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The authors gratefully acknowledge the important contributions of many individuals in the aquaculture insurance market, and the international and national companies that provided information in support of the preparation of this review by completing the questionnaire shown in Annex 1. By request, these companies are not listed in order to maintain anonymity and to protect any commercially sensitive information.

We gratefully acknowledge also the excellent support provided to the review study by a number of FAO staff, including Dr Uwe Tietze and Dr Susana Siar (Fishing Technology Service), Dr Rohana Subasinghe and Dr Jia Jiansan (Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service), Dr Cécile Brugère, Dr Nathanael Hishamunda, Mr Ulf Wijkström and Ms Rachel Golder (Development Panning Service), Mr Jean-Francois Pulvenis de Séligny, Mr Hidenao Watanabe and Ms Giovanna Martone (Fishery Policy and Planning Division), Mr Ake Olofsson (Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Service) as well as by some resource persons in Viet Nam, Ms Nguyen Viet Ha and Dr Le Duc Minh. The financial contribution to the review study and this publication from the Development Planning Service (FIPP) and the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service (FIRI) is also acknowledged with appreciation. Finally, we would like to thank Ms Barbara Hall and Ms Françoise Schatto for their valuable assistance in preparing the document for publication.

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