There are several new developments in pen enclosure culture. These can be verified from a perusal of the various aquaculture publications now being releasednotably the popular News Magazines, such as “Fish Farming International”. Often they are released as proposals for new ventures and at times as success already achieved, while some are announcements for sale of materials for new ventures. While all the information so available cannot be authenticated it would be useful for these venturing into enclosure culture at any level, extensive or any high intensive, to see these publications and gather as much information as possible. We have not reported much of these developments in the present series, but this does not mean t that we disregard them.
Aquaculture is a most advacing field in the world now. While rural developments in agriculture and aquaculture would normally receive priority in developing countries, the developed countries are going in high investments and high technology hoping for and often yielding high profits. While the latter may not be easily feasible in most developing countries (but nothing prevents willing investors anywhere to venture and succeed) one could still benefit much by understanding of these high technologies, for, alea always these have to be adapted to suit the species in question and would involve sound aquaculture principles. The warm environment of the tropics would always remain as a major incentive for starting aquaculture venture for those who have the capacity and will.