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ABARE & Jaakko Poyry 1999. Global outlook for plantations. ABARE research report 99.9, Commonwealth of Australia, 107 pp.

Ball, J. & Pandey, D. 1998. The role of industrial plantations in future global fibre supplies. Unasylva, Vol. 49, No. 193. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 7pp.

Brown, C. & Ball, J. 2000. World view of plantation grown wood. XXI IUFRO World Conference, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), August 2000. Invited paper.

Campinhos, E. 1994. Sustainable management of plantation forest in the tropics and subtropics. in, Readings in Sustainable Forest Management Forestry Paper No. 122. FAO. Rome.

FAO 1995. Forest Resources Assessment 1990, Global Synthesis. FAO Forestry Paper 124. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 46pp.

FAO 1997. FAO Yearbook: Forest Products 1995. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 442 pp.

FAO 2000, Global Forest Products Outlook Study: Thematic Study on Plantations by Brown, C. Working Paper No. GFPOS/WP/03. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 129 pp.

Leech, J. 1998. (unpublished). Indicative estimates of hardwood volumes for the project "hardwood plantations in the tropics and subtropics". Project: GCP/INT/628/UK. Available from Forest Resources Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 40pp.

Pandey, D. 1997. (unpublished). Hardwood Plantations in the Tropics and Subtropics: Tropical Forest Plantation Areas 1995. Project: GCP/INT/628/UK. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 64 pp.

Shushuai, Z., Tomberlin, D. & Buongiorno, J. 1998. Global forest products consumption, production, trade and prices: Global Forest Products Model projections to 2010. Working Paper No. GFPOS/WP/01. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 333 pp.

UN/ECE-FAO 2000. Forest Resources of Europe, CIS, North America, Australia, Japan and New Zealand. UN-ECE/FAO Contribution to the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000. United Nations, New York and Geneva, 445 pp.

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