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Annex 1: Conference programme



Propositions for discussion

15-20 November 2004

Topic 1 - Causes and consequences of soil moisture scarcity

Poor yields are often related to an insufficiency of soil moisture rather than to an insufficiency of rainfall.

Conventional farming accelerates loss of soil moisture through reduced ability of the soil to capture, drain and store rainwater.

Soil moisture monitoring is usually a better decision-making tool for farmers than rainfall predictions and weather forecasts.

Disasters, like floods and landslides, and also the costs for road maintenance and water treatment would be minimized where rainwater infiltration and storage in agricultural soils were maximized.

Farmers cannot cope with strong climate trends and their consequences for agricultural practices because their production systems are not flexible enough.

22-27 November 2004

Topic 2 - Creating drought-resistant soil: technologies and impacts of improved soil moisture management at field level

Restoration of soil porosity by mechanical means is less satisfactory than by biological means.

Runoff farming and water harvesting aim to concentrate rainfall water and favour local crop growth through more effective use of rainwater. However, they are restricted to specific conditions (environmental and socio-economic) for their effectiveness in improving water-use efficiency.

Soil moisture management practices and organic matter decomposition processes have a major impact on vegetal, animal and soil biodiversity.

Although the principles that lead to good soil moisture management are not new, farmers do not apply them widely, mainly because adapted technologies are not developed by researchers.

"Good practices", like those limiting runoff and favouring water infiltration, may have negative environmental effects at farm and watershed level.

29 November - 4 December 2004

Topic 3 - Environmental consequences of drought-resistant soil and improved soil moisture management

Local soil moisture management practices will only modify water redistribution towards rivers, aquifers, etc. at local scale.

The production of biomass for soil cover, as is recommended for local soil moisture management, will also have costs in terms of water use, and have a negative influence on the water balance.

Soil moisture management practices do not only influence the hydrologic regime but modify nutrient cycling and organic matter decomposition processes as well.

Improved soil moisture management practices can have such an impact on the biodiversity of a soil that even where people thought that certain species were never there, they appear or re-appear after several years.

There is no holistic representation thinkable that could allow a real analysis of benefits (social, financial, biophysical and environmental) of the impact of soil moisture management practices.

6-11 December 2004

Topic 4 - Adequate tools and technologies to support efficient soil moisture management

Available equipment and techniques are not adequate for on-farm measurement of plant-available soil water.

It is difficult to combine weather or seasonal forecasts and soil moisture measurements or predictions for better cropping-system management.

The type of model for on-farm estimation of plant-available soil water does not secure reliable results.

Soil moisture monitoring needs trained people to measure or simulate and process the information.

Measured (laboratory) or simulated concepts, variables or indicators are needed to generate information to support soil moisture monitoring.

The short-term benefits and long-term externalities induced by good soil moisture management must be evaluated, discussed and published.

13-18 December 2004

Topic 5 - Conditions for adoption of drought-proofing practices by farmers

Technology adoption and adaptation has only been successful where adequate attention was paid to farmers' initiatives and their interactions on "products" released by research, extension services and the private sector.

The implementation of improved soil moisture management systems will be hindered by government legislation, incentives and subsidies.

The main reason for farmers and communities not to implement appropriate soil moisture management is lack of information, education and training.

As there are alternatives to feeding livestock, farmers do not really have to choose between using crop residues for soil cover or as feed for cattle in arid regions.

In general, conservation agriculture is perceived as more profitable by farmers, while researchers and extensionists perceive it as more risky.

