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(All amounts in US$ 000)


Major Programme

2002-03 Programme of Work

RG Programme Change

RG 2004-05 Programme of Work

ZRG Programme Change

ZRG 2004-05 Programme of Work


Information and Publications Support




















Major Programme 5.1: Information and Publications Support

(All amounts in US$ 000)



2002-03 Programme of Work

RG Programme Change

RG 2004-05 Programme of Work

ZRG Programme Change

ZRG 2004-05 Programme of Work


Public Information and Publications Support







Programme Management













266. Major Programme 5.1 consists of Programmes 5.1.1 and 5.1.9, which relate to the work of the Information Division (GII) and its outposted Information Officers in the Regional Offices, and programme management by GII and the Office of the Assistant Director-General, General Affairs and Information Department (GID). It spearheads implementation of the Strategy on Communicating FAO's Messages, itself complemented by the more detailed Corporate Communication Policy and Strategy.

267. During the 2002-03 biennium, the GII Division has undertaken a re-organisation, integrating its Media Relations Branch and its Multimedia Group into a News and Multimedia Service. This Service comprises three Groups, covering: News, Multimedia Production and Communication and Design. To provide more effective support to other units in their publishing activities, particularly with regard to processes, procedures and policy, GI will capitalize on an open, integrated publishing workflow management system, building on the capacities and existing resources of its editorial, production and sales and marketing groups.

Changes in Resources

268. The proposal envisages an increase in resources, including for annual seminars of Regional Information Officers and enhanced support to the Regional Communication Planning process. However, the major part is for three needed new posts of Senior Officer, News Group (P-5), Assistant Exhibitions Officer (P-2), and Information Product Distribution Officer (P-2), to ensure the proper dissemination to member countries of both new and existing technical publications. The remaining funds would contribute to the cost of the GI Department Information Technology Officer post.

Programme 5.1.1: Public Information and Publications Support

Publishing Policy and Support

269. As in previous biennia, technical departments will be assisted in the production and dissemination of information products in all official languages, in both print and electronic format. The foreseen continued relative increase in the amount of material published in electronic format will be met by adjusting skills in the division, as required.

270. While still providing core technical expertise in editing, design, layout and graphics, GII will shift towards the provision of normative services through FAO's Inter- and Intranet, e.g. in the form of online templates for technical publications, and guidelines on publishing policies and procedures. Further service enhancements are foreseen through an integrated web-based publishing workflow system, which will be accessible not only to staff in the Publishing Management Service, but also to technical departments and decentralized offices to enable them to monitor and control more effectively their publishing activities.

271. GII will continue to seek co-publishing arrangements with commercial publishers in all FAO languages. As decided by the Corporate Communication Committee, a review of the current Chinese Publications Programme will be undertaken to increase both the number of titles and the distribution of publications in China. A reduced level of resources will be available for books in non-official languages, through selected publishers at country level.

272. It is recalled that the Information Products Revolving Fund and the Money and Medals Programme were merged in order to benefit from synergies between the two activities in respect of order handling and sales promotion, also seeking to develop new ideas together with technical departments, to increase the outreach of FAO information products.

News and Multimedia

273. Emphasis is being placed on mainstreaming communication planning within the Programme of Work and Budget formulation exercise, to ensure effective links between communication activities and key programmes, and to involve decentralized offices more fully in the process. Understanding and responding to the expectations of key target audiences - including government decision-makers, bilateral donors, multilateral agencies, international financing institutions, technical counterparts, the scientific and research community, non-governmental and civil society organizations, the private sector and medium-sized agricultural producers - will remain a priority.

274. Opportunities will be sought to generate hard news related to identified priority issues in agriculture, forestry and fisheries, in particular food safety, food security and poverty, mounting integrated campaigns covering print, broadcast and electronic media. Public Service Advertisements will be prepared for broadcast by global TV stations. Partnership arrangements will be sought with target broadcasters. The FAO website will continue to be an important channel of communication to the media, as well as key target audiences and the general public. Modern tools and systems will be adopted and put to use across a range of media formats: radio, video, internet, CD-ROM, multimedia presentations and print to maximise the dissemination of information. Equipment and systems will be updated, to take full advantage of technological advances in the digital media context. A new Assistant Exhibitions Officer post will respond to the increase in the number of exhibitions required to enhance FAO's visibility around the world.

Programme 5.1.9: Programme Management

275. This programme covers the applicable portion of the cost of GID, including the Programme Coordination Unit (GIDP) and the divisional direction of GII.

Impact of ZRG resource levels

Reductions under the ZRG scenario will impact directly on the ability of GII to deliver its services. The duties of the Information Product Distribution Officer will continue to be required, but they will have to be funded from non-staff resources, thereby reducing funds available for other essential publishing activities.
The inability of the Division to create the post of Assistant Exhibitions Officer, and the need to establish the post of P-5, Senior Officer, News Group, by compressing non-staff resources, will lead to significantly lower non-staff resources, e.g. curtailing required investment in updating digital communication systems.

Major Programme 5.2: Administration

(All amounts in US$ 000)



2002-03 Programme of Work

RG Programme Change

RG 2004-05 Programme of Work

ZRG Programme Change

ZRG 2004-05 Programme of Work


Financial Services







Information Systems and Technology Services







Human Resources Services







Programme Management













276. Major Programme 5.2 includes the provisions for the financial, computer and human resource services provided by the Administration and Finance Department (AF) and provisions for related services in the Regional and Sub-regional Offices. It also includes the Office of Assistant Director-General, AF (AFD), and the share of the overall Management Support Service (MSS) cost relating to the provision of services to AF divisions.

