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19. The delegation of Zimbabwe presented a paper on an overview of on the importance of co-management as a tool for sustainable fisheries management and development in Zimbabwe. In the subsequent discussions the delegates considered the following issues

Management of the artisanal fishery

20. It was noted that the planning for the Zambia/Zimbabwe SADC Fisheries Project (ZZSFP) on Lake Kariba was carried out in 1989. Implementation of the project began in 1990. During the planning stage, the importance of introducing fisheries co-management was acknowledged.

21. The need to define co-management was acknowledged. In its broad sense, co-management can be defined as an arrangement where management responsibility is shared between the government and the communities. The co-management arrangement varies from situation to situation depending on the degree of delegation of management responsibility and authority between the resource users and the government (national, provincial or municipal).

Importance of co-management in data collection

22. In the past the collection of artisanal catch statistics and socio-economic data was the responsibility of the government fisheries departments. The financial cost of this data collection has increased over the years, thereby threatening the long-term sustainability of the programs.

23. Lake Kariba Fisheries Research Institute embarked on a program to train a selected number of the fishers’, or their dependants. These trainees, known as Resource Monitors, were trained in areas such as fish species identification (using the scientific names, as they were already familiar with the common names) and data collection methods.

Gender balance in institutional structures

24. It was noted that women have a key role to play in the co-management process. Several Sub-Area Fishers’ Associations have women representatives, who were elected to these posts. The election of these women is a positive development as it is a practical acknowledgement of the important role that women can play in leadership positions. The women who have been elected so far have carried out their duties in a professional and diligent manner. Thus, the participation of women in decision-making enhances the performance of these structures.

Status of implementing the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries

25. Concerning the CCRF, the delegates were provided with a summary of the provisions under implementation, viz.

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