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Bisschop, S.P.R. 1994. Role of fodder trees in livestock production in Zululand. In Michael Underwood, ed. Workshop report. Agroforestry/social forestry Workshop, South Africa.

DWAF. 1995. South Africa's National Forestry Action Programme, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria.

DWAF. 1995. Towards a policy for sustainable forest management in South Africa: a discussion paper, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria.

Donald, D.G.M & Jacobs, C.B. 1994 Treatment and Statistics of Exotic Tree Seed. In Van der Sijde H.A.N.B., Ed. Forestry handbook. South African Institute of Forestry, Pretoria.

Esterhuyse, C.J. 1994. Agroforestry. In van der Sijde H.A.N.B., ed. Forestry handbook. South African Institute of Forestry, Pretoria.

Geldenhuys, C.J. 1999. Southern African forests: their biogeography, conservation and utilisation. In Proceedings of the MAB/UNESCO regional Seminar on forests of the humid tropics of South and South East Asia, Kany, Sri Lanka, 19-22 March 1996. p. 143-170.

Plant for life. 1996. Biomass Initiative comes to an end. The Biomass Initiative Newsletter, Department of Mineral and Energy Affairs, 6th edition, April 1996.

Van der Zel, D.W. 1994. Forest Policy and forest legislation in South Africa. In Van der Sijde H.A.N.B., ed. Forestry handbook. South African Institute of Forestry, Pretoria.

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