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Activity status: see economic activity status

Agricultural census: collection of structural data from agricultural holdings

Agricultural holder: person making the major decisions on the operations of the holding (paragraph 3.36). See also co-holder.

Agricultural holding: economic unit of agricultural production - the basic unit of enumeration in the agricultural census (paragraphs 3.23–3.35)

Agricultural household: a household whose largest source of income consists of income derived from agricultural production (paragraph 11.212)

Agricultural land: the total of arable land, permanent crops, and permanent meadows and pastures (paragraph 11.38)

Agro-forestry: farm management system involving growing trees in conjunction with crops and livestock production (paragraphs 11.318–11.319)

Aquacultural census: collection of structural data from all aquacultural production units

Aquacultural holding: an economic unit of aquacultural production under single management (paragraph 7.9)

Aquaculture: farming of aquatic organisms including fish, crustaceans, molluscs, and aquatic plants (paragraphs 11.293–11.295)

Arable land: land used in most years for growing temporary crops (paragraph 11.38).

Associated crops: temporary and permanent crops growing together on the same piece of land (paragraphs 11.109, 11.121)

Census: statistical collection involving the enumeration of all units (large sample-based collections are sometimes also referred to censuses)

Census core module: the primary agricultural census collection to provide key structural data, carried out on a complete enumeration or large sample basis (paragraph 1.16)

Census of agriculture and aquaculture: an agricultural census and an aquacultural census conducted as a combined field operation (paragraph 7.7)

Census supplementary module: a sample-based module undertaken in association with the core census module, to provide more detailed structural data than in the core module (paragraph 1.16)

Classification: collection or presentation of data in classes in a structured format, such as occupation groupings

Co-holder: person jointly making the major decisions on the operations of the holding with another person (paragraph 3.37). See also agricultural holder.

Compact plantation (permanent crop): plants and trees planted in a regular or systematic manner (paragraph 11.96)

Complete enumeration: collection of data from all units, rather than from just a sample of units

Core module: see census core module

Current agricultural statistics: ongoing agricultural statistics on such things as production and prices, as opposed to structural data collected in the agricultural census

Double cropping: see successive crops

Drainage: removal of excess water to improve agricultural productivity (paragraphs 11.89 – 11.90)

Economic activity status: a classification describing a person as employed, unemployed or not economically active (paragraphs 11.226–11.231)

Economically active: a person who is either employed or unemployed (paragraph 11.227)

Educational attainment: highest level of education achieved by a person (paragraphs 11.224–11.225)

Employed: a person with paid work or in self-employment (paragraph 11.235)

Employee: a person in paid employment (paragraph 11.242)

Enumeration area (EA): small geographic unit defined for census enumeration purposes (paragraphs 3.603.61)

Establishment: an economic unit operating in a single location, mainly engaged in a single productive activity (Appendix 1)

Enterprise: an economic unit under single management consisting of one or more than one establishment (Appendix 1)

Fertilizers: substances that supply plants with nutrients or enhance plant growth, containing at least 5% of the three primary nutrients (N, P2O5 and K2O) (paragraph 11.130)

Field: piece of land in a parcel separated by easily recognizable demarcation lines (paragraph 11.54)

Food security: see household food security

Forest: land with trees of height 5 metres or more with crown cover of more than 10% (paragraph 11.35).

Frame: the basis used for identifying all the statistical units to be enumerated in a statistical collection (paragraphs 3.53–3.63)

Genetically Modified Organism: organism containing genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology (paragraph 11.183)

Good Agricultural Practices: practices that ensure agricultural products are of high quality, safe, and produced in an environmentally and socially responsible way (paragraph 11.178)

Gross cropped area: the total area of all crops grown, as opposed to the area of land cropped (paragraph 11.28). See also net cropped area.

Holder: see agricultural holder

Holding: see agricultural holding

Household: group of people living together, making common arrangements for food and other essentials of living (paragraphs 3.26–3.27)

Household food security: the situation where all members of a household at all times are consuming enough safe and nutritious food (paragraph 11.269)

Industry: the activity of the establishment in which an employed person works.

Integrated statistical programme: in the context of agricultural censuses, the development of the agricultural census as the central component of the agricultural statistics system

Inter-planted crops: one temporary crop planted between rows of another temporary crop (paragraph 11.106)

Irrigation: purposely providing land with water, other than rain, for agricultural purposes (paragraphs 11.69–11.71)

Item: a particular characteristic being measured in the agricultural census

ISIC: International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (Appendixes 1, 2)

Landless holding: agricultural holding with no land (paragraph 11.41)

Land tenure: arrangements under which a holder operates land on a holding (paragraphs 11.47–11.51)

Land use: classification of land according to the activity undertaken on the land (paragraphs 11.20–11.39)

Livestock: animals (including birds and insects) kept or reared in captivity mainly for agricultural purposes (paragraph 11.149)

Livestock census: enumeration of livestock holdings undertaken in some countries separately from the agricultural census

Mineral fertilizers: fertilizers manufactured from inorganic materials (paragraph 11.132)

Mixed cropping: several temporary crops grown simultaneously as a mixture on the same piece of land (paragraphs 11.107–11.108)

Module: a separate component of the agricultural census - a modular approach is used for the agricultural census, with core and supplementary modules (paragraph 1.15)

Multi-stage sampling: sampling scheme in which the sample is selected in stages (paragraph 10.7). See also single-stage sampling.

