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Greetings to the participants by the State Undersecretary for agricultural policies with responsibility for fisheries On. Paolo Scarpa Bonazza Buora

In sending greetings to the AdriaMed Expert Consultation “Interactions between Aquaculture and Capture Fisheries” I recall Italy's commitment to the development of responsible fisheries in the Mediterranean and especially in the Adriatic region in which AdriaMed is operating with great effect.

In particular the issue that you will be discussing related to the interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries is a highly important modern issue. Indeed one only needs to observe the markets and the growing presence of aquaculture products that together with products from capture fisheries satisfy an increasingly complex and articulate demand. The development of fisheries production integrated with policies for coastal zone management cannot ignore the interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries because these two activities, although they are different, compete to provide the same markets and sometimes, especially on the coast, are located in the same areas.

It is necessary to understand economic biological, sociological and legal aspects so that Governments can make all relative choices in an informed manner and above all so that international bodies such as the GFCM can work with a solid knowledge base.

I do not intend to enter into the technicalities of the issues in hand, however if I consider the interactions between aquaculture and capture fisheries, the complex relations within the tuna industry come to mind, as well as the use of spaces for the cultivation of molluscs in open systems or in closed seas and on a global scale the interactions which occur on production of marine origin.

The results that your work will provide, with the coordination of FAO, will certainly be observed more and more closely by our Government where Mediterranean policies are concerned. I greet all participants once more and I wish you every success for this Consultation.

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