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"Food and Nutrition - A Handbook for Namibian Volunteer Leaders" is the product of collaboration between the Government of Namibia, Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Employment Creation (MHETEC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations under TCP/NAM/0066 "Training Youth for Sustainable Livelihoods in Rural Namibia".

Many individuals provided technical guidance, management support and advice during the development of these nutrition education materials. While being unable to mention everyone who contributed to this project, we are indebted to all of them. The individuals mentioned further below deserve a public expression of appreciation for their respective roles in the development of this guide.

Jane Plihal, food and nutrition curriculum development consultant to FAO (University of Minnesota, USA) did a great job in developing content and format of most lesson plans. Johanna Mahr, nutrition education consultant to FAO, was responsible for the field testing and revision of the material. Invaluable support in the development and testing of the handbook was provided by Patrick Haingura, Deputy Director, Directorate of Youth, MHETEC and Likius Haitembu, Rural Youth Officer, MHETEC, Oshana Region.

Marjorie van Wyk, of the Food & Nutrition Unit, Ministry of Health & Social Services, unstintingly provided original source materials, invaluable technical input and guidance in keeping the document focused on the needs of the Namibian target group and in line with relevant Government policies.

Technical and operational backstopping was provided by the FAO office in Namibia; Sue Benedetti (youth development consultant to FAO, Namibia); Peter Glasauer, Nutrition Education Officer, FAO Headquarters; and William Seiders, Senior Rural Youth Development Officer, FAO Headquarters.

Mel Futter, Namibian free-lance consultant made valuable contributions during many phases of the document's development; she assisted in research and revision and made the Handbook look attractive through her great skills in editing, formatting and layout, illustration and photography.

We are grateful for the support of the Oshakati Multipurpose Youth Resource Centre. The Centre provided an appropriate forum for collaboration with the many Oshana Region Rural Youth Club Volunteer Leaders who gave invaluable help in providing feedback and using the materials to train rural youth during the testing phase of the handbook. We are indebted to all of them.



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