Annexe 2: List of contributors

Mr Osman Alfadni
Land and Water Researcher
Alobeidå Agricultural Research Station, Sudan
E-mail: [email protected]

M. Twewaadha Elingaus Alweåendo
Senior Researcher in Soil Fertility and Cotton
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development
Private Bag 13184
Tel.:(+264) 61 2029111
Fax: (+264) 61 229961
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr John Ashburner
Senior Agricultural Engineer
FAO Regional Office for Africa
Accra, Ghana
Tel.:(+233) 21 7010930
Fax: (+233) 21 7010943
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr John Baker
Scientist at Massey University
No-Tillage Limited 50
Nannestad Line
RD 5 Feilding 5600
New Zealand
Tel.: (+64) 6 3292784
Fax: (+64) 63292774
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr York-Th Bayer
Special soil fertility and direct drilling consultant
Berlin, Germany
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Dwayne Beck
Dakota Lakes Research Farm
PO Box 2
Pierre, SD 57501
United States of America
Tel.: (+1) 605 2246357
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr José Benites
FAO Land and Water Development Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel.:(+39) 6 57054825
Fax: (+39) 6 57056275
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Elijah K Biamaha
University of Nairobi
Tel.: (+254) 722 723485
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Alexandra Bot
c/o AP 298
Tel.:(+51) 65 262211
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Daleanne Bourjaily
KIT, Mauritskade 63 (main entrance)
P.O. Box 95001
1090 HA Amsterdam
Tel.:(+31) 20 5688711
Fax: (+31) 20 6684579
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Henk Breman
IFDC - Belgium, c/o Africa Museum
Leuvensesteenweg 17
3080 Tervuren
Tel.:(+32) 2 7695607
Fax: (+32) 2 769 56 42
E-mail: [email protected];

Mr Peter Buss
Manager Irrigation & Hydrology
Sentek Pty Ltd
77 Magill Road
Stepney SA 5062
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Carlos Crovetto
No Tillage Development Center
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Hamid Custovic
Agricultural Faculty
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Rolf Derpsch
Senior Technical Advisor
International Consultant
Conservation Agriculture & No-tillage
CC 13223 Shopping del Sol
Tel./Fax: (+595) 21 601580
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Julian Dumanski
16 Burnbank St.
Ottawa K2G 0H4
Tel.: (+1) 613 2263911
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Dougbedji Fatondji
Scientific Officer
Soil and Water Conservation
ICRISAT - Niamey
BP 12404, Niamey
Tel.: (+227) 722626
Fax: (+227) 734329
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Jean-Marc Faurès
FAO Water Resources, Development and Management Service
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel.:(+39) 6 57053949
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Michel Ferry
Research Station on Date Palm and
Oasis Farming Systems
Apartado 996
03201 Elche
Tel.:(+34) 965421551
Fax: (+34) 965423706
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Richard Fowler
Agricultural Research Council of South Africa
Grain Crops Institute
South Africa
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Theodor Friedrich
FAO Agricultural and Food
Technologies Engineering Service
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel.:(+39) 6 57055694
Fax: (+39) 6 57056798
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Fernando Garcia-Préchac
Dep. de Suelos y Aguas, Fac. De Agronomía
Univ. de la Rep. O. del Uruguay
Montevideo, Uruguay
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Tom Goddard
Alberta Agriculture
Food and Rural Development
#206, 7000 - 113 Street
Alberta T6H 5T6
Tel.: (+1) 780 4273720
Fax: (+1) 780 4220474
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Mohammad H.Golabi
College of Natural and Applied Sciences
University of Guam
Mangilao Guam
United States of America
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Iam M.Gorji
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Tehran
Islamic Republic of Iran
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Ken Hargesheimer
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Beata Houskova
Soil & Waste Unit
Institute for Environment & Sustainability
Joint Research Centre
TP 280 Ispra (VA) 21020
Tel.: (+39) 332 786329
Fax: (+39) 332 786394
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Peta A. Jones
Member of National Steering
Committee, SANAT
Member of ATNESA
PO Box 414
Tshitandani/Makhado 0920
South Africa
Tel.: (+27) 15 5177011
Fax: (+27) 15 5177034
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Sjef Kauffman
ISRIC - World Soil Information
P.O. Box 353
6700 AJ Wageningen
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Benjamin Kiersch
FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Paul Koch
United States of America
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Parviz Koohafkan
FAO Land and Plant Nutrition
Management Service & LADA Manager
Land and Water Development Division
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel.:(+39) 6 57053843
Fax: (+39) 6 57056275
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Eric Kueneman
FAO Crop and Grassland Service
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel.:(+39) 6 57054930
Fax: (+39) 6 57056305
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Surinder S. Kukal
Associate Professor Soil Conservation
Editor-in-Chief (Indian Journal of Ecology)
Department of Soils
Punjab Agricultural University
Ludhiana 141 004
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Vijay K. Labhsetwar
International Commission and Irrigation and Drainage
New Delhi
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Florent Maraux
Visiting scientist in
FAO Water Resources
Development and Management Service
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome
Tel.:(+39) 6 57053931
Fax: (+39) 6 57056275
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Des McGarry
Department of Natural Resources and Mines
Block B
80 Meiers Road
Indooroopilly QLD 4068
Tel.: (+61) 412 057934
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr John Morrison
Adjunct Professor
University of Tennessee Unicoi, TN
United States of America
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr David A. Okunade
Department of Agricultural Engineering
Obafemi Awolowo University
Tel.: (+234) 8033567534
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Dov Pasternak
Principal Scientist System Diversification
ICRISAT Centre sahélien
B.P. 12404
Tel.: (+227) 722626
Fax: (+27) 227734329
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Roberto Peiretti
President CAAPAS
Member of the Board of Directors of
Paraguay 777
8th. Floor, Of. 4
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Raul, DPhil Ponce-Hernandez
Environmental Program/Geography
Trent University
Ontario K9J 7B8
Tel.: (+1) 705 7481011 x 1646 & 1037
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Alim Pulatov
Head of International Department
Director of EcoGIS Center
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and
Kary-Niyazova, 39
Tashkent, 700000
Tel.: (+998) 71 1370958
Fax: (+998) 71 1331439
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Bruno Rapidel
Programme Cotton
CIRAD / IER, BP 1813
Tel.: (+223) 221 1557
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr José Miguel Reichert
Professor of Soil Physics
Department of Soil Science
Federal University of Santa Maria
97105-900 Santa Maria

