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Essential bibliography

General works

Anselmi, N. (1991). La défense du peuplier contre les maladies dans ses aspects écologiques. Ann. Fac. Sci. Agr. Univ. Torino 16: 199-211.

Anselmi, N. (1996). Poplar disease situation in southern Africa. Proc. XX Session of the International Poplar Commission, 1-4 Oct. 1996, Budapest (ed. I. Bach), vol. I, 100-103. I.P.C.: Budapest.

Bohár, G. (1996). Diseases on poplar in central Europe. Proc. XX Session of the International Poplar Commission, 1-4 Oct. 1996, Budapest (ed. I. Bach), vol. I, 104-110. I.P.C.: Budapest.

Cellerino, G.P. (1986). Evoluzione delle malattie del pioppo in Italia e strategie di lotta. Ann. Acc. Agric. Torino 128: 1-14.

Eckenwalder, J.E. (1996). Systematics and evolution of Populus. In Biology of Populus and its Implications for Management and Conservation (eds. R.F. Stettler, H.D. Bradshaw, Jr., P.E.Heilman & T.M. Hinckley), 7-32. NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada: Ottawa (ON).

Groupe de Travail des Maladies de la C.I.P. (1981). Les maladies des peupliers, 199 pp. Association Forët-Cellulose: Champagne sur Seine.

Hawksworth, D.L., Kirk, P.M., Sutton B.C. & Pegler, D.N. (1995). Ainsworth & Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi (VIII edn.), XII-616 pp. International Mycological Institute, CAB International: Cambridge (U.K.)

Lanier, L., Joly, P., Bondoux, P. & Bellemère, A. (1976). Mycologie et Pathologie Forestières (tome II), 332-377. Masson: Paris.

Mehrotra, M.D. & Pandey, P.C. (1996). An overview of the diseases of poplars including newly introduced ones in northern India. Proc. XX Session of the International Poplar Commission, 1-4 Oct. 1996, Budapest (ed. I. Bach), vol. I, 111-118. I.P.C.: Budapest.

Newcombe, G. (1996). The specificity of fungal pathogens of Populus. In Biology of Populus and its Implications for Management and Conservation (eds. R.F. Stettler, H.D. Bradshaw, Jr., P.E.Heilman & T.M. Hinckley), 223-246. NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada: Ottawa (ON).

Newcombe, G.(1998). A review of exapted resistance to diseases of Populus. Eur. J. For. Path. 28: 209-216.

Pinon, J. & Valadon, A. (1996). Comportement des cultivars de peupliers commercialisables dans l'Union Européenne vis-à-vis de quelques parasites majeurs. Proc. XX Session of the International Poplar Commission, 1-4 Oct. 1996, Budapest (ed. I. Bach), vol. I, 119-133. I.P.C.: Budapest.

Spiers, A.G. (1998). Melampsora and Marssonina pathogens of poplars and willows in New Zealand. Eur. J. For. Path. 28: 233-240.

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