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Chapter 5. Creating drought-resistant soil

Effect of soil organic matter on soil properties

Organic matter affects both the chemical and physical properties of the soil and its overall health. Properties influenced by organic matter include: soil structure; moisture holding capacity; diversity and activity of soil organisms, both those that are beneficial and harmful to crop production; and nutrient availability. It also influences the effects of chemical amendments, fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. This chapter focuses on those properties related to soil moisture and water quality, while Chapter 6 focuses on those related to sustainable food production.

Inefficient use of rainwater

Drylands may have low crop yields not only because rainfall is irregular or insufficient, but also because significant proportions of rainfall, up to 40 percent, may disappear as runoff. This poor utilization of rainfall is partly the result of natural phenomena (relief, slope, rainfall intensity), but also of inadequate land management practices (i.e. burning of crop residues, excessive tillage, eliminating hedges, etc.) that reduce organic matter levels, destroy soil structure, eliminate beneficial soil fauna and do not favour water infiltration. However, water “lost” as runoff for one farmer is not lost for other water users downstream as it is used for recharging groundwater and river flows.

Where rainfall lands on the soil surface, a fraction infiltrates into the soil to replenish the soil water or flows through to recharge the groundwater. Another fraction may run off as overland flow and the remaining fraction evaporates back into the atmosphere directly from unprotected soil surfaces and from plant leaves.

The above-mentioned processes do not occur at the same moment, but some are instantaneous (runoff), taking place during a rainfall event, while others are continuous (evaporation and transpiration).

To minimize the impact of drought, soil needs to capture the rainwater that falls on it, store as much of that water as possible for future plant use, and allow for plant roots to penetrate and proliferate. Problems with or constraints on one or several of these conditions cause soil moisture to be one of the main limiting factors for crop growth.

The capacity of soil to retain and release water depends on a broad range of factors such as soil texture, soil depth, soil architecture (physical structure including pores), organic matter content and biological activity. However, appropriate soil management can improve this capacity.

Practices that increase soil moisture content can be categorized in three groups: (i) those that increase water infiltration; (ii) those that manage soil evaporation; and (iii) those that increase soil moisture storage capacities. All three are related to soil organic matter.

In order to create a drought-resistant soil, it is necessary to understand the most important factors influencing soil moisture.

Increased soil moisture

Organic matter influences the physical conditions of a soil in several ways. Plant residues that cover the soil surface protect the soil from sealing and crusting by raindrop impact, thereby enhancing rainwater infiltration and reducing runoff. Surface infiltration depends on a number of factors including aggregation and stability, pore continuity and stability, the existence of cracks, and the soil surface condition. Increased organic matter contributes indirectly to soil porosity (via increased soil faunal activity). Fresh organic matter stimulates the activity of macrofauna such as earthworms, which create burrows lined with the glue-like secretion from their bodies and are intermittently filled with worm cast material.

The proportion of rainwater that infiltrates into the soil depends on the amount of soil cover provided (Figure 12). The figure shows that on bare soils (cover = 0 tonnes/ha) runoff and thus soil erosion is greater than when the soil is protected with mulch. Crop residues left on the soil surface lead to improved soil aggregation and porosity, and an increase in the number of macropores, and thus to greater infiltration rates.

Increased levels of organic matter and associated soil fauna lead to greater pore space with the immediate result that water infiltrates more readily and can be held in the soil (Roth, 1985). The improved pore space is a consequence of the bioturbating activities of earthworms and other macro-organisms and channels left in the soil by decayed plant roots.

On a site in southern Brazil, rainwater infiltration increased from 20 mm/h under conventional tillage to 45 mm/h under no tillage (Calegari, Darolt and Ferro, 1998). Over a long period, improved organic matter promoted good soil structure and macroporosity. Water infiltrates easily, similar to forest soils (Figure 13).

The consequence of increased water infiltration combined with a higher organic matter content is increased soil storage of water (Figure 14). Organic matter contributes to the stability of soil aggregates and pores through the bonding or adhesion properties of organic materials, such as bacterial waste products, organic gels, fungal hyphae and worm secretions and casts. Moreover, organic matter intimately mixed with mineral soil materials has a considerable influence in increasing moisture holding capacity. Especially in the topsoil, where the organic matter content is greater, more water can be stored.

Effect of amount of soil cover on rainwater runoff and infiltration

Source: Ruedell, 1994.

Water infiltration under different types of management

Source: Machado, 1976.

