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The preparation of the Kenya Forestry Outlook Paper is an initiative between FAO, Forest Department and other land-use related sectors i.e. Agriculture, Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS), Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI), Energy, Service sectors e.g. Treasury and the Private Sector in forestry.

The process of developing this paper involved largely literature review, meetings, workshops, case studies and individual consultations with the country expertise. The compilation of this document covered a period of 3 months starting July 2000.

Currently, Kenya has elaborate management strategies for farm forestry and industrial forestry. However, within the natural/indigenous closed forests and dry-land forests, there is no elaborate management strategy other than some aspects of forest protection. Currently these forests are threatened with degradation and excisions as a result of land-use conflict resulting from a lack of a comprehensive land-use policy.

It is envisaged that if policy and institution reforms, management strategies, research programmes and new appropriate technologies are implemented within the short term, then the contribution of forestry sector to the economy will improve greatly.



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