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Altieri, Miguel. 1995. The Green Revolution revisited: New Needs, New Strategies. Ceres 154

Crowder, L. Van. 1996. Agricultural Extension for Sustainable Development. Article posted May 1996 on the SD Dimensions (Sustainable Development Department of FAO)

Degnbol, Poul. 1998. Fisheries Research in Development. Keynote paper presented at Conference on Fisheries Research in Developing Countries. The Research Council of Norway, Oslo, 21-22 October 1998

Dunham, R.A. 1995. The contribution of genetically improved aquatic organisms to global food security. Paper presented at the Kyoto Conference, Kyoto, Japan, 1995

FAO. 1997. Review of the State of World Aquaculture. FAO Fishery Cir. 886 (Rev. 1)

FAO. 1998. Fishery Statistics: Aquaculture production. Vol. 86/2, FAO Yearbook

Harrison, E. 1994. ‘Aquaculture in Africa, Socio-Economic Dimensions’; Recent advances in aquaculture, Vol. V

Hoffmann, V, J Lamers and AD Kidd. 2000. Reforming the organization of agricultural extension in Germany: Lessons for other countries. ODI Agricultural Research and Extension Network, Network Paper No. 98 (January 2000), 16 pp

Eigen, Peter. 1998. Message from Transparency International, delivered at the Conference on Corruption and Integrity Improvement Initiatives in the Context of Developing Economies, Berlin, Germany, April 1998

Moore, M and J Putzel. 1999. Politics and Poverty: A background paper for the World Development Report 2000/1

Paone, Sergio. 2000. Industrial disease: The risk of disease transfer from farmed salmon to wild salmon. A Friends of Clayoquot Sound Report. April 2000. Website:

Richmond, Caroline. 1989. Consciousness and intelligence. Chapters 5, 6 in The human machine. Guild Publishing, West Germany

Roberts, RJ and JF Muir. 1995. 25 years of world aquaculture: sustainability, a global problem, p.167-181. In H. Reinertsen and H. Haaland (eds.) 1995. Sustainable fish farming. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Sustainable Fish Farming, Oslo, Norway, 28-31 August 1994. Rotterdam, A.A. Balkema. 307 pp

Satia, B. 1989. A regional survey of the aquaculture sector in Africa South of the Sahara. FAO. Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme, Rome, ADCP/REP/89/36

Shehadeh, ZH and M Pedini. 1995. Issues and Challenges. FAO review on Website:

Subasinghe, R. 2000. Fish Health and Quarantine. The FAO Website

Vo-Tong Xuan. 1998. From farming systems research to a CBNRM research agenda: Its usefulness in Vietnam. International Development and Research Centre Project Publications Website, (Date posted: 18 April 1998)

Westlund, Lena. 1995. Apparent historical consumption and future demand for fish and fishery products - Exploratory calculations. Paper presented at the Kyoto Conference.

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