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18. Short presentations were made by each of the experts attending the meeting. They highlighted their respective institutional and individual activities of relevance to environmental issues and aquaculture in the Mediterranean, for consideration in the framework of potential networking, coordination and future EAM activities. Summaries of the presentation made appear in Appendix E.

19. From the presentations made by the experts it emerged that numerous public and private environmental initiatives related to aquaculture development exist in the Mediterranean, implemented through various organizations, networks and projects.The role played by some of these institutions, such as The World Conservation Union (IUCN), the United Nations Environment Programme - Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP-MAP) and the International Centre for Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM) in organizing focus training activities was commended. Furthermore, a number of research institutions, such as the French Institute for Research on the Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER), and universities throughout the region are also engaged and/or host activities and networks dealing with aquaculture and environment issues in the Mediterranean, some funded by the EU. Few relevant examples of projects and networks are: MARAQUA, ECASA, SAMI, MedVegBIOFAQs, SPICOSA, and AQCESS3. National governmental initiatives on coastal zoning are also being implemented by some countries (e.g. Croatia) aiming at an integrated and planned process for the development of the aquaculture sector as a whole.

20. Participants concluded that there is a vast pool of scientific expertize in the region and noted that many ongoing activities involved the development of aquaculture impact models all the way from genes to an ecosystem approach for aquaculture management. They further shared the opinion that the issues at stake are of great importance for the future sustainable and integrated development of the sector. The re-establishment of EAM could play an important role in promoting an integration of the above mentioned initiatives. The experts finally recommended that the southern Mediterranean countries should be more involved in regional projects and environmental activities.

3 AQCESS : Aquaculture and Coastal, Economic and Social Sustainability ( Project funded by the EU FW5 on aquaculture-environment interactions.
BIOFAQS : BIOFiltration and Aquaculture: an evaluation of hard substrate deployment performance within mariculture developments ( Project funded by the EU FW5 on aquaculture-environment interactions.
ECASA : An “Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Aquaculture” is an EU funded Framework 6 RTD project with 16 research partners from 13 member states. It is the successor to several 4th and 5th Framework Programme projects which have helped to push forward the understanding of the effects of aquaculture on the environment especially in the Mediterranean (
MARAQUA : “Monitoring and Regulation of Marine Aquaculture” project funded under the EUFAIR programme. Aconcerted action to review existing information and the establishment of agreed guidelines for the monitoring and regulation of marine aquaculture (
MedVeg : Effects of nutrient release from Mediterranean fish farms on benthic vegetation in coastal ecosystems ( EU FW5 project on aquaculture-environment interactions.
MERAMED : Development of monitoring guidelines and modelling tools for environmental effects from Mediterranean aquaculture ( EU FW5 project on aquaculture-environment interactions.
SAMI : “Synthesis of Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystem Interactions” . EU Specific Support Action Project.
SPICOSA : “Systems approach framework to generate decision support tools that should assist European policy in finding sustainable solutions for coastal management” . Project leaded by Eilat University, Israel.

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