: 598-2-401907; Fax: 598-2-4019706
[email protected]


Paul Brouha
Director, Strategic Planning and Resource Assessment
USDA Forest Service, Mail Stop 1129
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington DC, 20250-1129, USA
Tel: 1703 605 4482; Fax: 1703 605 4199
[email protected]

Edwin Brown
Forest Programs Officer, US Dept of State
OES/ETC, Room 4333
2201 C Street NW
Washington DC. 20520, USA
Tel: 1202 736 7113; Fax: 1202 736 7351
[email protected]

James E. Brown
Policy Director
Governor's Natural Resources Office
900 Court St, Suite 160
Salem, Oregon 97301-4047, USA
Tel: (503) 378 4385; Fax: (503) 378 6827
[email protected]

Marvin Brown
Director, Private Forest Lands Management
American Forest and Paper Association
111 19th. Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC. 20036, USA
Tel: 1202 463 2732; Fax: 1202 463 2785
Marvin•[email protected]

Stephanie Caswell
Deputy Director
Office of Ecology and Terrestrial
U.S. Department of State
OES/ETC, Room 4333
Washington, DC. 20520, USA
Tel 1202- 647-4269; Fax: 1202-736-7351
[email protected]

Richard Guldin
Staff Director of Science Policy, Planning, Inventory and Information
Forest Service, Research & Development
P.O. Box 96090,
Washington, DC 20090-6090, USA
Tel: 1703 605 4177
Fax: 1706 605 5131
[email protected]

Robert Hendricks
Senior Policy Analyst
International Programs
USDA Forest Service Program
1099 14thstreet; NW, Suite 5500W
Washington, DC. 20005, USA
Tel: 1202-273-4730;
Fax: 1202- 273 4750
[email protected]

Gerald Rose
Forest Sustainability Representative
National Association of State Foresters
10279 County 426 E Road Cornell
Michigan 49818, USA
Tel: 1906 384 6923
Fax: 1906 384 6533
[email protected]


Hanington Tate Tamla
Principal Forest Officer
Department of Forests
Private Mail Bag 9064
Port Vila, Vanuatu
Tel: 67823171 / 230856
Fax: 67825051
[email protected]



Sergio Sánchez Ballivián
Secretario General, Pro Tempore Secretary
Amazonian Cooperation Treaty
Calle Ingavi Esq. Junín,
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto
La Paz, Bolivia
Telefax: 591-2-310394;
[email protected]


Emile Mokoko Wongolo
Secretary General
African Timber Organization (ATO)
B.P. 1077, Libreville, Rép. du Gabon
Tel: 241-732928
Fax: 241-734033
[email protected]

Emmanuel Siisi-Wilson

Technical Director
Forest Management Certification
African Timber Organization (ATO)
B.P. 1077, Libreville, Rép. du Gabon
Tel: 241-73-2928, Fax: 241-73-4030.
[email protected];


Ravi Prabhu
Acting Director, Program on Forests and Governance
CIFOR Regional Office for Eastern and Southern Africa
73 Harare Drive, Mt. Pleasant
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: 263-4369655; Fax: 263 4369657
[email protected]


Abdoulie Danso
Expert, Natural Resources Management
Programme majeur gestion des ressources naturelles/unité d'appulaux stratégies et politiques de Grn (UASP)
03 BP 7049
Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso
Tel: 226-374125/26
Fax: 226-374173
[email protected] or[email protected]

Francois Tapsoba
Responsable du programme majeur gestion des ressources naturelles (CILSS)
Africa Process /CILSS Countries
03 BP 7049
Ouagadougou 03, Burkina Faso
Tel: 226-374125/26; Fax: 226-374173
[email protected];
[email protected]


Froylán Castañeda
Forestry Officer
Tropical Forest Management
Forest Resources Division
Forestry Department/FAO
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39)(06) 5705-3834;
Fax: (39)(06) 5705-5137
[email protected]

Christel Palmberg-Lerche

Chief, Forest Resources Development Service
Forest Resources Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: (39) (06) 5705-3841

Peter Holmgren
Senior Forestry Officer
Forest Resources Assessment Programme
Forest Resources Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel (39) (06) 57052714
Fax : (39) (06) 57055825
[email protected]

Tiina Vahanen

Forestry Officer
Forestry Information and Liaison Unit
Forestry Department
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel: 39-06-5705-3734;
Fax: 39-06-5705-2151
[email protected]

Marcela Ochoa

FAO Consultant
515 General Services Building
Edmonton AB, Canada T6G 2H1
Tel: 1-780-4327159; Fax: 1-780-4920268
[email protected]


Steven Johnson
Economic Information and Market Intelligence
ITTO, International Organizations Center 5thfloor
Pacifico-Yokohama, 1-1-1, Minato-Mirai
Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan
Tel: (81-45) 2231110
Fax: (81-45) 223 1111
[email protected]

Eva Müller
Assistant Director
Reforestation and Forest Management
ITTO, International Organizations Center 5thfloor
Pacifico-Yokohama,1-1-1, Minato-Mirai
Nishi-ku,Yokohama 220-0012, Japan
Tel: (81-45) 223 1110
Fax: (81-45) 223 1111
[email protected]


Ewald Rametsteiner
Expert on Socio-Economics
Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
Marxergasse 2, A-1030
Vienna, Austria
Tel: 431-710-77 0216
Fax: 43 1-710 77 0213
[email protected]


Paulos Mwale
Deputy Director of Forestry
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
Forestry Department
P. O. Box 30048. Lilongwe 3, Malawi
Tel: 265-1-771-00; Fax: 265-1-784-268
[email protected]


Leif Pedersen
Regional Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean in Biodiversity and International Waters
Tel (52-55) 5263-9815
Fax (52-55) 5250-2524
[email protected]

Tim Boyle
Programme Manager, Forests and Agrobiodiversity
304 E.45th. St. FF 9th Floor
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 1212 906 6511
Fax : 1212 906 6690
[email protected]


Jinhua Zhang
Programme Officer
Division of Early Warning and Assessment
PO. Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: 254-2-623832;
Fax: 254-2-623943
[email protected]


Susan Braatz
Senior Forest Policy Advisor
Secretariat of UNFF
Two UN Plaza, Room DC 2-2286
New York, NY 10017, USA
Tel: 212-96334219
Fax: 917-3673186
[email protected]


Daniel Arancibia
Regional Coordination
Forest Stewardship Council
Gorresstr. 15/ II A, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Tel: 49-228-367660; Fax: 49-228-3676630
[email protected]


Andrei Laletin
Chairman, Friends of the Siberian Forests
P.O. Box 26779
Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
Telfax: 7-3912-498404
[email protected]


Ben Gunneberg
Secretary General, PEFC Council
17 Rue Des Girondins,L-1626
Tel: 352-2625-9059; Fax: 325-2625-9258
[email protected]

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