Mr Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern
Faculty of Agriculture
Khon Kaen University
Tel.:(+66) 43 364639
Fax: (+66) 43 330362
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Fintan Scanlan
FAO SPFS Monitoring and Coordination Service
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.:(+39) 6 57055736
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Francis Shaxson
Independent consultant and member of the Tropical Agriculture Association
United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Alvin J.M. Smucker
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences
Michigan State University
East Lansing
MI 48824-1325
United States of America
Tel.: (+1) 517 3550271
Fax: (+1) 517 355 0270
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Kurt G. Steiner
GTZ - Senior Technical Advisor
Sustainable Land Management
Goethestr. 7, D-69250 Schönau
Tel.: (+49) 6228 8457
Fax: (+49) 6228 911386
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Bob Stewart
Dryland Agriculture Institute
West Texas A&M University
Canyon, TX 79016
United States of America
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Rod Storer
Consultant Agronomist
United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr M. Suleimenov
Assistant Regional Coordinator
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Christian Thierfelder
Soil Conservationist
University of Hohenheim
P.O. Box MP 163
Mount Pleasant
Harare, Zimbabwe
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Meleko Thumpe
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Jeff Tullberg
Agricultural Mechanisation
The University of Queensland Gatton
Gatton, Queensland 4343
Tel.:(+61) 7 54601354
Fax: (+61) 7 54601367
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Godert W.J. van Lynden
ISRIC - World Soil Information
P.O. Box 353
6700 AJ Wageningen
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Marcos Vieira
Paraná, Brazil

Mr Roelf L. Voortman
Centre for World Food Studies
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
Tel.:(+31) 20 4449321
Fax: (+31) 20 4449325
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Patrick Wall
Rainfed Wheat Systems
P.O. Box MP 163
Mount Pleasant
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel.: (+263) 4 301807/334181/334199/
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Xiao Bin Wang
Soil and Fertilizer Institute
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
12 Zhongguancun Nandajie
Beijing 100081
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Adam White
710 Gaskill St. SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30316
United States of America
Tel.: (+1) 404 2233699
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Mr Richard L. Wittman
37737 McCormack Ridge Road
Culdesac, ID 83524
United States of America
Tel.: (+1) 208 8435595
Fax: (+1) 208 8435095
E-mail: [email protected]

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