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The study on the production and marketing of a value-added product (minced fillets) from sardinella species in fish-landing and marketing sites in Senegal was proposed by FAO within the framework of the Cooperative Research Programme on Fish Technology in Africa coordinated by the Fish Utilization and Marketing Service (FIIU), FAO Fisheries Department. This service commissioned Dr Yvette Diei-Ouadi, International Fish Technology and Quality Assurance Consultant at that time, to collect field data on the utilization of minced small pelagic fillets within several locations in Senegal. The two main small pelagic landing regions (Thiès and Dakar) were consequently covered in the purpose to:

The mission took place from 6 to 27 April 2002 and the draft report was submitted on 28 May 2002. The report was subsequently edited and printed by FAO.

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