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Appendix 2: Forest assessment

Topics include: Inventories, early warming systems (especially fires), monitoring systems.

Achard, F. Malingreau, JP. 1999. TREES. Monitoring Tropical Vegetation Unit, JRC, TP 440, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy.

Document availability: Tropical Ecosystem Environmental Observation by Satellite, TREES home page.
Monitoring change in the forests of the tropical belt by remote sensing. TREES is developing techniques for a global tropical forest inventory using AVHRR and ERS-1 as the main source of data supplemented by high resolution optical data. They are also developing techniques for the detection and monitoring of the active deforestation areas and measurement of deforestation rates in critical areas. A comprehensive Tropical Forest Information System is being developed to support the modelling of tropical deforestation dynamics.

Method and model: Monitoring tropical forests using remote sensing, intensive data collection


CIAT-UNEP. 1999. Environmental And Sustainability Indicators. CIAT Homepage.

Document availability:
Presents a conceptual framework that facilitates the analysis and monitoring of the environmental impact of development projects and programs. The author’s hypothesis is that for any pressure (or use) of the forest resources, the quality and quantity of the resource will change, with consequent impact on society. Society will respond to that impact and will create new technologies as an adaptation, which will cause new pressure on the resource, re-initiating the cycle.

Methods and models: Sustainability models, Land Use Change Analysis (LUCAS), Agriculture and Environmental Geographic Information System (AEGIS), Integrated Model to Assess the Greenhouse effect (IMAGE), Toward a fully integrated model of the global dynamics for the analysis of sustainable development (TARGET), Dynamic GIS Sustainable Development model (GIS-SD), Ecological Change Model Gallopin/Winograd.


Lund, G. 1997. IUFRO. Primer on Designing Arid Land and Gallery Forest Resources. University of Brasilia. Brazil.

Document availability: IUFRO virtual library: (


Herbohn J. et al 1997 Financial Models for Small Scale Farm Forestry. Kyoto University. Japan.

Document availability: IUFRO virtual library (

Case studies on sustainable management of small scale forestry

Models and Methods: Financial models for small scale farm forestry in Japan


Kaimowitz, D., Angelsen A. 1998. Economic Models of Tropical Deforestation. Indonesia. Conference on Assessment and monitoring of forests in Tropical Dry Regions with special reference to galley forest. Indonesia.

Document availability: IUFRO virtual library (
The document presents several models and methods to determine the basis for degradation of arid and gallery forests The author reviewed 150 models that propose to explain the causes of deforestation. The author found that multicountry regression models have limited value in making global recommendations. He recommends a shift of analysis from the global toward household and regional level studies.


Salver, R. et al. 1999. Global Forest FireWatch: Wildfire Potential, Detection, Monitoring and Assessment. UNEP.

Document availability: Population And Environmental Linkages (; UNEP (
Mapping of potential fires, detection of fire starts, monitoring of fire movement and assessment of the impact of wildfire at regional and global scales. Describes the Global Forest Fires Watch System, using earth observation technologies and local expert knowledge. Based on vegetation maps, satellite images and weather information systems.


World Conservation Monitoring Center. 1999. Information web page.

Document availability: WCMC (
The forest program of WCMC, in collaboration with IUCN and CIFOR, is developing a Biodiversity Map Atlas of Tropical Forests. It includes information on forests, projects and protection status.


WCMC. 1999. Strategic Planning. June 1999.

Document availability: WCMC (,e-mail [email protected]

Provision of forest information as required.

Working with WWF, UICN, UNEP, IIED, FAO, IPF, and ITTO to compile data and provide relevant information at international, regional and national levels.

Working with the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology and FAO on the feasibility of developing a general global nomenclature for land cover and land use.

Forest Resource Accounting* (FRA) forest monitoring system at national level.

Global overview of forest cover through the Biodiversity Map Library.

Low forest cover: needs a requirement from countries.

System of analysis of world’s forests.**

Conservation and management of trees.

Forest indicators.

Contribution to Global Forest Resources Assessment 2000: Giving advice on parameters to enhance ecological information values and functions of forests.

*Forest Resource Accounting is a pilot study in Ecuador, Guyana, Indonesia and Pakistan. Forest Resource Accounting keeps down the cost of information usage by focusing on what is essential, i.e. information to set, achieve and review forest policy and management goals. Forest resource accounting focuses on three areas of information: the supply of forest assets, the demand for forest goods and services and the use of forest resources.