National accounts: summary of national income and product statistics, including Gross Domestic Product (Appendix 1). See also System of National Accounts

Net cropped area: the area of land cropped, as opposed to the total area of all crops (paragraph 11.28). See also gross cropped area

Non-sampling errors: all types of errors in statistics, other than sampling errors, including data collection errors, reporting errors, and data processing mistakes. See also sampling errors

Occupation: a classification of the type of work done by a person - not to be confused with the industry in which a person works (paragraphs 11.247–11.252)

Organic agriculture: agricultural production system based on specific standards for achieving socially, ecologically and economically sustainable agro-ecosystems (paragraphs 11.180–11.182)

Organic fertilizers: fertilizers prepared from processed plant and animal material (paragraph 11.134)

Other wooded land: land with tree/shrub/bush cover less than that required to be classified as a forest (paragraph 11.35).

Own-account agricultural production: a household characteristic, indicating that the household contains one or more agricultural holdings (paragraph 3.28)

Parcel: piece of land of one tenure type entirely surrounded by other land not operated by the holding (paragraphs 11.53–11.54).

Permanent crops: long-term crops that do not have to be re-planted for several years (paragraph 11.33)

Pesticide: materials intended to kill or control pests in plants or animals, including insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides (paragraphs 11.176–11.177)

Plot: part or whole of a field on which a specific crop or crop mixture is grown (paragraph 11.54)

Population census: the collection of demographic and socio-economic data for all persons in a country, normally undertaken every ten years

Programme of agricultural surveys: in the context of the agricultural census, agricultural surveys carried out based on the agricultural holding unit from the agricultural census (Chapter 9)

Random sampling: sampling method used for sample surveys, in which each unit within the scope of the survey has a fixed, but not necessarily the same, probability of selection in the sample (paragraph 10.2)

Reference period: the time period to which a given data item collected in a census or survey refers - for example, an agricultural year for crops; the day of enumeration for livestock (paragraphs 3.72–3.74)

Rural household: household living in an area designated as a rural area, often determined from the population census (paragraph 8.10)

Sample survey: the collection of data from a sample of units, rather than all units as in a census

Sampling errors: the errors in statistics obtained from a sample survey because data are collected from only a sample of units. See also non-sampling errors

Sampling frame: the means by which all in-scope units are identified for a sample survey (Chapter 10)

Scattered plants (permanent crops): plants and trees scattered around a holding and so preventing estimation of the area (paragraph 11.123)

Scope: the geographical area or types of units covered by a statistical collection (paragraphs 3.6–3.15)

Sector: the institutional category (such as household, corporation, cooperative, government) to which the holding belongs (paragraphs 11.7–11.10)

Shifting cultivation: cultivation whereby land is cultivated for some years before being abandoned (paragraph 11.60)

Single-stage sampling: sampling scheme in which the sample is selected directly from a list of units covered by the survey (paragraph 10.7). See also multi-stage sampling

SNA: see System of National Accounts

Soil degradation: decline in soil quality caused by natural processes or improper use by humans (paragraphs 11.64–11.65)

Statistical unit: the unit for which data are collected in a census or survey - the agricultural holding is the main statistical unit for the agricultural census

Status in employment: the classification of a job held by a person according to whether it is as an employee, own-account worker, etc. (paragraphs 11.241–11.246)

Stunting: refers to the situation where the height of a child is too low for his/her age (paragraph 11.290)

Structural data: data on the basic organizational structure of agricultural holdings that do not change quickly over time, such as farm size and land use

Sub-holder: a person to whom the holder delegates the authority to sub-manage a sub-holding (paragraph 3.45)

Sub-holding: a part of a holding managed by a particular person in the household (paragraphs 3.44)

Successive crops: two or more temporary crops grown successively on the same piece of land at different times during the year (paragraphs 11.104–11.105)

Supplementary module: see census supplementary module

Survey: see sample survey

System of National Accounts (SNA): an international national accounting framework for reporting national income and product statistics (Appendix 1)

Table: the primary output of a statistical collection, involving the summarizing of results in tabular form

Tabulation programme: programme of the output tables to be produced from a statistical collection (Chapter 12)

Temporary crops: crops with a less than one-year growing cycle (paragraphs 11.27–11.28)

Theme: the broad subject heading describing the content of a census supplementary module or an agricultural survey

Underweight: refers to the situation where a child's weight is too low for his/her age (paragraph 11.290)

Unemployment: a situation where a person of working age is: (i) without work, (ii) available for work, and (iii) seeking work (paragraphs 11.237–11.239)

Wasting: refers to the situation where a child's weight is too low for his/her height (paragraph 11.290)

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