FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 36, December 2006

FAO Aquaculture Newsletter No. 36

Aquaculture Management and Conservation Service
Fisheries and Aquaculture Department


Rome, December 2006

Table of Contents

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Driven by concerns that some forms of aquaculture are environmentally unsustainable, socially inequitable, and that products are not safe for consumers, there had been attempts, over the years, to respond to the consequent public perceptions and market requirements. Food safety standards were elevated and international trade regulations tightened. Policy and regulations governing environmental sustainability were put in place in many countries, requiring aquaculture producers to comply with more stringent environmental mitigation and protection measures. In order to respond to these environmental and consumer concerns on aquaculture production and to secure better market access, there is increasing interest in certification of aquaculture production systems, practices, processes and products from aquaculture.

In several countries, aquaculture producers are introducing environmental certification of aquaculture products, either individually or in a coordinated manner, to credibly demonstrate that their production practices are non-polluting, non-disease transmitting and/or non-ecologically threatening. Some countries are attempting to introduce state-mediated certification procedures to ensure that aquaculture products are safe to consume and farmed in accordance with certain environmental standards.

The Sub-Committee on Aquaculture, during its third session held in India in September 2006, while recognizing the value of certification for increasing public and consumer confidence in aquaculture production practices and products, also noted that some certification schemes have resulted in higher costs for producers without delivering significant price benefits to small-scale farmers. It was pointed out that the costs of such schemes could be disadvantageous to small-scale producers, including additional costs of market access. It was therefore recognized that there are different needs between small-scale and large-scale producers and these differences should be adequately addressed. The Sub-Committee commented that the emergence of a wide range of certification schemes and accreditation bodies was creating confusion amongst producers and consumers alike and thus the necessity for a more globally accepted norms for aquaculture production, which could provide better guidance, serve as basis for improved harmonization and facilitate mutual recognition and equivalence of such certification schemes.

Within the context of the application of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF), the Sub-Committee requested FAO to organise an Expert Consultation to make recommendations regarding the development of harmonised shrimp farming standards and review certification procedures for global acceptance and transparency, and to assist in elaborating the norms and reviewing the diverse options as well as relative benefits of these approaches.

The Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of FAO is reponding to this daunting task. FAO in partnership with the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Paciifc (NACA) and in collaboration with several governments, agencies and stakeholders drew up a consultative programme for developing aquaculture certification guidelines, which will be completed by September 2008. The details are available at http://www.enaca.org/modules/tinyd10/

Rohana Subasinghe
Chief Editor


FAN 36pdf



Highlights of the Third Session of COFI’s Sub-Committee
on Aquaculturepdf
Rohana P. Subasinghe

State of the World Aquaculture 2006 pdf
Rohana P. Subasinghe

Producing Safe Aquaculture Products in the Asia-Pacific
Jesper Clausen, Rohana Subasinghe, Lahsen Ababouch
and Simon Funge-Smith

FishCode: FAO’s Programme of Global Partnerships for
Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible
J. Eric Reynolds

Roles of Regional Fishery Bodies: Observations on the
Committee of Inland Fisheries for Africa (CIFA)pdf
John Moehl and Ndiaga Gueye

Recovery and sustainable development of aquaculture
industry in tsunami affected Aceh and Nias provinces in
P.A. Padiyar, W. Subachri, Pamudi, S. Raharjo,
M.J. Phillips and R.P. Subasinghe

Outcomes of the Twenty-ninth Session of the Asia-Pacific
Fishery Commission (APFIC)pdf
Simon Funge-Smith

Sixth Session of the FAO Advisory Committee on Fisheries
Research: Highlightspdf
Ndiaga Gueye

Outcomes of the FAO Expert Workshop on Freshwater
Seed as Global Resource for Aquaculturepdf
Melba B. Reantaso

Committee on Fisheries Third Session of the Sub-Committee
on Aquaculture Press Releasespdf

Committee on Fisheries Third Session of the Sub-Committee
on Aquaculture Photospdf

TCP/URU/3101: Plan Nacional de Desarollo de la Acuicultura pdf
Raymon Van Anrooy

Participation in the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture held in Indiapdf
Shallum Etpison

Sink or Swim: A roundtable discussion on aquatic genetic resourcespdf
Brian Harvey and Devin Bartley

Sustainable ocean-based giant clam farming development in Palaupdf

Addressing sustainability issues in Mediterranean aquaculture with a
more multi-disciplinary perspective through the GFCM-CAQ initiativespdf
Doris Soto and Alessandro Lovatelli

The 2nd International Symposium on Cage Aquaculture in Asia (CAA2)pdf
Matthias Halwart

TCP/PAK/3005 “Support to fishery sector policy and strategy
formulationin Pakistan” – from participatory policy formulation
to coordinated implementationpdf
Cecile Brugere

FAO, NACA, UNEP/GPA, WB and WWF Consortium on Shrimp
Farmingand the Environment receives the Green Award for its
International Principles for Responsible Shrimp Farmingpdf
Michael J. Phillips and Rohana P. Subasinghe

New Staff Profilepdf

New FAO Publicationspdf
Snapshots of FAO Aquaculture Newsletters