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Viii. Prioritization And Coordination Of Capacity Building Activites Related To Food Safety (Agenda Item 6)

18. Ms Londa Vanderwal, Food Quality and Standards Service, FAO, presented a paper on “Prioritization and coordination of capacity building activities related to food safety (CAF 05/3)”. The presenter highlighted the importance of food safety capacity building, the reference to capacity building in the WTO SPS and TBT Agreements, and the necessity of evaluating the capacity building needs related to each of the components of the food control system. The presenter emphasized that countries need to identify and prioritise their specific, urgent, and important capacity building needs in the area of food safety so that a systematic and effective programme can be implemented accordingly. Specific areas where coordination at the national, regional and international levels was needed, such as in public-private sector partnerships was outlined. Examples of potential areas for regional coordination were provided, and it was noted that many of these areas were included in the draft regional strategic plan for food safety. The need to ensure the long-term sustainability of the results of capacity building was also emphasized. A number of recommendations to improve the prioritisation and coordination of capacity building activities were presented, which are included in the appropriate section of the strategic plan.

19. The conference welcomed the document, thanked FAO for presenting the paper, and highlighted the essential role of capacity building in food safety in the African region.

20. The conference noted the diversity in the food safety situations and capacity building needs among the countries of the region, as well as the extenuating circumstances faced by some of the countries of the region. It recognized, however, that there are several common deficiencies requiring urgent attention and which could be addressed regionally. It emphasized the importance of political will and commitment as a prerequisite to any capacity building effort. The conference recognized the need to stress the connection between food safety and food security to further emphasize the significance of food safety to political leaders.

21. The conference underlined the importance of basing capacity building on a careful analysis and prioritization of actual needs and linking them to available resources, and it noted that FAO has developed a set of guidelines to assist in this needs assessment. The conference also considered the implementation of an integrated Biosecurity approach to food safety, animal and plant health in their respective countries, as well as the tools under development by FAO to implement such an approach.

22. The conference noted the various initiatives that the countries of the region are undertaking to strengthen their national food safety situation. Delegations also indicated their appreciation for the various capacity building initiatives in the region by FAO and WHO, as well as the need for well-developed, larger-scale, longer-term assistance. The conference emphasized that all areas of the food chain must be strengthened and that the various agencies within each country must continuously improve their working relationships and seek the best interest of the entire country in terms of food safety. Several specific areas where food safety capacity building is needed were outlined, including the education of all stakeholders in the food chain, strengthening consumer associations, laboratories, and in developing effective legislation.

23. The need for the conference to develop a clear, global vision for food safety in the region, rather than only making recommendations, was emphasized. The conference noted the necessity to plan the methods to use in implementing such vision, as well as the follow-up actions to assess its implementation. The conference also recognized the value of instating a follow-up committee to monitor progress in the region with regard to the vision. The development of a strategic plan for CCAfrica was also noted, as well as the need to ensure synergies between this plan and the regional food safety strategic plan.

24. The conference noted the difficulties in measuring the implementation of coordination/ collaboration/integration/networking efforts, but rather that evaluation of capacity building efforts should be based on outcomes.

25. Several delegations expressed their concern about sub-standard food imports that may be unfit for consumption. The conference noted that the Codex Code of Ethics for International Trade in Food was under revision by the Codex Committee on General Principles to reflect recent developments in relation to the WTO Agreements on SPS and TBT.

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