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5. Conclusions

Of all tree species originally grown for non-wood purposes, rubber, coconut and oil palm are planted most extensively. The area under coconut, rubber and oil palm is currently about 12.0, 9.7 and 6.0 million hectares, respectively. All grow in the humid tropics and have their biggest concentrations in Asia. All three are grown principally for other products rather than wood and so when mature and the stands need replacing the stems are available for other industries at minimal cost.

Only for rubberwood stems has a well established industry and a major international market developed. Rubberwood is extensively used for a variety of purposes ranging from furniture through to woodfuel. Coconut wood from the older taller varieties is sawn and the low-grade utility timber is used on a small scale. The newer small varieties have no potential as sawn timber. Oil palm is of even lower quality than coconut wood and currently unused.

However, because of the considerable volumes available, all three will probably be utilized more in the future. The best outlook is for rubberwood.

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