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12. Three national papers dealing with fisheries development and management, problems, constraints and solutions were presented and discussed. The summary of the status and distribution of some exploited fish stocks is given in Appendix E.

Status of the fisheries in the Malawi sector

13. The fisheries sector plays an important role in providing income, employment and is main source of animal protein particularly in the rural areas. The meeting was informed that at least 43 000 people derive their livelihoods directly from fisheries. The shallow water stocks are generally over exploited while the deep water fish stocks are under exploited.

14. The delegates were informed that the Malawi fisheries sector was generally grouped into: small-scale fisheries comprising of gillnets, open waters seines, beaches seines, hook-and-line as well as fish traps; large-scale fisheries consisting of pair-trawlers, mid-water trawlers and stern trawlers. The lake fisheries are dominated by the small-scale fishers and commercial fisheries contribute less than 10 percent of the total catch landings.

15. The main problems affecting the fisheries sector were highlighted as follows:

16. The Malawi national paper concluded that fishing effort has been increasing in the artisanal sector and that; socio-economic studies are needed to understand the shifting and switching from use of one gear to another. It was recommended that gear technology studies should be carried out to understand the impact of new gears on the fishery resources and the environment. At regional level information sharing on fishery and socio-economic issues was highlighted.

Status of the fisheries in the Mozambique sector

17. The Mozambique delegation presented the country profile on fisheries, highlighting the evolution of the fisheries sector; fisheries policy and strategies; fishery development and management problems; past, ongoing and pipeline programmes as well as projects.

18. The Technical Consultation was informed of the fisheries sector objectives and strategies, viz:

19. The fisheries sector specific objectives were identified as:

20. The meeting was informed that in order to achieve the above objectives, Mozambique has adopted the following strategies;

21. It was concluded that the constraints to fisheries development and management of Lake Niassa included the remoteness of fishing areas from centres of administration; limited financial and human resources; weak infrastructure and facilities; inadequate information on statistics, biological data and socio-economics of fishery factors.

22. The following challenges facing fisheries in Mozambique were highlighted:

Status of the fisheries in the Tanzania sector

23. The Tanzania fishery is dominated by small-scale operators operating in the inshore waters due to limited range of fishing vessels. The common gears used include seine nets, gillnets, hooks on lines and the open water seine-nets.

24. The following were identified as constraints to the Tanzania Lake Nyasa fishery:

25. It was emphasized that in order to solve the above constraints, Tanzania has identified the following main areas of concern for action:

26. Tanzania provided a summary of past fishing projects. It was stressed that considering the decline in project support there is an urgent need for sourcing national and international funding for the Tanzania sector of Lake Nyasa.

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