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You are asked to identify the THREE most important issues that relate to each of the questions or statements below. Each question relates to a subcomponent of one of the four sections (the numbering system is identical to that used in the text of the Assessment Tool). The Assessment Team should discuss the questions and agree on which are the three most important issues or responses by reaching a consensus within the Team.


1) Assessing programme relevance

Describe the three most important issues with regard to the adequacy and relevance of the programme's objectives.

2) Assessing programme targeting

If your programme is targeted, identify three ways by which you could improve the targeting system. If the programme is not targeted, identify three forms of targeting that could be used and state how these could reduce programme costs.

3) Assessing programme interventions

Identify three ways to improve the appropriateness and effectiveness of programme interventions.

4) Assessing community activities

Has the programme achieved, or is it working towards achieving, real community participation? If yes, list the programme's three main strengths in relation to community participation. If not, identify the programme's three main constraints to implementation of the participatory approach.

5) Assessing the effectiveness of community mobilizers

Identify three ways by which the performance of community mobilizers could be improved in the programme area.

6) Assessing programme management

Describe the three most important management issues that have confronted the programme.

7) Assessing programme monitoring and evaluation

Identify the three most important issues relating to the quality of the programme's monitoring (including participatory monitoring) and evaluation system.

8) Assessing programme linkages

Identify the three most supportive and useful partnerships that the programme has established, and describe briefly how they have influenced programme performance and impact.


1) Assessing the macropolicy environment

You have identified which policies and strategies relevant to nutrition exist in your country, which of these are actively implemented and whether monitoring is adequate. Now identify which three would most strengthen the macropolicy environment if better implemented, or if better implemented, as appropriate. You should state briefly also how these policies could help your programme.

2) Assessing the degree of intersectoral collaboration

Identify either the three greatest barriers to effective intersectoral collaboration in your country, or if you judge that such collaboration is effective, identify the three most important contributors to this success.

3) Assessing the level of government's resource commitment to nutrition

Identify the three most important constraints to increasing the resources for nutrition from the government.

4) Assessing the role and contribution of the international community

Identify three ways by which the international community could improve its support to nutrition in your country.

5) Assessing the adequacy of national technical expertise

Identify the three most important issues related to the adequacy of national technical expertise in nutrition, in your country.


1) Assessing the extent of diversity in the programme area

Identify the three most important issues relating to diversity that the programme has not taken into account.

2) Assessing the local food economy

Identify three ways in which the programme has accommodated or supported the local food economy.

3) Assessing levels of community development

Describe briefly how the programme can address the three most significant constraints to community development in the programme area.

4) Assessing access to basic services and technical expertise

Describe three ways in which the programme can improve, within its area, the quality of basic nutrition services and communities’ access to technical advice.

5) Assessing the adequacy of local development structures

What local development structures exist in the programme area? Identify three important issues with regard to their involvement in the community base of the programme.


1) Assessing programme resources

Which are the three most important resource constraints which may limit the programme's sustainability?

2) Assessing programme ownership

Has programme institutionalization been achieved? If yes, identify three reasons why this has occurred. If no, identify three reasons why it has not occurred.

3) Assessing the programme's ability to respond to future felt needs

How has the programme considered future needs and changing priorities?

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