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(Item 13 of the Agenda)

a) Other Business

138. The Commission visited in the afternoon of 4 November 1998 the historic town of Richmond and the Bonorong Wildlife Reserve. This was an opportunity for countries’ delegates to observe Australian native animals, especially the endangered species.

139. The Commission appreciated the positive response of the delegates to the invitation of the Secretariat for them to bring copies of their statistical publications and materials for exhibition during the Session.

140. The Commission took the opportunity to observe a major Australian cultural event, the horse race for the Melbourne Cup, during the afternoon coffee break on 3 November 1998.

b) Venue of the Eighteenth Session of APCAS

141. Indonesia volunteered to host the Eighteenth Session of APCAS, planned for the year 2000. The head of Indonesia’s delegation invited the Commission to meet in his country for its next Session. The Commission welcomed this offer by acclamation and conveyed its thanks to the Government of Indonesia. It requested the Secretariat to pursue the matter with the relevant authorities.

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