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Fishpond operations like procurement of supplies and equipment, management of fish stocks and marketing of products depend on the ability of the caretaker. A small fishpond operation up to 20 hectares can be a family undertaking. For a medium operation, two or more hired men may be necessary. For a big operation of 100 hectares or more, a complete organization will be necessary, as in the following chart:

A manager of a brackishwater fishfarm, should have either both a formal education, and training and experience in the field. Fishery graduates with inland fisheries or aquaculture as a major field are usually qualified to handle this business. Having studied the physiology of fishes as well as cultural technique, they would find less difficulty in managing or operating a fish farm. A business or economics major is helpful in fishfarm management.

Most fishpond operators, especially those with only a few hectares, do not have fishery graduates working in their fishponds, but rely on persons with experience to manage fishfarms. A number of good fishfarm managers and caretakers are employed in the provinces of Cavite, Rizal, Bulacan, Pampanga, and on the islands of Panay and Negros, where fish production in fishponds is well advanced.

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