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Accession countriesCountries with which the EU has an Accession Treaty and are due to join the EU on 1 January 2007 or 2008 - Bulgaria and Romania
Acquis communautaireThe body of EU legislation that has been built up since the Treaty of Rome, including the regulations and directives passed by the Council of Ministers and the judgements of the European Court of Justice
Candidate countriesCountries given candidate status by the EU - Croatia and Turkey
CAPCommon Agricultural Policy
ESUEuropean size unit - a measure of the size of farms. 1 ESU equals 1 200 euros of standard gross margin
EUEuropean Union
FADNFarm Accountancy Data Network
IACSIntegrated Administration and Control System for the payment of subsidies under the Common Agricultural Policy
LPISLand Parcel Information System
Member StateCountry that is a Member of the European Union
New Member StateCountries that joined the EU on 1 May 2004 - Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia
NPAANational Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis adopted by each EU applicant
RLRRural Land Register
SAPARDSpecial Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development
SGM Standard gross margin - an estimate of the income generated by a farming enterprise; equals the value of the output less the variable costs directly attributable to the enterprise
UAAUtilized agricultural area

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