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Appendix A. Agenda


Opening of the Consultation


Administrative arrangements


Adoption of the agenda and arrangements for the Consultation


Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson


Election of rapporteur


The status of fisheries of Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa by individual national sector


An overview of the status of fisheries, fisheries management and development issues around Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa


Recommendations of the Technical Consultation


Any other matters




Date and venue of next Consultation


Adoption of the report and recommendations

Appendix B. List of participants


Director of Finance and Administration
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
Private Bag 350
Tel.: 265 1 789488
E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Fisheries Officer - IC
Department of Fisheries
Capital Hill Offices
PO Box 593 Lilongwe
Tel.: 265 1 788716/511
Fax: 265 1 788712
E-mail: [email protected]

Alexander BULIRANI
Deputy Director
Department of Fisheries
Capital Hill Offices
PO Box 593 Lilongwe
Tel.: 265 1 788094
Fax: 265 1 788712
E-mail: [email protected]

Chief Fisheries Officer
Fisheries Research Unit
PO Box 27
Monkey Bay
Tel.: 265 1 587 360
Fax: 265 1 587 249
E-mail: [email protected]

Noel Israel NKHOTA
Senior Administrative Officer
Department of Fisheries
Capital Hill Offices
PO Box 593 Lilongwe
Tel.: 265 1 788716/511
Fax: 265 1 788712
E-mail: [email protected]


Francisco Victor BOMBA
Deputy Director
Ministry of Fisheries - National
Directorate of Fisheries Administration
Rua Consiglieri Pedroso 343
PO Box 1723
Tel.: 258 1 300961
Fax: 258 1 420335
E-mail: [email protected]

Maria Ascensao Ribeiro PINTO
Deputy Director
Small Scale Fisheries Development Institute
Au Marginal Paecea 141/8
PO Box 2473, Maputo
Tel.: 258 1 496664
Fax: 258 1 498812
E-mail: [email protected]

Jose Sebastião HALAFO
Biologist - Metangula Station
IIP Fisheries Research Institute
389 Mao Tse Tung Av
PO Box 4603
Tel.: 258 1 490307
Fax: 258 1 492112
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]


Winfried Venant HAULE
Assistant Director of fisheries
Fisheries Division
PO Box 2462
Tel.: 255 22 2122930
Fax: 255 22 2110352
E-mail: c/o [email protected]

Baraka S.M. Mngulwi
Senior Fisheries Officer
Fisheries Division
Kivukoni Front, ARDHI House
PO Box 2462
Dar -Es- Salaam,
Tel.: 255 22 2122930
Fax: 255 22 2110352
E-mail: [email protected]


FAOR Malawi
PO Box 30750
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel.: 265 1 773 255
Fax: 265 1 773 263
E-mail: [email protected]

George William SSENTONGO
Senior Fisheries Officer
FAO Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa
6th Floor Old Mutual Centre
Jason Moyo Avenue
PO Box 3730
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel.: 263 4 253655
Fax: 263 4 703496/700724
E-mail: [email protected]


Fisheries Production Data Analysis Specialist
Department of Fisheries c/o JICA Malawi Office
PO Box 30321
Lilongwe3, Malawi
Tel.: 265 1 788070
Fax: 265 1 788716
E-mail: [email protected]


Senior Fisheries Officer
FAO Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa
PO Box 3730
Harare, Zimbabwe

Programme Assistant
FAO Subregional Office for Southern and East Africa
PO Box 3730
Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel.: 263 4 253655
Fax: 263 4 703496/700724
E-mail: [email protected]

Department of Fisheries
PO Box 593
Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel.: 265 1 788571/511/716
Fax: 265 1 788712
E-mail: [email protected]

Appendix C. List of documents

Session documents




Fisheries development and management issues, policy and strategy in the Malawi Sector of Lake Malawi


Fisheries development and management issues, policy and strategy in the Mozambique Sector of Lake Niassa


Fisheries development and management issues, policy and strategy in the Tanzania Sector of Lake Nyasa


Cooperation in fisheries research and development


An overview of the status of fisheries, fisheries management and development issues around Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa

Appendix D. Summary of major recommendations

For the attention of Governments

Specific recommendations for the Malawi sector

For the deepwater Cichlids:

1. Monitoring;
2. reduction of fishing effort in the southeast arm of the lake;
3. enforcement of regulations; and
4. more research.

Concerning Cyprinids:

1. integrated management of the relevant river basins;
2. monitoring;
3. more applied research;
4. public awareness;
5. control of effort; and
6. enforcement of regulations.

Regarding Utaka (Haplochromis):

1. more research (biology, taxonomy etc);
2. monitoring; and
3. control of effort.