Quantity of water stored in the soil under conventional tillage and conservation agriculture

Source: Gassen and Gassen, 1996.

The quality of the crop residues, in particular their chemical composition, determines the effect on soil structure and aggregation. Blair et al. (2003) report a rapid breakdown of medic (Medicago truncatula) and rice (Oryza sativa) straw residues resulting in a rapid increase in soil aggregate stability through the release of many soilbinding components. As these compounds undergo further breakdown, they will be lost from the system resulting in a decline in soil aggregate stability over time. The slow release of soil-binding agents from flemingia (Flemingia macrophylla) residues resulted in a slower but more sustained increase in the stability of soil aggregates. This indicates that continual release of soil-binding compounds from plant residues is necessary for continual increases in soil aggregate stability to occur.

Effect of different soil covers on in-soil storage of water

Source: Siqueira et al., 1993.

Elliot and Lynch (1984) showed that soil aggregation is caused primarily by polysaccharide production in situations where residues have a low N content. There is a strong relationship between soil carbon content and aggregate size. An increase in soil carbon content led to a 134-percent increase in aggregates of more than 2 mm and a 38-percent decrease in aggregates of less than 0.25 mm (Castro Filho, Muzilli and Podanoschi, 1998). The active fraction of soil C (Whitbread, Lefroy and Blair, 1998) is the primary factor controlling aggregate breakdown (Bell et al., 1999).

In addition, although they do not live long and new ones replace them annually, the hyphae of actinomycetes and fungi play an important role in connecting soil particles (Castro Filho, Muzilli and Podanoschi, 1998). Gupta and Germida (1988) showed a reduction in soil macroaggregates correlated strongly with a decline in fungal hyphae after six years of continuous cultivation.

The in-soil storage of water depends not only on the type of land preparation but also on the type of cover or previous vegetation on the soil. Figure 15 indicates the effect of burning vegetation on the amount of water stored in the soil.

Conserving fallow vegetation as a cover on the soil surface, and thus reducing evaporation, results in 4 percent more water in the soil. This is roughly equivalent to 8 mm of additional rainfall. This amount of extra water can make the difference between wilting and survival of a crop during temporary dry periods.

A study conducted in 1999 in Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua to evaluate the resilience of agro-ecosystems showed that 3-15 percent more water was stored in the soil under more ecologically sound practices (Table 4).

Unger (1978) showed that high wheat-residue levels resulted in increased storage of fallow precipitation, which subsequently produced higher sorghum grain yields. High residue levels of 8-12 tonnes/ha resulted in about 80-90 mm more stored soil water at planting and about 2.0 tonnes/ha more of sorghum grain yield compared to no residue management.

Average soil depth at which moisture starts, and difference in moisture stored


sound practices















Source: World Neighbors, 2000.

The addition of organic matter to the soil usually increases the water holding capacity of the soil. This is because the addition of organic matter increases the number of micropores and macropores in the soil either by “gluing” soil particles together or by creating favourable living conditions for soil organisms. Certain types of soil organic matter can hold up to 20 times their weight in water (Reicosky, 2005). Hudson (1994) showed that for each 1-percent increase in soil organic matter, the available water holding capacity in the soil increased by 3.7 percent. Soil water is held by adhesive and cohesive forces within the soil and an increase in pore space will lead to an increase in water holding capacity of the soil. As a consequence, less irrigation water is needed to irrigate the same crop (Table 5).

Economy of irrigation water through soil cover, the Brazilian Cerrados


Agro ecologically
sound practices















Source: Pereira, personal communication, 2001.

Reduced soil erosion and improved water quality

The less the soil is covered with vegetation, mulches, crop residues, etc., the more the soil is exposed to the impact of raindrops. When a raindrop hits bare soil, the energy of the velocity detaches individual soil particles from soil clods. These particles can clog surface pores and form many thin, rather impermeable layers of sediment at the surface, referred to as surface crusts. They can range from a few millimetres to 1 cm or more; and they are usually made up of sandy or silty particles. These surface crusts hinder the passage of rainwater into the profile, with the consequence that runoff increases. This breaking down of soil aggregates by raindrops into smaller particles depends on the stability of the aggregates, which largely depends on the organic matter content.

Increased soil cover can result in reduced soil erosion rates close to the regeneration rate of the soil or even lower, as reported by Debarba and Amado (1997) for an oats and vetch/maize cropping system (Figure 16).

