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1. The outgoing Chairman Mr Charles Maguswi, Director of Fisheries, Zambia, welcomed the delegates from Zimbabwe and Zambia to the second Technical Consultation. He recalled the discussions, decisions and recommendations made during the first Technical Consultation, held in Siavonga, Zambia, in November 2002. He noted that this Technical Consultation was important considering that the closed fishing season in Zambia starts on 1 December 2004. He commended FAO for continuing to facilitate the two countries in coming together to discuss the common fishery management and development issues.

2. The Technical Consultation was attended by delegates from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Representative of the Kapenta Fisheries Association, representative from Gatche Gatche fisheries Association and FAO. The list of participants is given in Appendix B.

3. Ms Rachel Gwazani, Senior Warden, Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, welcomed participants, on behalf of the Government of Zimbabwe. She stressed the importance of cooperation and collaboration in the sustainable management of the lake.

4. She noted that the Technical secretary Mr Ssentongo has for years worked tirelessly on joint country programs. She indicated her appreciation and on behalf of the Joint Committee meeting that he will be greatly missed as a full time FAO representative, since this is his last meeting as an FAO Fisheries Liaison Officer.

5. She pointed out to the delegates that fisheries on Lake Kariba have the potential of providing an answer to the global fish shortages. Fish farming is another mean fish can be increased in Lake Kariba. Since such forms of production can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment it is critical that all stakeholders are actively involved in any implementation and monitoring of such projects. There is need for continued joint technically informed decisions on introduction of more methods in fish production to meet fish demand nationally, regionally and internationally. For example, fish production in Lake Kariba can be increased through cage culture if all the supporting studies are conducted scientifically and timely.

6. The participants introduced themselves before Mr Wilson Mhlanga, Senior Warden in Charge of Lake Kariba introduced the guest of honour the Executive Mayor of Kariba Municipality, Mr John Houghton.

7. His Worship the Mayor of Kariba Municipality, stressed the importance of Lake Kariba to the fishing industry (artisanal/industrial); tourism, the natural beauty of this man made Lake and the contribution to employment in Municipality where unemployment is high. He pointed that the kapenta fisheries was at its maximum exploitation level, but there was still room for increased fish production through fish farming and cage culture to alleviate poverty. He was however happy with the precautionary approach not to rush these activities to the detriment of the environment. He outlined other important activities going on Lake Kariba such as tourism supported by the fine hotels around the lake.

8. His worship the mayor thanked FAO for organizing the meeting and wished the Technical Consultation success in its deliberations.

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