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The value of research for society in general is primarily contingent on communication of the results and newly-acquired knowledge to the public, authorities and industry. The information should be in a form which enables them to utilize the results productively and for improving the circumstances and quality of life of the people. This is clear understood both in the research and among those who will receive and apply new knowledge.

Research institutions have often and sometimes justifiably, been accused of placing too little emphasis on communication and the transfer of knowledge. However, research institutions have been able to claim that successful transfer of knowledge requires a competent receiver and translation apparatus for those who are going to utilize the knowledge. The most important factors will continue to be the exercise of caution when defining the target groups for different communication initiatives, making appropriate selections based on criteria of relevance, need and potential and that there is emphasis applying good and relevant methods for communicating knowledge. Good communication of scientifically acquired knowledge often requires elements of demonstration. The general term R&D should therefore be expanded to RD&D - Research, Development and Demonstration - when it applies to the research institutions’ industry-oriented research activities.

Another field where industrial participants have often raised criticism against research is prioritization and selection of research themes. Most of the criticism has been that there has been too little priority placed on areas where the possibilities for achieving applicable results are good and where it is economically and technologically realistic for the industrial participants to implement the research results.

The opinions given above regarding a lack of quality and relevance in communication between research and industry seem to be universally disseminated. It has been an observable and articulated phenomenon in many countries, seemingly independent of level of the industrial development and geographic location.

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