Soil erosion fills surface water reservoirs with sediment, reducing their water storage capacity. Sedimentation also reduces the buffering and filtering capacity of wetlands and the flood-control capacity of floodplains. Sediment in surface water increases wear and tear in hydroelectric installations and pumps, resulting in greater maintenance costs and more frequent replacement of turbines. Sediments can also reach the sea (Plate 23), harming fish, shellfish and coral. Eroded soil contains fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides; all sources of potentially harmful off-site impacts.

When the soil is protected with mulch, more water infiltrates into the soil rather than running off the surface. This causes streams to be fed more by subsurface flow rather than by surface runoff. The consequence is that the surface water is cleaner and resembles groundwater more closely compared with areas where erosion and runoff predominate. Greater infiltration should reduce flooding by increased water storage in soil and slow release to streams. Increased infiltration also improves groundwater recharge, thus increasing well supplies.

Soil loss due to water erosion for different maize cropping systems

Note: Corrected with soil regeneration = 1.7 tonnes/ha/year.
Source: Debarba and Amado, 1997.

Bassi (2000) reported significant reductions in water turbidity and sediment concentration over a period of ten years (1988-1997) in different catchment areas in southern Brazil. The reductions varied between 50 and 80 percent depending on locally predominant soil types. These reductions were caused by increases in the incidence of planting perennial crops (banana and pasture) on hillsides, thereby decreasing erosion potential. Total sediment loss decreased by 16 percent and the cost of fertilizers declined by 21 percent; an indication of the previous loss of fertilizers with the eroded soil. Guimarães, Buaski and Masquieto (2005) illustrate the same effect for one specific catchment. The catchment area of Rio do Campo, Paraná, provides 80 percent of the water supply for Campo Mourão, a city with an urban population of 357 000. In the period 1982-1999, a drastic reduction in water turbidity was measured (Figure 17).

Sediment and dissolved organic matter in surface water have to be removed from drinking-water supplies. Reduced erosion, and hence fewer soil particles in suspension, lead to lower costs for water treatment. Data from Chapecó, Brazil, indicate that the quantity of aluminium sulphate used for flocculating suspended solids fell by 46 percent in five years. Where water is chlorinated to kill disease organisms, the chlorine reacts with dissolved organic matter to form trihalomethane (THM) compounds such as chloroform. THMs are suspected of causing cancers (Fawcett, 1997). Reductions in runoff and erosion should lead to reduced formation of THMs during the chlorination process.

Erosion may also have long-lasting secondary consequences through effects on plant growth and litter input (Gregorich et al., 1998). If erosion suppresses productivity, thereby limiting replenishment of organic matter, the amount of organic matter may spiral downwards in the long term.

Soil cover protects the soil against the impact of raindrops, prevents the loss of water from the soil through evaporation, and also protects the soil from the heating effect of the sun. Soil temperature influences the absorption of water and nutrients by plants, seed germination and root development, as well as soil microbial activity and crusting and hardening of the soil.

Roots absorb more water at higher soil temperatures up to a maximum of 35 °C. Higher temperatures restrict water absorption. Soil temperatures that are too high are a major constraint on crop production in many parts of the tropics. Maximum temperatures exceeding 40 °C at 5 cm depth and 50 °C at 1 cm depth are commonly observed in tilled soil during the growing season, sometimes with extremes of up to 70 °C. Such high temperatures have an adverse effect not only on seedling establishment and crop growth but also on the growth and development of the micro-organism population. The ideal rootzone temperature for germination and seedling growth ranges from 25 to 35 °C. Experiments have shown that temperatures exceeding 35 °C reduce the development of maize seedlings drastically and that temperatures exceeding 40 °C can reduce germination of soybean seed to almost nil.

Mulching with crop residues or cover crops regulates soil temperature. The soil cover reflects a large part of solar energy back into the atmosphere, and thus reduces the temperature of the soil surface. This results in a lower maximum soil temperature in mulched compared with unmulched soil (Figure 18) and in reduced fluctuations.

Plate 23
Runoff and soil loss immediately after a rainstorm,
Naisi catchment. Zomba Mountain, Malawi.


Development of water turbidity rates in the catchment area of Rio do Campo, Paraná, 1982-1999

Source: Guimarães, Buaski and Masquieto, 2005.

Temperature fluctuations at a soil depth of 3 cm in a cotton crop with and without a soil cover of mucuna

Source: Derpsch, 1993.

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