**Forest condition and diversity including plantations and natural forest; incorporation of mapped information on world-wide human population distribution and density to analyse forest distribution, fragmentation, type and condition in relation to population data.


Secondary sources

FAO-FO. 1997. SOFO. Situacion de los bosques del mundo. Departamento de Montes. Rome.

Document available: FAO Forestry Library

FAO. Global Forest Resource Assessment 1990. 1995. Wilcox B. Duin. Potential forest cover differences as a global indicator. Draft report. Institute for sustainable development. Rome.

National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration NASA. 1999. Global Fire Monitoring. USA.

Document availability: NASA

USA global change research program focuses on fires that particularly impact forests and grassland. USA, Mexico, Brazil, Africa, Indonesia, Boreal forests. Satellite monitoring through the Earth Observing System

Noss, R.F. 1999. Assessing and monitoring forest biodiversity: a suggested framework. Forest Ecology and Management. 115, no 2-3:135-46.

Document available: CGIAR-IPGRI (

Forest ecology and management.

Reed N., Cooperrider A. 1994. Saving Nature’s Legacy. Protecting and restoring biodiversity. Washington USA.

Singh K.D., A.W. Marzoli. 1995. Deforestation Trends in the Tropics: a time series analysis. Document Presented at Conference WWF. Puerto Rico.

UNEP compilation. 1999 Environmental Disasters. UNEP-Homepage.

Document availability: Population And Environmental Linkages (, UNEP (

Compilation of information resources on environmental disasters including global detection of forest fires. Maps data, images, articles and other links.

World Resources Institute. 1999. The Problems of Forest Loss. WRI-Homepage.

Document availability: WRI (

Links related to forest data, forest type and forest loss.

World Resources Institute. 1997. Volume on global environmental and natural resource conditions and trends for the United Nations. USA.

Document Availability: Population And Environmental Linkages (, WRI: (

WRI. UNEP, UNDP, WB. Based on FAO- Global Forests Assessment 1990. Global Synthesis. FAO Forestry papers 124. Rome 1995.

Presents a summary of the FAO FRA 1990 and a summary of the forest policy instruments (UNCED convention, World Commission on Forest and Sustainable Development, CITES). International document.

WRI. UNEP. UNDP. WB. 1996. World Resources 1996-1997. Oxford University Press. USA.


Other related documents

Winograd M. 1996 Desarrollo y uso de indicadores ambientales para la planificacion y la toma de desiciones en la Coporacion Autonoma Regional de Risaralda Marco Conceptual y Aplicacion. CIAT. Documento de Trabajo 160. Cali

Winograd M., Eade J. 1996. Report on Preliminary Inventory on environmental and sustainability data availability, databases and digital maps for Latin America and the Caribbean. Working Paper. CIAT/UNEP. Colombia. (also in Spanish)



Achard F., D'Souza, G. 1994. Collection and Pre-Processing of NOAA AVHRR 1 km resolution Data for Tropical

D'Souza, G. (in prep). NOAA-AVHRR 1 km Classification Results for Latin America, TREES Series B : Research Reports nº3, forthcoming .

Forest Resources Assessment. TREES Series A : Technical Document nº 2, EUR - 16055 EN, European Commission, Luxembourg, 56p.

JRC. 1991. Strategy Proposal 1991-1993 Part 1 : AVHRR data collection and analysis. TREES Series A : Technical Document nº 1, EUR - 14026 EN, European Commission, Luxembourg, 20 p.

JRC. (in prep). TREES Conference proceedings held in Belgirate, Italy, October 1993, TREES Series C : General Reports nº1.

JRC (in prep). TREES ERS-1 Study' 94 - Proceedings of the final workshop held at Ispra on 23-24 February 95, TREES Series C : General Reports nº 2.

Lambin, E.1994, Modelling deforestation Processes - A review. TREES Series B : Research Reports nº1, EUR - 15744 EN, European Commission, Luxembourg, 113 p

Mayaux, P., Lambin, E.(in press). Estimation of tropical forest area from coarse spatial resolution data : a two-step correction function for proportional errors due to spatial aggregation. Accepted for publication in Remote Sensing of Environment.

SCOT-Conseil (in prep), Catalogue of forest/non forest interfaces, TREES Series B : Research Reports nº2, forthcoming May 1995, 90 p.

Traub, B. et al (in prep). Statistical aspects of the TREES stratification and calibration methodology. TREES Series B : Research Reports nº3.

WCMC-EOS 1995. TREES-1 products presentation CD-ROM, JRC June 1995

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