Split, Croatia, 21–23 June 2005
The Eighth Annual Meeting of the Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (SIPAM) of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) Committee on Aquaculture (CAQ) was held in Split, Croatia, from 21 to 23 June 2005. The Meeting was organized and hosted by the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, the Croatian National SIPAM Centre. It was attended by the National Coordinators of eleven countries and officers from the SIPAM Regional Centre, FAO and the GFCM Secretariat. The full report of this meeting is available on the GFCM web site at http://www.fao.org/fi/body/rfb/GFCM/gfcm_home.htmas an information document (see GFCM/XXX/2006/Inf.13).
During the meeting the importance of timely and reliable aquaculture statistics and information was recognized as a priority for the development of the aquaculture sector in the region. The role played by SIPAM in this regard was fully acknowledged by the participants. A project proposal describing possible ways of revitalizing SIPAM in order to meet new requirements expected from the GFCM and the private sector was presented by the Secretariat.
Vlado Dadic, SIPAM
SIPAM National Coordinators, Split, Croatia
It was agreed that the conceptual and system-development tasks will be carried out under the full responsibility of the Mediterranean Fishery Statistics and Information System (MedFisis) project. Its staff and a recruited Information and Communications Expert in close collaboration with the GFCM Secretariat and the SIPAM Regional Office, and in consultation with selected SIPAM Member country experts, will re-design, supervise and implement the new information system. The databases, the portal and its potentialities will be reshaped according to new required functionality.
The FAO, the GFCM Secretariat and the SIPAM Regional Centre are grateful to all the participants, and the host country, for their contributions to a fruitful meeting, and wish all participants encouragement to continue cooperation for the improvement of the SIPAM Network.
For further details, please contact:
Alessandro Lovatelli at FIRI
e-mail:[email protected] or
Valerio Crespi at FIRI
e-mail: [email protected]
Vlado Dadic, SIPAM
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Croatian National SIPAM Centre
1 Information System for the Promotion of Aquaculture in the Mediterranean (www.faosipam.org)