In the case of Chambo (Tilapias):

1. a Chambo restoration strategic plan with monitoring;
2. enforcement of regulations;
3. habitat restoration;
4. more research;
5. control of effort; and
6. public awareness and education.

For the Mbuna (ornamental fishes):

1. more applied research;
2. monitoring;
3. enforcement of regulations;
4. integrated catchment area management; and
5. control of effort.

Specific rcommendations for Mozambique

For the large Cyprinids:

1. institute effort control measures;
2. promote public awareness
3. conduct biological studies
4. implement integrated management on relevant river basins

Regarding institutional capacity

1. take the necessary measures to upgrade infrastructure;

For fisheries research

1. disseminate research findings

Specific recommendations for the Tanzania sector

1. capacity building in data collection;
2. monitoring control and surveillance to build capacity for effective control;
3. develop a management plan;
4. establishing co-management approach in the management of the fisheries and environment;
5. establish mechanism to collect socio-economic data, information and dissemination;
6. establish mechanisms to sustain the mbuna (ornamental fish) fishery; and
7. consider possibilities of restocking the cyprinids where local over fishing has occurred

Recommendations for implementing at regional level

Open acess

Appendix E. The status and distribution of some exploited fish stocks on the Lake

Management key species

Distribution (localized/lake wide/unknown)

Status of stocks

Threats to the stock

Knowledge on stock


Usipa Engraulicypris

Lake wide

· Unpredictable

· Fluctuating

Inadequate knowledge

Reproductive biology unknown

Applied research

Pelagic Cichlids (Ndunduma; Mcheni)

Lake wide


Currently none

Adequate to make an informed decision

Encourage appropriate exploitation - technology

Deepwater Cichlids (Chisawasawa - Lethrinop)

Lake wide/localized populations

Potential exploitation in some areas

· Theoretically not threatened in Tanzania and Mozambique.

Malawi localized overfishing

· In Mozambique and Tanzania not known1

· In Malawi, knowledgeable the knowledge is regionally transposable

Monitoring of stock

Cyprinids (Large Mpasa, Sanjika, Ntchila)

Lake wide - Localized river mouths - rivers that are spawning

Generally declining. In some areas the species is seriously depleted e.g. Ntchila

Environmental degradation, siltation of spawning grounds; increased sedimentation

Currently poor

Effort control - dependent on area2

Utaka Haplochromis Copadichromis

Lake wide (but localized in underwater out crops [Virundi])

· Stable in Mozambique and Tanzania sectors

· Heavily exploited in some areas in Malawi

Currently none

Poor knowledge currently

Integrated catchment management - agriculture/forestry/wildlife/lands/water sectors

Catfish (Mlamba)/Kampunga/Bombe)

Lake wide


Potential overfishing

· Malawi work confined to southern part of Lake.

· Mozambique relatively

Applied research

Chambo "Tilapias"


· Malawi - Overfished

· Mozambique - Relatively stable (Virgin)

· Tanzania - Declining

Destructive gear3; overfishing; illegal, habitat degradation (environmental degradation)

Basic knowledge for appropriate decision - making available.

More research

Inshore cichlids (Kambuzi)


Same as for Chambo

Same as for Chambo

Lower than for Chambo

Find and address the known threats

Mbuna Ornamental fish

Extremely localized in rocky areas


Translocation, hybridize, Illegal fishing - diving Poor knowledge on available stock


Find and address the known threats

NB: Suggest on implementation of recommendation.

Reflect on information shared in previous meetings, implementation of previous projects - implement recommendations.

1 Regional abundance and location

2 Promote sanctuary areas.

3 Mosquito nets, other small-meshed gears

Appendix F. Regional issues, strategies and interventions to be addressed by the riparian countries




1. Capacity building and harmonization of data collection, processing and dissemination.

Standardize assessment system

Regional level training of catch data collection. Develop database for lake fisheries and socio-economic data.

2. Harmonized legislation.

Determine issues for legal harmonization.

Define geographically the area for harmonized legislation concerning pollution, introduction of exotics, aquaculture practices.

3. Fisheries information networking.

Scientific information sharing and establish a forum for scientists to share experiences.

Establish research forum to discuss scientific findings. Review and update data collection systems.

4. Reduce pressure on inshore fishery.

Work out options for pelagic fishery exploitation.

Undertake studies to identify viable alternative livelihoods and income generating activities (IGAs).

5. Inadequate information on the magnitude of pelagic stocks.

Stock assessment of the various pelagics.

Assessing and monitoring of pelagic stocks.

6. Aquatic weeds infestation.

Aquatic weed control.

Identify environmental friendly methods, for containing the weeds.

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