Changes in resources

277. The posts and attendant resources assigned to the Travel Unit currently in the Finance Division (AFF) will be transferred to the Management Support Service (MSS). This will bring travel operations into a servicing environment closer to user departments, benefiting from connection with appointment/separation, education, home leave and shipping entitlements which are already authorised in the MSS. As a result of this transfer, allocation for the Chapter has been reduced, because the cost of MSS is distributed across the programme management entities of all programmes to which it provides services.

278. Additional resources have been provided to AFF to address staffing constraints identified in recommendations by external consultants. Additional funds were also provided to AFH (Human Resources Management Division) to address staff development objectives identified in the Medium Term Plan. Funding for the Information Systems and Technology Division (AFI) has declined due to the removal of budgeted amounts for previous Oracle development activities.

279. However, additional funding was provided to AFI to address present staffing constraints and to fund operational support for the growing Wide Area Network (WAN), but like the MSS, most of AFI costs are also distributed, with only a fraction budgeted in this Chapter, hence this increase is also not readily apparent in the tables.

Programme 5.2.1: Financial Services

280. The primary functions of the Finance Division (AFF) are to maintain the accounts of the Organization to the highest standards with reference to UN System Accounting Standards and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and to provide accurate and timely financial information to all levels within the Organization and to the Governing Bodies.

281. During 2004-05, the Finance Division will consolidate and strengthen financial system support to budget holders throughout the Organization and extend procedural guidance to the same budget holders in all locations. AFF will also continue to work in close collaboration with other units to develop solutions to changing business needs. The overall aim is to strengthen financial functions in FAO, realign processes to meet the needs of users, and identify and implement best business practices in financial processes.

282. Realignments of units in the Finance Division will include strengthening the treasury and investments monitoring function with the creation of a Treasury Operations Branch reporting directly to the Division Director, the incorporation of the Controls Branch into the renamed Financial Operations and Systems Service, and strengthening of the Accounting, Reporting and Analysis Group with the transfer of staff from the Decentralized Accounting Group.

Programme 5.2.2: Information Systems and Technology Services

283. The provision under this programme covers only the direct managerial costs of the Information Systems and Technology Division (AFI), with the exception of the Director and his Secretary who are shown under Programme Management. The remaining costs of information technology (IT) services, amounting to approximately US$ 28.3 million in 2004-05, are distributed to the various programmes making use of the information technology infrastructure, network and telecommunications services and of computerised applications.

284. Responding to expanding use of information systems and new technologies, AFI will continue to assist programme managers and technical staff in applying modern communication tools and techniques. The development and coordination of systems and applications in line with corporate and departmental strategies requires that AFI undertake the overall management of shared computer resources and telecommunications infrastructure, including local and wide-area network management and Internet systems management.

285. Therefore, AFI assists in the delivery of the programmes of the Organization through computer application initiatives such as the World Agricultural Information Centre (WAICENT), Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System (FIVIMS), Fisheries Global Information System (FIGIS), INFOSYLVA and FAOMAP, all of which make heavy use of Internet-based technology.

286. AFI will also devote time and resources in the next biennium to: the strengthening of IT Governance and Information Security; the introduction of best-practice methodology for Service Management and Service delivery; the implementation of systems in support of decentralization of project operations in FAO Representations; the replacement of legacy Human Resources and Payroll systems; and ensuring the required computer infrastructure.

Programme 5.2.3: Human Resources Management Services

287. The Human Resources Management Division (AFH) and the Medical Unit (AFDM) are covered under this programme. AFH will continue to address the broad spectrum of human resources management issues. The functions of the division have evolved over the last two biennia, from a traditional rules-based prescriptive approach to a more strategic one, involving the provision of policy and advisory services. A more integrated approach has been implemented with respect to human resources planning and human resources development.

288. The structure of AFH reflects this strategic change, with three organizational units reporting to its Director: the Human Resources Development Service (AFHO), the Human Resources Policy, Planning and Systems Service (AFHP), and a Legal Matters Unit. The division will pursue important activities, such as: targeted recruitment and development programmes for young professionals; review of jobs within the general service category to ensure that they meet future needs of the Organization and support career development of staff; integration of gender and diversity issues into human resources management; and an evolving programme of staff development, with particular emphasis on supporting key cross-organizational themes emerging from the Strategic Framework and the Medium Term Plan (MTP). The implementation of the Oracle Human Resources Management System, which began in 2002-03, will continue to require a significant commitment from the Division.

289. Within the UN system, AFH will continue to participate in inter-agency consultations, particularly relating to the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) and the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF), in order to maintain a common approach on human resources management matters.

290. The Medical Unit will continue to fulfil its mandate relating to health of staff. Further to initiatives already carried out (work station ergonomic assessment, physiotherapy and extended travel clinic), preventative programmes will continue on the basis of data from its Occupational Health Information System.

Programme 5.2.9: Programme Management

291. This programme covers AFD, the offices of division directors and the portion of the distributed costs of the Management Support Service (MSS) corresponding to the service provided to the AF Department. The remaining costs of the MSS are distributed to the various management programmes of Headquarters departments being serviced by the MSS. It is recalled that the MSS provides a range of administrative support services, advice and management information to Division Directors and Department Heads in the areas of finance, budget, procurement-requisitioning, personnel and travel, in accordance with the established rules and regulations of the Organization.

Impact of ZRG resource levels

The ZRG level would imply lower non-staff resources for many activities in Major Programme 5.2. In particular, the attendant resource constraints would limit the Finance Division's ability to contract needed human resources from outside to support adequately improvements in financial functions and for servicing users. The Information Systems and Technology Division would not be able to take systems development initiatives beyond essential maintenance. The Human Resources Division's planned initiatives, as identified in the MTP, for enhanced staff development programmes would be severely curtailed.

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